Chapter 134 Refined soldiers and simplified administration, five hundred thousand! (give a subscription support)

“Please see your majesty!”

The hundreds of civil and military officials in the line up, standing together in the middle of the hall, cupped hands toward the emperor in front of them.

Compared with the previous courts, three new faces have been added, the deputy chief of the court—Li You, and the staff of Huangmen, Xiao He and Chen Ping.

“All the officials exempted the courtesy”

Sitting high on the side of the dragon, Ying Che made a vacant gesture and said straightly.

“The ministers thanked your majesty for the grace.”

When the courts of monarchs and ministers before the meeting ended, Manchu civil and military turned around and stepped into their corresponding positions.

“Since the Great Qin swept across the world, and the Nanping Lingnan was destroyed by Jizi (Early Moon), wherever Bingfeng went, it was the Qin soil, and the foundation of the Jiangshan community

“Therefore, I am determined to promote the national policy of leaning troops and simplifying administration as the next policy of Da Qin.”

While speaking, Ying Che paused briefly, and looked around the civil and military officials in the hall.

“No, your Majesty would like to have a more refined army and a simple administration?”

Listening to such shocking words, Manchu Civil and Martial Arts were directly stunned. Doesn’t the underlying meaning mean that it is equivalent to a major disarmament?

You must know that military expenditures account for half of the central government’s finances, and sometimes even more.

“From what your Majesty said, shouldn’t it mean that you want to abolish martial arts?”

The worries that I couldn’t let go of before, once again rushed to Li Xin’s heart, even more intense than last time.

“General Li has been worried too much. If your Majesty wants to abolish military force with civility, he definitely won’t form an army, let alone a declaration of the destruction of World War I?”

Wei Liao, who was also a member of the military, showed a smile instead, without the slightest worries of the former.

There was the Zhe Chong Army as a pilot and later measures to isolate the Huns.Why would the emperor abolish Da Qin’s martial arts?

“Refining troops and simplifying administration is in the final analysis disarmament. Taking the Daqin Million Army as an example, it is still facing a shortage of troops, let alone after the reform?,

I heard that Li Xin not only didn’t let go of his worries about this, but he was also very puzzled.

Disarmament has many impacts, which will inevitably lead to the eagerness of forces outside the Senegal, and it will also lead to internal instability.

“Next, let’s look at the speech of the staff of Huangmen, that is, the majesty personally instructed.”

Without directly answering the question just now, Wei Liao shifted his gaze to the left. It was the two of Xiao He in the rank of civil servants.

“okay then!

Wei Liao’s view of the overall situation can be described as first-class. So far, he has hardly missed it once, and Li Xin had to wait patiently for the following.

“Could it be that your Majesty really intends to abolish martial arts with civility?”

Compared with the restless military, many civil servants headed by Feng Quji were much happier. It would be great if they could really improve their status.

As for the gang who only knows how to fight and kill, it’s okay to have a lower status, and it doesn’t need to go to war every year.

“It’s too naive, your Majesty’s eyes are so long-term, how can he lose big because of small?”

Seeing the careful thinking of many ministers, Guiguzi Wang Xu shook his head, taking the problem too simple.

“Your Majesty, the old minister dared to ask, why is it so good?”

When it comes to military issues, Wang Jian, who is a senior in the military, can only come forward on behalf of their generals and enter the way.

Of course, considering that he had stated his position to the emperor before, it could only be inquiries, and could not make the low-level mistake of opposing.

“Xiao Qing, read it out.

Hearing that, Ying Che naturally did not have a reason to hide and tuck, and instead said.

“Your Majesty, generals, sirs, and your subordinates briefly talk about the reform strategy this time.”

“I Daqin now has millions of troops and is responsible for all battles both inside and outside, and after the disarmament, that’s a field force of more than half a million.”

Standing in the court for the first time in his life, Xiao He appeared rather calm, and gave a preliminary account of the disarmament situation.

“What, 500,000 cuts in one fell swoop?”

The action is to disarm half of the army, not the generals such as Li Xin and Wang Jian, even the civil servants such as Feng Quji and Li Si were shocked.

Even with the original millions of troops, it was extremely difficult to suppress the entire world, not to mention the embarrassing situation of deploying without troops.

With an army of only half a million, can it really guard the territory of Nuo Da?

“Your Majesty, the minister thinks that it is not indispensable to streamline the troops and simplify administration. It is just that if the army is cut down by 500,000, our national defense will reach the lowest point in history.”

Before he could think about it anymore, Li Xin went out for the first time and said quickly.

“Xiao Qing, keep reading.”

I understand why the courtier felt anxious, but Ying Che didn’t worry too much, but instead gave orders to Xiao He.

“In addition, we will establish a force of millions of dollars to guard all parts of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Without forgetting the emperor’s previous instructions, Xiao He did not reveal all the contents of the bamboo slips, this time he said briefly.

It is not realistic to expound it all at once, and it requires a little bit of understanding by courtiers, and then full support at the end.

“”The millions of Zhe Chong army, don’t they just change their names, it makes no difference, right?

After listening to the sentence just now, Li Xin, Wang Li, Feng Quji and others were confused. Where is the army of 1.5 million troops and simple administration.

“Could it be that your Majesty wants to establish a second-line army that is different from the field troops and can guard all places?”

Anyhow, after living for most of his life, Wang Jian’s thinking suddenly became clear, thinking thoughtfully.

“A half-million field army, plus a million foldable army, will not be so simple to disarm.”

Regarding this, Li Si sorted out from the beginning to the end, and compared the words one by one, and found the strangeness in it.

Speaking of specifics, I really can’t tell what it is. I only know that the regular field army cannot be as many as 1.5 million.

Otherwise, it is bound to directly crush the central finance!

“What does the emperor want to do?”

It was said that it was a large-scale disarmament of reduced troops and simplified administration, but in fact it was a massive increase in troops and Feng Quji, who was stuck in a dead-end thinking, forgot (hao Zhao) to remember the key information for a while.

“Your Majesty, what is the difference between the field regular army and the zhejiang army?,

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Jian strode forward a few times, please play.

Xiao He spoke on behalf of the emperor, and step by step told the core of disarmament. He was not the real decision maker.

“Could it be that the disarmament is the regular field army, while the Zhechong army is for military service?”

When I heard this, Li Xin and Wang Li, who were not political idiots, and Feng Quji, who had experienced the storm, suddenly thought of the real problem.

I have to say that part of the founding civil and military was not for dry food. After a series of words, they realized the intention of disarmament.

“No wonder Dad always tells me that if you want to be a winner in court politics, you must think more than others.”

Seeing the clear group of founding civil and military forces, Li You couldn’t help feeling a little bit.

PS: First!.

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