Chapter 177 Useless waste, live on the spot! (give a subscription support)

“This is the greatest shame of the Xiongnu, I will kill Emperor Qin with my own hands!”

It should be that he learned of something extraordinary, Zuo Ting Wang Mouton directly overturned a lot of lamb, and roared angrily on the spot.

Emperor Qin and Da Qin deceived people so much that they cut off the head of the Xiongnu who was only a part-time father of the Xiongnu, and they also specially paraded the streets to show the public.

“King Zuo Ting calmed down his anger. I think I first ask how the messenger group is doing things.”

Looking at the angry son of Shan Yu, the middle-aged scribe Guan Liang understood that someone needed to come out and suffer the death penalty.

“Quite your anger, calm your anger, the messenger group is just a stupid pig.”

“Don’t say anything else, cut them off first, and blame them for not redeeming the big orders in time.”

“Besides, Da Shan died without a whole body before his death. That Da Qin is too hateful.”

For a time, the big and small leaders in the tent were extremely angry, and the “two and one zero” were eager to enter the hinterland of Daqin.

They Xiongnu dominated the grassland of Mobei for many years. Whenever they have suffered such humiliation, they must ask Daqin to get it back.

“With such ample time, why can’t I redeem the big order!”

Even if there was not as much anger as Mouton, King Right Court–Gui A frowned and asked rhetorically.

In addition to bringing back bad news, what else can the twenty-odd messengers do?

“The newspaper, according to the latest and reliable news, the envoys sent to Qin Jing once kneeled in the street, from daytime to evening.”

It may be that he felt extremely angry. The scout who came to report the news was full of murderous intent for their actions.

Suddenly hearing such a news, the high-level Huns present were stunned, thinking that they had all heard it wrong.

The influence of not redeeming Dadanyu has been quite bad, and now telling them that the envoys kneeled to Daqin, it really lost the face and reputation of the Xiongnu.

“As long as the messengers who have been to Daqin, they all kill me, they are useless!”

Originally on the verge of rage, Mao Dun couldn’t bear it anymore and said murderously.

“I didn’t expect that they would actually do this, just like looking for death.”

Intuitively feeling the murderous aura, Guan Liang wiped off his sweat subconsciously, shook his head and thought.

If Da Shanyu is successfully redeemed, it may be okay for the mission to do so, but Da Shanyu still tragically died in Qin, it is impossible for more than 20 people to die.

“The prestige that the Xiongnu has accumulated over the years has been completely destroyed. I really want to kill those people by myself.”

When I think of the news spreading in the grassland Mobei, Guia’s mind is weak, and scenes of ridicule are forbidden to appear.

Think about their Huns in the grassland of Mobei. At any rate, they are two forces that stand side by side with the Yue clan, but now they are reduced to a big joke.

“Those useless wastes killed the Huns, killed them, killed them

A short sentence detonated the strong killing intent of the big and small leaders, not even one person begged for the messenger group.

“Yes, yes, right and left the king of the court and the leaders.”

At the moment, the scout shouted three times in a row, obviously he couldn’t wait to kill the envoy group.

“Wait, I’m going to personally kill the representative of the envoy group, Shan Tuji.

No less than discrediting the entire Huns, Mao Dun, who was burning with anger, called the scouts, intending to solve the Dan Tuji with his own hands in order to vent his own hatred.

Redemption or not redemption depends on Da Qin’s attitude. The possibility of success is unlikely, and he can barely accept it, but kneeling cannot tolerate it.

“Yes, Zuo Ting Wang.

For the requirements of the son of Da Dan Yu, everyone present would naturally not object to it, but wanted to see the scene of the live chopping single dart pole.

Because everyone believed that without Shan Tuji’s consent to kneel down, how dare the other envoys?

“Left and right court kings, dear leaders, we are to redeem the big orders, so we have no choice but to make the last move.”

Having been unable to get the summons of the king of the court for a long time, Shan Tuji understood the reason very well and had to bite the bullet and step forward.

“Well, I just want to ask you, where is Da Shanyu?”

Ignoring the so-called statement, Mouton’s anger became thicker, and he asked in a cold tone.

“As long as Da Shanyu is brought back, everything that happened in Qin, we can treat it as not happening.

Seeing that the other party is still supporting, a group of big and small leaders sneered one after another, and their arms were slowly pulling out their scimitars.

“This, this”

Not only Shan Tuji himself, but the other twenty or so envoys who were envoys to Da Qin, burst into cold sweats representing fear.

At this moment, I finally realized that several of them had been played by Da Qin, and they were still facing the situation of killing their own people.

“It’s fine if you can’t redeem the big order, and let the Huns suffer such a big humiliation, go to death!!

The more I thought about it, the more indignant he became, and Mao Dun suddenly drew out a leader’s scimitar, using his best to slash towards the opponent from the front.


He broke his arm alive, and his single-projected eyeballs couldn’t help but squeeze out, suffering extremely great pain.

The whole body couldn’t help trembling, and the palms were tightly held, almost fainting on the spot.

“Tell you to kneel to Da Qin, and you can’t redeem Da Shan Yu.”

Hearing the scream, Mao Dun did not hesitate, and continued to chop towards the other half of his arm.


The sound of puffy puffs one after another, and the scimitar easily cuts through the fragile flesh and blood body, until the head of the single protrusion pole is cut off.

However, perhaps because of Da Qin, the killing intent revealed did not decrease much.

“The king of the court is not our business, it is none of our business, it is only one person threatening us.”

The single sudden death on the spot frightened the rest of the messengers, and he pushed the mistake to one person, trying to bring himself a chance to save his life.

“Keeping it is also a shame to the Huns. Come and kill them one by one!”

In this regard, Mouton completely ignored dozens of people’s begging for mercy and said directly.

“Because of you, the Xiongnu became a joke in the grassland Mobei, go to death.”

“Go to die, go to die, go to die”

Except for the big and small leaders and the King of the Right Court present, there is no exception to the counsellor Guan Liang 1.0, so how stupid to plead for those who are dying.

“The king of the court, let us go, it’s really none of our business, please.

It was impossible to escape, and it was too late to be surrounded. The messengers who had participated in kneeling cried.

“No one can escape the trash who brought shame to the Huns.”

Facing the repeated begging for mercy, the Huns cavalry, who was also full of anger, raised the scimitar in his hand and began to slay them.

After killing all the envoys of the leader of Shan Tuji, he continued to kill all the envoys who had been to Daqin in accordance with the instructions of Zuo Ting King Moudun.

At that moment, nearly a hundred dead souls were added, and the corpses were taken to feed the wolves.

Those eyes with unsatisfied eyes seemed to indicate a word that the Emperor Qin had said before. They didn’t need to do anything at all. Someone was willing to replace it after returning. .

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