Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 138 : Cao Cao: With The Reward From Heaven, I Want To Catch Joe Alive! (Please Subscribe For

Chapter 138: Cao Cao: With the reward from heaven, I want to catch Big and Big Joe alive!

Great Wei.

In the palace.

After Cao Cao saw the various rewards issued by Tiandao, he was extremely excited and happy.

I was so excited that I couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

"Hahaha, that's great! I, Dawei, have finally been rewarded by the Dao of Heaven.

"The strength of tiger and leopard cavalry has been enhanced dozens of times.

"The old man's lifespan has also increased by a hundred years, wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

Cao Cao laughed out loud and almost jumped up with excitement.

For so many days, the mood that has been depressed has been swept away in an instant, replaced by incomparable excitement.

Feeling the changes brought about by the rewards of the heavenly way, the body is refreshed.

The brain disease that has plagued me for many years has also been completely cured.

"The Heavenly Dao reward is really amazing, it seems like I've become decades younger all of a sudden!"

Cao Cao looked around his body excitedly. Although his appearance didn't change much, he could clearly feel that his spirit and strength were several times stronger than before.

The whole person seems to have endless energy.

The ambition in my heart was stimulated again, and Cao Aman, who once wanted to unify the Three Kingdoms and establish a great cause for thousands of years, came back.

Now, the overall strength of Great Wei is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Especially the combat effectiveness of the army, compared with before, it is simply a shotgun for a cannon.

This also made Cao Cao more confident.

"Eastern Wu and Western Shu, the time for you two hot chickens to die is coming soon."

"There are also Ma Chao and Lu Bu, these two little things, let's kneel down and wait for death!"

Standing on the high platform, Cao Cao was in high spirits, as if he had seen the scene of the great Wei cavalry going south to destroy Xishu and Dongwu.

The last time, Cao Cao led an army of 800,000 troops from the Great Wei Dynasty to the south for a conquest. As a result, the two dynasties of Eastern Wu and Western Shu joined forces to burn Chibi and returned in defeat.

This was Cao Cao's biggest humiliating battle since he joined the army, and he has always kept a grudge in his heart.

Over the years, there has never been a moment when I didn't think about revenge.


Finally waited for the opportunity.

"This time, neither of you two trash can escape~~!"

"Big Joe, I want little Qiao."

"There is also Sun Shangxiang from Xishu, the old man is also reluctant to accept it!"


After receiving the reward from the Dao of Heaven, Cao Cao's confidence increased greatly, and soon he began to plan in his heart to go south again.

Liu Bei and Sun Quan are two happy people.

Hiding in Xishu and Dongwu every day, he called himself a Cao thief, spread rumors and made troubles, and did everything he could to smear his reputation.

How can this be tolerated!


Soochow still has two beauties, Big Qiao and Little Qiao, waiting!

Thinking of their graceful figures and pretty faces, Cao Cao couldn't wait.

"Come here, pass on my will, Cao Chun has a good command of the army, he will be promoted to a partial general, and continue to command the tiger and leopard cavalry!"

"Order all the ministries to assemble the army and march south in three days!"

"This time, Xishu and animals must be wiped out to complete the unification!"

Cao Cao waved his hand and announced domineeringly.

Immediately, the momentum was monstrous, with the heroic temperament of a hero in troubled times.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for receiving the reward from Heaven!!"

"This time the Southern Expedition, my Great Wei will definitely be invincible, and easily crush the two spicy chickens of Western Shu and Eastern Wu!"

When the civil and military officials around heard the words, they knelt down and licked the can!

There was excitement and joy on everyone's faces.

It has been more than ten years since the three-legged confrontation, and the officials of Wei from top to bottom are also in the same mood as Cao Cao, wanting to unify the country as soon as possible.

Especially the military generals who were defeated in the Red Cliff Battlefield back then were even more eager to try, thinking of leading the army again to avenge their shame.

Now that Wei's army has been rewarded by heaven, it is no longer what it used to be.

Even if they meet Sun Liu's coalition again this time, they will definitely not be Wei's opponent.

Being able to lead the army to the south is simply a waste of credit.

Therefore, everyone actively stood up and expressed their willingness to lead the troops to the south.

"My lord, I would like to lead the army to go out. There are only 100,000 horses, and they will definitely sweep the Eastern Wu and Western Shu. If you can't finish it, I will come to see you."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Pound was the first to rush out and said excitedly.

Being able to crush Western Shu and Eastern Wu, and unify the Three Kingdoms, this is a good opportunity to make a name in history, so naturally we must try our best to fight for it.

"My lord, I am willing to lead the army to march south, and it will be completed within a month..."

"My lord, as long as I have 80,000 soldiers and horses, I will surely capture Liu Bei and Sun Quan's children and wait for my lord to deal with them!"

"My lord, I only need 50,000 troops, not only to capture Liu Bei and Sun Quan, but also to bring Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao to Xudu safely!"

The generals of the Great Wei scrambled one by one to be the leader of the army.

They even started to quarrel in the court, and no one was far behind.

Seeing the messy scene, Cao Cao couldn't help frowning slightly.

These guys who see the wind and the wind.

Before receiving the reward from the Heavenly Dao, when it comes to Nanzheng, everyone is like a tortoise, and they can't get sick.

It's all over now, those who are so eager to compete, I'm afraid they won't be selected.

"々`Stop arguing, you trash!"

"I have decided that before the army marches south, whoever can destroy Ma Chao and Lu Bu will lead the army!"

Cao Cao announced loudly.

Today, around the great Wei, there are still two big forces, Ma Chao and Lu Bu.

In order not to be attacked by them during the Southern Expedition.

At the same time, test the generals under his command.

Therefore, Cao Cao came up with this method.

"Which one of you is willing to lead troops to destroy Ma Chao and Lu Bu?"

Cao Cao asked jokingly.

Now, Ma Chao and Lu Bu next door have both been on the list of the Heavenly Dao, and naturally they have also been rewarded by the Heavenly Dao.

They are not as easy to deal with as Soochow and Xishu.

The generals of the Great Wei who were scrambling just now were instantly deflated.

"Hmph, I knew that you trash can only bully the weak and fear the strong."

Seeing their behavior, Cao Cao snorted coldly, extremely dissatisfied.

When encountering weak opponents, for the sake of credit, they quarreled one by one, telling them to gnaw hard bones, but they all became dumb.

Trash (Qian Zhao)!




In the palace.

Sun Quan's mood became even worse after seeing the generous rewards given to Wei by the Dao of Heaven.

His face was terribly gloomy, as if he could wring out water.

Before, I was angry and unconvinced that the Great Wei Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was able to enter the Heavenly Dao Ranking, but now the conclusion has been settled and the rewards have been issued.

Sun Quan also knew that things could not be changed.

Next, how to deal with the threat from Wei is the most urgent thing at present.

The north of Soochow and Great Wei are just separated by a river. If Cao Cao's army goes south, it will take less than three days to reach Soochow's territory.

With Soochow's current strength, it is not Cao Cao's opponent at all.

The danger of destruction is close at hand!

"Military division, have you thought of any good solution?"

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu eagerly.

I hope the other party can come up with a clever plan to save Soochow from the fire and water. .

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