Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 184: Cao Cao: How Can You Bear This? But, I Can't Bear It! (Please Subscribe For Suppor

Chapter 184

Countless soldiers turned into corpses under this knife!

He stared ferociously, looking ahead, his body fluttered out with the direction of the wind, and landed heavily on the ground!

"Forbidden! Kill without pardon!"

The mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen stood up slowly, the knife seemed to be soaked in blood, and it was dyed a bright red color!

Cao Cao froze in place!

It all happened so fast!

In the blink of an eye, half of his army was missing!

The remaining half of the people are still the ones who didn't make a move just now!

And the culprit of all this is the mech fighters of the Fourth Legion of Nantianmen!

"I am going to kill you!"

Those soldiers are all the elites of Great Wei!

It is the soldiers Cao Cao fed out with countless silver!

But they haven't shown their talents yet, and now, they have become the ghosts of the mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under the Nantianmen!

A man from nowhere!

To actually dare to commit crimes in his territory of Great Wei, it is really abhorrent!

Cao Cao drew out his long sword, his eyes were red, and he wanted to charge directly towards the mech fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen!

Seeing this, Dian Wei dragged and restrained Cao Cao's movements!

"My lord! This is absolutely impossible! This person's strength is really weird! Now, the army is not here, so my lord 913 must not act impulsively!"

The mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen killed so many soldiers in one encounter!

Not bad for Cao Cao alone!

Now Dian Wei raised his whole heart up high, with a bit of fear!

"Where the hell did that guy come from! Damn it! I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!"

Even though Cao Cao was imprisoned by Dian Wei, he was still extremely angry!

How can he calm down when so many of his soldiers are dying!

"My lord! Calm down! If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Although Dian Wei was a reckless man, it was only because he came to the battlefield in person and faced countless scenes of life and death that he knew how powerful this man was!

It's definitely not something they can easily deal with with this little force now!

The mech fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen raised their heads, looked at Cao Cao calmly with a murderous expression, and slowly raised the long knife in their hands!

As long as Cao Cao dares to make any movement, his long knife will be chopped down without hesitation!

Looking directly at the killing look of the mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen, Cao Cao's movements froze in place for an instant, not daring to make any more moves!

He was dazed by anger just now, but now, the sword of death threat is directly on his neck!

As long as he dares to take any action, the next second, his head will fall to the ground!

At this moment, no amount of anger can fill Cao Cao's fear!

The mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen hung their knives in the air for a long time, and finally put down their long knives after they didn't seem to feel any threat!

In the system of the mech fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen, any creature that has aggressive behavior towards him, once encountered, will be killed without mercy!

However, the person who did not attack does not have the option to attack in his system!

Seeing that the mecha fighters of the Fourth Legion under Nantianmen completely disappeared before their eyes.

Cao Cao's back was soaked with sweat, he took a step back in embarrassment, and fell to the ground, sweat slipped from his forehead.

"My lord, are you alright!"

After the crisis was resolved, Dian Wei came back to his senses, rushed towards Cao Cao, and said anxiously.

"Damn it! Who the hell was that person just now! He actually used my Dawei's place as his back garden, so he can come and go whenever he wants!"

That person comes and goes without a trace!

Not even so many people were able to keep him!

With just one blow, the lives of so many soldiers were taken away!

And this is just one person, if one person comes with an army, wouldn't the whole Wei Dynasty be turned into an October household corpse!

"That's probably something Ying Changsheng researched again!"

Dian Wei already had guesses in his heart, and after looking at Cao Cao's angry eyes, he struggled and said.

Ying Changsheng's strength is really unfathomable, the good things announced by the Heavenly Dao Gold List alone are enough to make countless people greedy, let alone the figure who just appeared!

Dian Wei was convinced that if that person attacked Cao Cao, even if he was by Cao Cao's side, with the speed of that figure, he would not be able to stop him!

"Da Qin! Why is it Da Qin again! Could it be that all the good things in the world are researched by Ying Changsheng!"

The last word Cao Cao wants to hear is Daqin!

Under the whole world, even the Heavenly Dao Gold List is blatantly protecting Daqin!

And with the support of Ying Changsheng's research, no one can compare with Daqin!

"When will the Heavenly Dao Gold List treat my Great Wei differently! My Great Wei will never be afraid of Soochow and others!"

Even if he only got the benefit of a little bit of bias, now Da Wei's status will rise a lot!

"Did you find the researcher I was looking for?"

Speaking of Ying Changsheng, Cao Cao suddenly thought of what he had ordered Dian Wei to do before, he half-closed his eyes, and looked at Dian Wei majestically!

If he had the help of a researcher, maybe he, Da Wei, could really soar into the sky!

Even if he only has half the strength of winning Changsheng, he will not pick the slightest bit!

"It's really rare to have such a talent. Even if there is a talented person, they have already been divided by the power of the Hakka Dynasty!"

Dian Wei raised his head guiltily, how difficult it is to find such a genius!

That's not the case where the upper lip is put on the lower lip and you just look for it!

A genius like Ying Changsheng, no matter which dynasty he is in, is someone who must be cultivated with all the power of the whole country!

It is too late for Cao Cao to order to look for it now!

"Could it be that you haven't found anything now? Then what are you doing back here! Are you trying to piss me off!"

Cao Cao's face suddenly darkened. A stone next to Lunqi threw it at Dianwei.

"Dian Wei, you are a piece of trash! Look at the soldiers you have brought out under your hands. You can't even beat a single person, and you were killed by someone! What the hell can these soldiers of yours do now!"

The more Cao Cao thinks about it, the angrier he gets!

The annual army alone needs countless silver and food!

But now, not only has the Heavenly Dao Gold List not been announced yet, and he has not received any benefits, he was even directly killed by the people of Daqin!

What a humiliating thing!

"The shame is nothing short of a shame!"

Cao Cao wandered back and forth in the whole room angrily, thinking of this matter, he couldn't help but feel angry from the heart!

Daqin's people somehow ran to him, Dawei, and even killed hundreds of people before leaving lightly!

What a shame!

"This matter must not be publicized, otherwise my big Wei's face will be put!"

In anger, Cao Cao looked at the soldiers on one side, narrowed his eyes coldly and threatened!

"Obey my lord!"

Even if Cao Cao didn't say it, they wouldn't publicize it!.

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