Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 189: These Rewards Are So Rich, If They Are From The Front! ? (Please Subscribe For Support)

Chapter 189

"That's right! We, Daming, don't care about such petty gains at all. Since we want to fight, then we must be the first ones!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much now! Just wait for a while, and you will find out!"

Various voices interspersed.

The military officer is full of confidence in the soldiers under his hands!

They firmly believe that the soldiers they bring out are absolutely no worse than any dynasty!

A mere little Great Tang, where did he have the courage to compare himself with Great Ming!

The civil servants on one side nodded their heads as a matter of course. Even if they have never been on the battlefield, at this time, it will not affect their confidence in their dynasty!

"The reward for the 18th place alone is already so rich, so the reward for the first place will be overwhelming!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Li Er's award, and felt a burst of jealousy in his heart!

He couldn't calm down his jealousy at all!

This is really eye-catching!

Longevity, Strength, Army!

Everything is the key to a king's foothold!

And all of these, Datang seems to have all of them!

It's just a reward, it's a reward for Ji Erqian's longevity!

If Datang is on the Heavenly Dao Gold List again, wouldn't 813 want to have the same strength as Daqin!

"Great Qin is already a threat that cannot be ignored! If Great Tang has the possibility to compete with Great Qin, wouldn't our dynasties all be crushed to the ground!

Just thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't calm down the anxious mood in his heart!

If Da Tang and Da Qin had the same strength, then Da Ming might not have any strength to compete with Da Ming in the double-team!

"The most powerful army in the Tang Dynasty is the Xuanjia Army in front of you. If you want to reach a higher ranking, relying on the army of the Tang Dynasty alone to achieve this goal [is nothing short of foolish!"

The military officer has a better understanding of the strength of the entire Tang Dynasty!

They once had a head-to-head confrontation with Datang!

But relying on their strength, they are really nothing to be afraid of!

"We must not take it lightly! Even if a mouse is alive now, it has the capital to stand on its own!"

Seeing the enemy clearly is just showing off his arrogance and acting recklessly!

If he Da Ming used the strength of Da Qin, his arrogance would naturally not be criticized in any way!

But now that he is in the Heavenly Dao Gold List, he has not yet left a name, and he is belittled and arrogant, but he is just looking for his own death!


After realizing that Zhu Yuanzhang's face suddenly darkened, the laughing expressions on the faces of many officials disappeared, and they nodded respectfully.

Even if you stand at the pinnacle of the world, you must never give up on the estimation of your own experience!

Deliberately ignoring Xiao Xiao under him, that is the beginning of destruction!

Zhu Yuanzhang closed his eyes, deliberately ignoring everything in front of him!

As long as Hua didn't see anything, the sky reward would not be given out!

The comfort of many ministers nearby is of no use to Zhu Yuanzhang!

It will only intensify the jealousy in his heart!

His Daming is not bad at anything, why should such a good thing not belong to Daming!

This is really God's injustice, God's injustice!


Inside the palace.

Sun Quan has now begun to focus his energy on how to make his army stronger!

Today's Heavenly Dao Gold List is too fair!

From various angles to examine the overall strength of this army, there is no possibility of exploiting any loopholes!

Now, even if it is no longer Daqin who wins the reward, to them, there is no difference at all!

The only difference between Great Tang and Great Qin is that the strength of Great Tang is far inferior to that of Great Qin!

I have obtained some trivial rewards, and there is no threat to the dynasties!

But even if it is an insignificant reward, he is enough to make the great dynasties jealous!

After all, those benefits (daee) obtained from the Heavenly Dao Gold List are also real benefits that are visible to the naked eye!

"If there weren't all these dynasties, among the continents of the empire, I was the only dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, wouldn't all the rewards from that day's Dao Jinbang be in my bag!"

A look of greed flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes.

At this moment, his ambition is to reach such a point, he wants to destroy the entire continent of the empire, and completely annex it as the capital of Daming alone.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Everyone froze in place for a moment, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in disbelief, and said cautiously.

This kind of ambition has far exceeded everyone's imagination!

Annexing all the powers of the entire imperial continent, just relying on Daming alone, seems like a dream come true!

"That's right, the existence of the major dynasties today is nothing more than competing with me for the legendary golden list of heaven! If it weren't for the fact that there are many dynasties in the entire empire continent, I, Da Ming, would not have fallen to the current state. In the situation!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded his head confidently, a bit of arrogance flickered in his eyes.

Why would you want to give up a treasure that you can get immediately!

Isn't this strengthening other dynasties while weakening their own strength!

Zhu Yuanzhang is arrogant by nature, never procrastinating, and his ambition was fully revealed as early as the very beginning!

A group of ministers are afraid to speak now, and they naturally have the desire to occupy the entire empire continent!

But in the face of the crisis in all directions, they really can't continue with this sentence!

If there was a slight discrepancy, wouldn't it mean that the entire Ming Dynasty would be ruined together!

At that time, they will be the sinners of the entire Ming Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, although Daqin has no intention of attacking us now, we can't take it lightly!"

If the Great Qin is not eliminated, it will be a disaster after all!

Looking at the entire empire continent, which dynasty dares to say that it is stronger than Daqin!

As the saying goes, misfortune comes out of your mouth!

If these words are released, Daqin's soldiers and horses will come to the city as soon as they are released!

No one dares to try it first!

Great dynasties still want to live now!

"I can only hope that the next ranking will belong to me!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

Daming has a team that made it onto the Heavenly Dao Gold List, but they are just at the bottom!

That would be a shame!

A deep shame to Daming!

Doesn't this mean that Daming's army can only be ranked in the bottom few places, and there is no hope of being able to reach this higher list!

Such a ranking!

Daming really can't see it!

On the one hand, the minister dared not speak at all, for fear that what he said was wrong and offended Zhu Yuanzhang's bad luck!

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that all the ministers didn't even dare to speak now, and they couldn't help looking at the golden light in the sky. .

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