Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 191: Cao Cao's Beauty, This Is My Great Wei! (Please Subscribe For Support)

Chapter 191

Others can only see the glory of the army on the legendary Heavenly Dao Gold List!

The hardships in this are only clear in their own hearts!

Training all the time!

Be wary of the outside world!

Every scar on the body is a medal for victory in battle!

Now, they can also see the results of their hard work!

The Heavenly Dao Gold List in front of them is the best proof of their hard work!

Yue Fei also stopped urging everyone to train at this time, and slowly turned his hands away, looking up at the brightest golden light in the sky indifferently.

The horse soars, the spear sweeps!

Facing the attacks of the Jinren, there is no fear in the face!

This is, his Yue Family Army!

As a general, Yue Fei naturally knew how difficult it was for them to walk along this road!

The current ranking, even though it is only ranked seventeenth "Three Nine Zero", is an extra gift for all the Yue Family Army!

"Hahaha, I don't know what kind of rewards the Heavenly Dao Gold List will give us this day! If we can make a move, it would be the best to kill those bastards!"

Even if they are on the legendary Heavenly Dao Gold List, the only thing that everyone thinks about is the dynasty they hate the most.

The golden man is really disgusting!

Let alone burning, killing and looting!

Even treat their clansmen as nothing!

It is a shame to bully his clansmen!

The shame engraved in my mind is deeply imprinted!

If they had the help of the Heavenly Dao Gold List, wouldn't they be able to slaughter all those golden men!

Just by imagining it, they can't help but be happy about it!

"Most of the rewards from other dynasties are to improve combat effectiveness! We should be similar!"

Yue Fei nodded calmly and said slowly.

Compared with his hard-working training, the combat power improved by the Heavenly Dao Gold List is much faster!

Filled in the body, a steady stream of power!

Powerful enough to kill all enemies!

It's so mesmerizing!

Even if it means giving everything!

Everyone must be named in this legendary Heavenly Dao Gold List!

"General, thank you!"

At this moment, all the soldiers suddenly looked at Yue Fei in unison, and slowly knelt down.

There was undisguised gratitude in their eyes.

"We are able to keep our names in this Heavenly Dao Gold List because we follow you, otherwise we are just ordinary people!"

Everyone has self-knowledge, their current achievements are created under Yue Fei's efforts!

Without Yue Fei, they are just ordinary people!

"Don't be thankful to me! Your achievements today are all due to your hard work!"

Facing the grateful expressions on the eyes of everyone, Yue Fei said calmly.

"On the gold list, even if you get a reward, it's just a flash in the pan! Only constant fighting is the way to be king!"

Constantly fighting to force those theoretical knowledge into your own muscle memory!

Only in this way can he save his own life in the battlefield.

All the soldiers nodded quickly, but the joy on their faces did not disappear.

Great Wei.

Inside the palace.

Cao Cao looked angrily at the Heavenly Dao Gold List in front of him, and the anger in his heart continued to accumulate.

"Great Song! Where did the dynasty come from! Now, it actually occupies this precious place!"

Today, every spot is extremely precious!

Now in the Song Dynasty, a so-called Yue Family Army has emerged, taking away this hard-won quota!

"Yue Family Army, what a Yue Family Army! I, the great Wei, is so shameless now! Even a small Yue Family Army can't compare!"

The anger in Cao Cao's heart has nowhere to vent!

Losing so many soldiers is already a catastrophe!

But this time, the announced quota did not have the quota for Da Wei!

Cao Cao no longer even hopes to be in the top ten!

Even if it is in the back, it is good to have the reward of this Heavenly Dao Gold List!




Everything given by the Heavenly Dao Gold List is something that the world desperately strives for!

And longevity is what Cao Cao desires!

As an emperor, who would not want to live forever!

Longevity means that you can have a long time to control the whole world!

Build your own empire into the top empire in the world!

However, Dawei is now unable to compete for half a point even for the ranking behind this!

Even the Yue Family Army of the Great Song Dynasty can be counted on his neck!

What a shame!

Dian Wei cautiously stood aside, not daring to speak at all!

Now, Cao Cao is on the verge of rage, like a powder keg, ready to explode at any moment!

"Dianwei, where are you hiding, you think I can't see you!"

After Cao Cao noticed the voice around him, he narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked over immediately, and said with a bit of deterrence..0

Dian Wei smiled awkwardly, and walked out of the corner with difficulty.

He really doesn't want to face the anger with Cao Cao!

Being involved inexplicably, he felt that he was extremely innocent now!

"You are the general of my Great Wei. Today, my Great Wei does not have an army, and it is your problem to be on the legendary Heavenly Dao Gold List."

Cao Cao snorted coldly with disdain, and a bit of anger flashed in his eyes.

As a military general, Dian Wei made great contributions to the great Wei. When he fought against Soochow, Dian Wei rushed to the front in the first place!

However, after the emergence of the Heavenly Dao Gold List, the strength of the major dynasties has widened a huge gap!

If you have the rewards given by the gold list, your strength will soar all the way!

Leave other dynasties far behind yourself!

And the dynasties without rewards can only watch the other dynasties sluggishly, as if they are flying all the way to improve the strength of the dynasties!

"I, Great Wei, used to be considered a powerful dynasty. Now, Great Tang and Great Song have rewards. Isn't this going to leave my Great Wei far behind!"

Cao Cao imagined such a 1.4 scene, and his face suddenly changed.

He must not just watch his dynasty become the history of the world!

The Empire Continent is so big!

Why is there no place for Great Wei!

"I, Great Wei, have been brilliant in the past! Why can't I be brilliant again now! These rewards, others have, I want too!"

Dian Wei listened to Cao Cao's proclamation expressionlessly, and kept nodding.

"Daqin can't conquer here, so it's better to change your thinking!"

Cao Cao suddenly had a new attention in his heart, he squinted his eyes, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"What idea?"

Inexplicably, Dian Wei had a bad premonition in his heart.

The smile on Cao Cao's face is really bright!

However, the brighter Cao Cao's smile was, the more he felt that something was not quite right!.

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