Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 200: Da Ming Must Be Strong To Be Able To Fight! (Please Subscribe For Support)

Chapter 200

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed three times after seeing his Shenji Camp boarded the Heavenly Dao Gold List, and his eyes flashed with unstoppable pride!

He looked at today, the great dynasties are scrambling to be on the Heavenly Dao Gold List, and he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious!

However, no matter how anxious he is, this Heavenly Dao Gold List is by no means something he can control~!

Da Tang, Da Song, one after another climbed to the unreachable sky list, but he, Da Ming, seems to be able to just watch from afar!

Looking at their achievements, I feel jealous!

Now, his Shenji Battalion has been on the Heavenly Dao Gold List, which can be regarded as a proof of his great Ming's strength!

"This is just the beginning! I, Da Ming, will climb to the number one place among the most powerful in the legend step by step!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked out domineeringly, and there was a bit of arrogance in his voice!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang could even imagine himself on the first place!

The reactions of many dynasties!

What is the so-called Great Qin!

Self-confessed as the first dynasty of the entire empire continent!

This title, but they are self-proclaimed!

He, Daming, is the one who is truly capable of winning the crown!

All the ministers quickly knelt on the ground.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Today's Ming Dynasty can be regarded as having an army on the list!

This list will only become more terrifying when it reaches the end!

The battle between the great dynasties!

Many ministers did not have much hope for this matter!

But they never expected that now, they would be given a big surprise!

"My Ming Dynasty has never surrendered to others! I can conquer this world single-handedly, and I can also carry forward this world! I want the entire empire to clearly remember my Ming Dynasty!

Zhu Yuanzhang said domineeringly.

At this time, his Shenji Camp has been on the list, which means that he will have more rewards!

These rewards alone are enough to make people fight desperately!

"Your Majesty! My Great Ming is definitely not the only one with this powerful army! In that even stronger list, there must be my Great Ming's status!"

The minister took two steps forward, cupped his hands, his face was full of excitement!

"That's right! All of my Ming's troops are extremely powerful! How could we only board this one!"

Hearing the minister's compliment, Zhu Yuanzhang flicked his sleeves confidently, with a bit of arrogance in his expression.

Only with a more powerful army, it is possible to get more rewards!

Only in this way can we avoid being left far behind by other dynasties!

The emergence of the Heavenly Dao Gold List has brought all the dynasties into the same battle line!

The strengths of the major dynasties are different!

And under the reward of the Heavenly Dao Gold List, these gaps will only widen!

If you don't want to be left far behind by other dynasties, you can only work hard on your own!

Fight your own way!

In the last list, Daming is like dust!

If it wasn't for Daqin standing in front of Daming!

The 10,000th relocation of the Imperial Continent should have belonged to Daming long ago!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but flash a bit of irritable emotion!

He is complaining about the injustice of heaven!

This world is unfair!

Why can't he compare to Da Qin with such a powerful strength of Da Ming!

Didn't Daqin just have a genius to win longevity!

Besides, Yinqin has absolutely no possibility of being compared with Ming Dynasty!

"If it wasn't for Ying Changsheng! The first dynasty in the mainland of the empire should have been my Da Ming's position long ago! Now, the appearance of Ying Changsheng makes me, Da Ming, fear Da Qin instead!"

After successfully obtaining the reward for ranking in the Tiandao Gold List, Zhu Yuanzhang's voice couldn't help becoming more arrogant!

He even spied on the achievements of the whole Daqin and forcibly arranged them on himself.

Daqin is now a shameless dynasty!

Those sci-fi armies are not in the same size as their armies at all!

Take out such an army that was so powerful before and compare it with them!

This is not just a powerful oppressive force!

They even deprived them of all the rewards they deserved!

This is another kind of injustice!

"If Ying Changsheng can die in Daqin unknowingly! After that, we don't have to worry about Daqin taking the lead!"

Zhu Yuanzhang half-closed his eyes and couldn't help saying.

If Ying Changsheng can be killed, most of Daming's troubles will be solved!

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

After realizing Zhu Yuanzhang's ambition, all the ministers knelt on the ground in fright.

At this moment, no matter how powerful Da Ming is, if he confronts Da Qin head-on, he will still be committing suicide in another way!

0 for flowers... 0

If Ying Changsheng dies, Daqin will fight back like a mad dog!

At that time, Da Ming will face the attack of the whole Da Qin!

No matter what happened to Daqin, he won all the rewards for the top ten in the list of divine soldiers!

These things alone are enough to make Da Qin's strength to a higher level!

If Daming confronts him!

Isn't it against the entire Heavenly Dao Gold List!

They can only get the 16th place reward now, how can they fight against such a powerful Daqin!

"No matter what, Your Majesty still has to be careful and never act so hastily!"

Impulse is the devil!

Even now, Zhu Yuanzhang is confident that he can successfully kill Ying Changsheng!

But the follow-up things will be more troublesome and cumbersome!


The whole Great Qin will be protected by Changsheng very well!

Ying Changsheng is embarrassing to Daqin!

It is the root of the whole Great Qin that truly became the most powerful dynasty!

Today, I don’t know how many dynasties hate Ying Changsheng!

However, they dare not act rashly at all!

I can only watch Yingchang live and grow Daqin bit by bit!

It's like a vicious cycle!

The more you want something, the more you can't get it!

I can only stand blankly in the corner, looking up at the achievements of others!

"This won't work! That won't work either! Could it be that I, Da Ming, can only watch helplessly as Ying Changsheng grows stronger and stronger than Da Qin! At that time, if I want to defeat Da Qin, it will be tantamount to reaching the sky!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard the minister's words, he became more irritable!

Now, he has obviously won the reward of the Heavenly Dao Gold List, but he can only succumb to others!

Could it be that Da Ming will always be firmly suppressed by Da Qin!

What's more, now that there is a hope of winning, these ministers are the first to be afraid!

"Your Majesty, the most important thing for us now is to protect Daming, not provoke enemies everywhere!"

Today's Great Qin has almost shifted its attention to all dynasties!

If Da Ming made a move at this time, wouldn't he tell Da Qin blatantly that I, Da Ming, will fight against you without self-reliance!

At that time, Da Qin will definitely be the first to try to get rid of the entire Ming Dynasty!

"Afraid of the head and tail! How can we talk about strengthening my Ming's strength!".

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