Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 272: Mysterious And Grand, The Whole Country Soars! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 272

Accompanied by the sound of Heavenly Dao rewarding, it slowly fell.

The phantoms of a golden dragon and a phoenix appeared from above the sky.

Then the golden dragon and the phoenix turned into two beams of light, fused together and flew above Qin at an extremely fast speed.

In the next moment, the territory of Daqin was covered by the light of the immortal glow.

From a distance, Daqin at this time is like a fairyland, mysterious and grand.

And the countless plants on this side of the land grew crazily under the light of this celestial glow.

The crops that used to take a season to harvest have grown vigorously in just a few minutes.

Seeing such a miracle, the peasants of Daqin immediately prostrated themselves on the ground and prayed in the direction of Efang Palace.

They knew that these rewards from heaven were brought by the First Emperor Yingzheng of the Great Qin Dynasty and his son "Yiqiqi" Ying Changsheng.

But at this moment in Efang Palace, above the court hall, the civil and military officials of Daqin felt the strong life force, and went mad because of displeasure.

Two hundred years of lifespan, the Heavenly Dao reward this time is too generous, although it is not as good as the Heavenly Dao rewards Ying Zheng and Ying Changsheng.

But for some ordinary courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, this is simply a godsend. They have received such generous rewards just by following the Qin Emperor Yingzheng.

Thinking that the troops on the [God Army Ranking] are just the tip of the iceberg in the hands of Ying Changsheng, all the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty had great anticipation in their eyes.

They seem to have seen that in the future, Ying Changsheng has realized the grand scene of the 33rd heaven sci-fi heaven, and the whole country has soared.

On the contrary, the courtiers of Daqin are among the immortals and have endless life spans.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help paying respectful respect to Shihuang Yingzheng on the high seat again.

They deeply understand that Yingzheng and Yingchangsheng brought them all this, and they are proud of their identity as Daqin people!

Sitting high on the throne at this moment, Ying Zheng, who was wearing a black Nine Dragon Emperor robe, smiled gratifiedly.

He knew that everything about Daqin was brought about by his son Ying Changsheng.

Although Ying Changsheng introduced himself to the army he had built before, Yingzheng was still shocked by the scene reflected in the picture of the Dao of Heaven.

The terrifying power and invincible power make one's scalp tingle.

Only now did he truly understand the power of science and technology, and it is no exaggeration to say that some of the things and development methods that the princes and states of the empire are now focusing on.

In front of Yingchangsheng technology, everything is nothing more than ants, there is no comparison between the two, and there is no longer a dimension.

At the same time, Yingzheng also wants to truly see the day when the sci-fi heaven is successfully built, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Qin.

What a yearning thing, above all living beings, accepting the worship of all living beings, truly standing on the sky.

While Ying Zheng was fantasizing, Li Si suddenly stood out from among the officials.

I saw him bow to Ying Zheng on the high seat, and then said:

"Your Majesty, I have received news that the anti-Qin alliance created by the Great Tang and the Great Han has now withdrawn from the Great Tang.

"But the big man seems to be determined to oppose Qin, and he is still expanding. Now Western Chu, Dajin... these countries on the mainland of the empire have joined."

"My minister believes that the Ninth Prince Ying Changsheng should be allowed to lead the troops to use thunderous means to destroy these ants who defy the will of the Great Qin!"

Li Si's murderous words reached the ears of every courtier of the Great Qin. At this moment, those generals of the Great Qin were all excited, with a strong fighting intent in their eyes.

Even the God of Killing Bai Qi, stood forward without hesitation.

The meaning is very clear, if the Great Qin wants to set off a war of nations, the generals of the Great Qin will be the first to rush out to make contributions.

But seeing this scene, Ying Zheng on the high seat was not as excited as expected.

Instead, he frowned and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, as an emperor, especially an emperor through the ages, expanding the territory must be his greatest wish.

But now it is different. Ying Changsheng, Ying Zheng's son, once told him that before the successful creation of the 33rd Heaven of Science Fiction.

Don't break out into a big war. If too many people die on the mainland of the empire, the powerful spirit of resentment will affect the ascension of Daqin.

We only need to wait until the [Shenjun List] is all announced, and Daqin has won all the rewards of heaven, and then we will talk about how to deal with the nations of the Imperial Continent.

Because at that time, Daqin had already settled in the sci-fi heavenly court and ascended.

Thinking of this, Yingzheng finally became firm. He knew that now is not the time to start a war. Let these princes jump around for a while.


Thinking of this, Ying Chang smiled slightly, glanced at the officials in the hall, and then said in an orderly tone.

"Everyone, it's not the time yet, I know that you want to make contributions, but no matter what, you have to wait until the announcement of the [God Army Ranking] is completed, and then make plans.

After hearing this, the military general of Daqin's eyes darkened.

They don't understand such a good opportunity, why take this opportunity to send troops to unify the empire continent.

But thinking of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's wisdom, he did not refute in the end, and lowered their heads one after another.

At the same time, the Great Qin Hall of Supreme Harmony, the temporary residence of Li Xiuning, Princess Pingyang of the Great Tang Dynasty.

The girl is still in a huge shock at this moment, unable to recover.

Growing up in the emperor's family since she was a child, she thinks that her knowledge and insight are far higher than ordinary people.

Even Li Xiuning felt that some capable talents in the Tang Dynasty were nothing more than that.

However, as Da Qin successively boarded the [God Army Ranking], those armies she had never seen shattered her Three Views.

That powerful and devastating energy made her scalp tingle.

Ying Changsheng told her a word before:

"In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are false."

At that time, she still sneered at this 2.1, thinking that Ying Changsheng was just a person who studied clever things and didn't understand a little bit of military strategy.

If Great Tang and Great Qin have the same strength, then Great Tang will definitely be able to defeat Great Qin.

But now she doesn't think much about it anymore, the scene above the sky shocked her too much.

Even a planet can be easily destroyed, not to mention destroying a Great Tang, that powerful energy can destroy tens of thousands of Great Tang lands in a short time.

"Miss, miss!"

Hearing the maid Xiaoqing's anxious shout, Li Xiuning slowly came back to her senses.

She turned her head to look at the maid Xiaoqing with a little dullness.

I saw the maid Xiaoqing was sweating profusely at this moment, and said out of breath:

"Miss is not well. I heard that Queen Aqing of Canyue is going to Daqin, and I also heard that Empress Wuzhao of Dazhou will come to see Ying Changsheng in person."

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