Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 285: Is It Good Or Bad? The Dream Of An Emperor Through The Ages! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 285

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, couldn't figure out why the Great Qin was so favored by Heaven.

Why did Ying Zheng give birth to such a good son, the Ninth Prince of Great Qin, Ying Changsheng, almost made Great Qin rise by himself.

It directly changed the pattern on the mainland of the empire, making Daqin the absolute overlord.

As the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian couldn't give birth to such a son.

Looking at His Highness's own two sons, Yang Yong and Yang Guang, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty became very angry.

Immediately said to Yuwen Chengdu in the hall:

"Take these two wastes down, there are three hundred boards!"

"Father, don't"

"Father, don't."

The two brothers Yang Yong and Yang Guang heard their father Yang Jian's inexplicable anger, and immediately knelt on the ground in fright, kowtowing for mercy.

At this moment, Yuwen Chengdu couldn't bear it anymore, opened his mouth, and was about to plead with Sui Wendi Yang Jian who was on the high seat.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian said angrily again:

"Hurry up and drag it down, give me a hard hit, two trash who don't know how to make progress."

"As long as you can compare with Da Qin's 1% of winning longevity, I, Da Sui, will not be where I am today.

After hearing this, Yu Wencheng's body trembled, and he quickly called 400 soldiers, Yang Yong and Yang Guang, to take them down.

From outside the main hall, one after another tragic screams began to be heard.

The scalps of the officials of the Great Sui Dynasty in the hall were numb.

On the other hand, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty on the high seat, didn't care, but glanced at the officials in the hall, then sighed, and said:

"Everyone, what do you think of the Great Zhou's Empress Wu Zhao entering Qin, willing to dedicate the Great Zhou to the Great Qin Ninth Prince Ying Changsheng?"

This helpless sigh reached the ears of every courtier in the Sui Dynasty.

Everyone started arguing about it.

In the end, the court divided the incident into two factions.

One faction thinks that Da Zhou is simply a disgrace to the country on the mainland of the empire.

In the past, they thought that Empress Wu Zhao of the Great Zhou Dynasty was the only strange woman in the ages, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

After all, she is only a woman, and she is still afraid of the strength of men, and will eventually submit to Daqin's feet.

The other faction believed that the empress of the Great Zhou, Wu Zhao, made a decision that was extremely beneficial to the future of the Great Zhou.

Because these people believe that Daqin now possesses absolute technological (dabh) power and is the most powerful country on the mainland of the empire.

And now it has been boarded, the tenth, ninth, and eighth [God's Army List], and it has been boarded three times in a row.

If there is no accident, he will continue to dominate the [God Army List] like he was on the [Shen Bing List] before.

And once there is a situation of dominating the list again, then Daqin can no longer be described by the word hegemony, but can only be described as invincible.

At that time, there will be no need for Great Qin to take action, and countless countries will submit to him. As for those who do not surrender, they will be destroyed by thunder.

Therefore, if the Great Zhou founded by Empress Wu Zhao becomes the first empire to surrender to Great Qin, then it will gain more bargaining chips and resources from Great Qin.

The two sides insisted on their own words, the public said that the public was right and the woman said that the woman was right, and the hall was extremely noisy for a while.

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, who was sitting on the high seat, was given a headache by the noise, and shouted angrily:


This roaring sound instantly plunged the court hall of the Great Sui into silence.

All the courtiers knew that Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, had risen, so they had to lower their heads and wait for Yang Jian to speak.

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty on the high seat, glanced coldly at the officials in the hall, and finally fixed his eyes on Yang Su who had been silent all along.

"Yang Xiang, as the founding hero, you come out to express your opinion on where the Great Sui should go after.

Hearing the voice of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Su dragged me out of the group of officials.

He bowed lightly, clasped his fists with both hands, bowed to Sui Wendi Yang Jian who was sitting on the high seat, and then said:

"I believe that if Your Majesty has the ambition to compete in the world, then it would be a bad thing for Da Zhou to bow down to Da Qin.

"Of course, if not, it would be a good thing for Da Zhou and Da Qin to bow their heads and surrender."

This remark instantly aroused the interest of Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, and he asked without hesitation:

"Oh, tell me, what is a good thing and what is a bad thing?"

Hearing this, Yang Su smiled slightly, brushed his beard lightly, and continued:

"If Your Majesty has the ambition to compete in the world, then Da Zhou's surrender to Da Qin this time is to set an example for those countries on the mainland of the empire that have been tense.

"Surrender to Daqin and get Daqin's help is also a good strategy."

"And once this kind of atmosphere is formed, countless countries on the mainland of the empire will turn against Qin."

"This also means that these countries have increased in number after receiving the help of Daqin."

"Then Daqin may be restraining the rush to set off the Great War of Nations, but these small countries that have been helped by Daqin will not be like this."

"They will rely on everything that the Great Qin has given them, and immediately launch wars against some surrounding countries that have not surrendered to the Great Qin."

"It's more about using the name of Qin to seek benefits for yourself."

"Then such a statement is a bad thing for His Majesty who owns the world of competition, and it is tantamount to falling into absolute passivity."

"However, if we think about it in a different way, the Great Zhou set a precedent, then the Great Sui can also submit to the Great Qin for a short period of time."

"On the one hand, you can gain the scientific and technological capabilities of Daqin, and on the other hand, you can use the name of Daqin to expand the territory, endure temporary surrender, and get to the top in the future. This is a good way!"

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty on the high seat, couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this.

"As expected of being one of the founding heroes of the Sui Dynasty, he is simply my pillar of talent."

"If that Da Zhou really professes to Da Qin, then we will follow closely!"

big man

Ziji Hall

On the throne, Liu Bang was already leaning limply on the chair at this moment, and he could no longer feel any strength.

He could still be shocked, terrified, and excited before, but now he only has a deep sense of powerlessness.

Daqin was on the list again, once again, and this time the strength of the army displayed by Ying Changsheng was still so shocking.

Forget about these, but Tiandao's generous rewards to Daqin made Liu Bang really envious.

But now he can only envy him, he really doesn't know how to defeat Daqin.

His dream of becoming an emperor through the ages seemed to be gradually shattered under Ying Changsheng's repeated rankings. .

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