Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

300. I Waved My Hand And Got It Right! (Please Subscribe!)

300 waved

If you have nothing else to do, go there yourself.

Ying Changsheng also waved his hand, and the general in front of him categorically expressed his loyalty to Ying Changsheng.

Then left here silently.

Ying Changsheng was also very pleased to see his leaving back.

Unexpectedly, this general would win his heart, and he would guess all the thoughts in his heart clearly.

Ying Changsheng also felt that Daqin finally had talent.

The current Ying Changsheng is also watching the departure of the general of the Defying Army.

The workers who built the 33rd sci-fi heavenly garden are now talking about it, and even the heaven-defying army may not be able to stop them.

Now is the time to rest. Even if the people of these troops want to stop it, they have more than enough energy.

However, some workers have also developed some dissatisfaction, and these people also gathered together one after another.

Among them, a 927 worker also looked firmly at the few people in front of him and said: "Everyone, can we tell Liu Bang about this now.

"Liu Bang also explained before that we are going to tell him all about a project built by the Thirty-Three Science Fiction Heavenly Court."

"Isn't this the best time for us?"

But these people present also widened their eyes, and they looked around, in all directions.

It was found that there were only three of them here, and there was a lot of discussion again.

The members of the Heaven-Defying Army also looked at these three people, but they saw that these three people did not do anything pleasant, and the Heaven-Defying Army did not stop them.

But now, after discussing for a long time, these three people have also finalized a plan.

There is going to inform Liu Bang of the construction time of the Thirty-Three Science-Fiction Heavenly Court.

However, how to inform is still a problem. Ying Changsheng is also worried now, and he is in a daze when he sees the general leaving.

He hoped that the general would be able to handle this matter with ease.

After the general came to the Thirty-Three Sci-fi Heavenly Court. I saw these workers resting.

He also saw his soldiers watching him here.

He directly came to these soldiers and said to them: "Is there anyone here now that something abnormal happened.

"Are there any suspicious people among these workers? For example, those in groups or in groups of three or two."

After the soldiers heard it, their eyes widened. There were many groups of people, but there was only one group of two or three people.

They directly pointed to the workers next to them with their fingers.

The general also saw these three workers and had a discussion together, the general also smiled foolishly.

He knows these people. It must be what Ying Changsheng said, those who want to leak the news.

But he also had to have certain evidence, so he quietly came near these three people.

But now these three people (dabe) didn't notice the arrival of one of the generals at all.

They were still discussing here and a person next to him also said: "If we tell Liu Bang about the matter, wouldn't it be quite detrimental to Ying Changsheng?"

"Winning Changsheng is not bad for us, right? Let us build thirty-three layers of sci-fi heaven here and give us back the money, so that we can eat and dress warmly."

"If we betray Ying Changsheng now, wouldn't we be offended if these other workers fight us?"

"Wouldn't that make us fall into disloyalty and injustice? I also hope that you two can think clearly."

But just after these words were spoken, the two of them also laughed. They had already defected to Liu Bang, so what if they betrayed Changsheng now?

They also told such a topic to the worker in front of them. After thinking about it for a long time, the worker was quite speechless.

Then he nodded with a long breath, and these people finished their discussion.

But the current general has heard what they said a long time ago.

The general also wants to see what these workers can do in the future. If they don't make deacons that are not good for Ying Changsheng, then he will not capture these people.

Thirty-three sci-fi heavens still need to be built here. Three people really can't stand up to too many people, but it's better than nothing.

The three people in front of them also quickly avoided all the guarding troops along the line.

They quietly came to a secret passage, which was also quietly built by them, just wanting to escape from here and report the news to Liu Bang.

But at this critical moment, the general also saw such a scene, his eyes widened, and now he had to make a move.

He also looked at the two people behind him, waved at them, and the two soldiers said firmly to the general in front of him.

"What orders do you have now? Is it about Ying Changsheng or about Thirty-Three Science Fiction Heaven?"

"We also want to know, can you tell us about such a thing, so that we can feel at ease?".

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