Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

321. Tell All, It's Extenuating! (Please Subscribe!)

321 tell all

Tell Ying Changsheng everything.

Ying Changsheng did some calculations and found out that there were more than 100,000 soldiers equipped with heavy weapons.

Then maybe these 100,000 soldiers can be used to wipe out all the quantum weapons.

He also said to Ying Zheng: "If I want to mobilize 100,000 soldiers, do you think it's feasible-?"

"Now my idea is to use these 100,000 soldiers."

"Kill all the things we can kill, such as quantum weapons."

"As long as we can kill and destroy quantum weapons."

"Then we don't have to be afraid of Yang Jian and Liu Bang anymore."

Once that happens, none of us need be afraid.

You can also think about it now, is this the case?

If you agree, then I will lead these soldiers to destroy it now.

But if you disagree, what are you going to do? I will listen to you.

After speaking, Ying Changsheng also stared at Ying Zheng.

Now he is also handing over the pressure to Ying Zheng.

However, Ying Zheng has always been indifferent to world affairs, and now Ying Changsheng has thrown such a major problem to him.

He is also a little tricky.

But he still said to Ying Changsheng: "Do you feel that you need some other subordinates now?"

"How about helping you finish this time?"

"If we don't need it, then we will do it as we don't need it."

"But if you need it, then we have to mobilize all these soldiers."

However, Ying Changsheng also waved his hand and said, "All you need is the 100,000 heavy firepower."

The current Yingzheng doesn't care about anything.

If Ying Changsheng wanted to do it, he would let Ying Changsheng do it.

He also waved his hand and said to Ying Changsheng: "Then you can do it yourself, and I won't hinder you anymore.

"You can do whatever you want now, and you don't need to ask me."

"Now you also have such a right. I can also hand over all the troops in my hands to you. You can just figure it out."

After finishing speaking, Ying Zheng also left here silently.

The entire hall was also extremely silent, only Ying Changsheng was left.

Ying Changsheng is now also looking up at the hall, looking at Daqin in front of him.

There is also a certain decision in his heart, that is, he must restore Daqin to its former glory.

It must also not let Liu Bang and Yang Jian destroy the idea of ​​building a sci-fi heaven of thirty-three heavens.

Now he must also give these people a means to make them submit to him.

After Ying Changsheng figured out everything here, he also left here one after another.

He wants to go to the barracks, find those soldiers and have a discussion with those soldiers.

Let the soldiers follow him to attack Yang Jian and Liu Bang, and destroy the nose weapon.

But at this moment, something bad happened from Li Er's side.

Now Li Er is also struggling, and even discussing.

They learned about an action of Liu Bang and Yang Jian, and they wanted to see how Ying Changsheng treated him.

But now Li Er also found his courtiers and said to them.

"Everyone, do you know what is happening now?"

These ministers also looked at each other in blank dismay, they really didn't know what happened.

But Li Er is discussing here.

Ying Changsheng also came to the barracks.

Now Ying Changsheng looked at the soldiers in front of him, all of them were heavy firepower soldiers.


He also waved his hand, and these soldiers came to Ying Changsheng in an orderly manner.

He said to Ying Changsheng: "How did you come to our barracks today?"

"Is there something you want to tell us?"

"Or are you going to take us to launch an attack? Can you now—tell us?"

"Let's have some thoughts in our hearts."

We also want to make some preparations for your big event.

But Ying Changsheng is also laughing out loud now.


What he admired the most was that the soldiers in front of him could actually see some of his thoughts.

How did they know that they came here just to find them.

Now Ying Changsheng also coughed a few times, and said to these soldiers.

"Everyone, how did you know that I asked you to come here for a purpose?"

"I also hope that you can tell me one by one."

"Is it a rumor spread by someone, or did you guess it yourself?"

But just after these words were finished, these soldiers also burst out laughing.

It turned out that Ying Changsheng was puzzled by these things.

They also said to Ying Changsheng without hesitation: "Are you thinking too much now?"

"What we have always guessed is that you must come to find us."

"Once you come here, doesn't that prove that there is a great awareness to happen?"

"Now we are here waiting for your arrival, isn't that justifiable?"

What you said before did make us a little embarrassed.

Now that we have asked you about the matter, can you tell us about it?

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