Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

329、It's Ambiguous And I Want To Cry, But I Have No Tears! (Please Subscribe!)

329 Ambiguous

He said to Li Er: "What you say is what you say."

"Our lives have all been placed in your hands."

"You don't have to be so ambiguous with us now, you are our big brother now.

"Just tell us what we are going to do."

The minister also gave these people a thumbs up, and the words these soldiers said were also sonorous and forceful.

Li Er in front of him couldn't find any faults at all.

He also laughed out loud.

But Li Er also looked at the minister and said, "What are you laughing at?"

The minister covered his mouth tightly and said nothing.

He was afraid that if he said it, he would provoke Ji Er's unhappiness.

At this time, Li Er also said without hesitation: "Since you have agreed, then I will tell you.

"The action this time is, I want you to go and inform Liu Bang and Yang Jian."

These two people's eyes widened. What's the matter? Li Er hasn't said yet.

They pricked up their ears, waiting for Li Er's order.

Li Er found these people and continued to say that he would not give up until the Yellow River.

"Everyone, I want you to go and tell these two people that Ying Changsheng is going to attack them."

"Let them protect the production of quantum weapons, and don't lose some data."

"If Ying Changsheng really did something bad to them, then what should they do?"

"You always have to leave a way out for yourself, don't you?"

After finishing speaking, he also left here silently.

However, these soldiers found that Li Er had already left, so it was meaningless for them to be here.

Just looking at the minister in front of him, he said to him: "Are we going to leave here now?"

After hearing these words, the minister also snorted coldly.

Li Er has assigned tasks to them, where can they go?

The minister said earnestly, "Everyone, didn't you hear that just now?"

"Li Er has given you a mission to go to Liu Bang's place."

"Tell Ying Changsheng about a plan here."

"If you don't go, I don't know how Li Er will punish you in the future."

Now your lives are in your own hands.

Whether to do this or not to do it is up to you.

The minister also left here.

He was afraid that if he said one more word, such a job would fall on his own head.

But the soldier wanted to cry but had no tears.

They could only nod reluctantly.

They also never expected that Ying Changsheng would dare to attack Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

It is also necessary to destroy Liu Bang's quantum weapons. This is what shocked these soldiers the most.

They didn't care about anything, they quickly left here and came to Liu Bang's territory.

But now Yang Jian is also here, but no one knows.

These soldiers also took out a token of Li Er, and said to the generals defending the city.

"Everyone, we are people sent by Li Er, and now we have news to tell Liu Bang in front of us."

"Can you let us in?"

The soldiers guarding the city also widened their eyes, wondering what happened.

He even asked Li's second-hand soldiers to come here in person.

Even if it was Liu Bang's birthday, there wouldn't be such a big ostentation.

Didn't Li Er say that he won't get involved in anything?

However, the soldier didn't speculate on Li Er's thoughts, he cupped his hands and said, "々`You should wait here for a while.w

"We want to inform Liu Bang and Yang Jian."

"If the two of them agree to see you, then I will definitely bring you here to meet Liu Bang.

"If you are unwilling to wait, then I have nothing to do."

But the soldier also laughed, he came here to meet Liu Bang.

Why are you afraid now? Why don't you want to go?

He nodded to the person in front of him and said: "Then you go quickly."

"I am also waiting for a notification from you."

"I really have something very urgent here, and I need to tell Liu Bang."

"This matter is also related to Ying Changsheng, so you can tell him."

"If he doesn't want to see (of Li's) me, don't blame me or Li Er for what happened after that day.

The soldier nodded, then left in a hurry and came to Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

Now Yang Jian is also in a trance.

What do the people under Liu Bang mean? Don't they all have to knock on the door to enter here? Don't they all need to be notified?

He also looked at the soldier angrily and said: "Could it be that your Liu Bang didn't tell you.

"To enter here you need to knock and?"

"If the two of us are talking about something, wouldn't it be a little bad for you to come in?"

But the soldier didn't pay attention to Yang Jian at all, he walked up to Liu Bang directly, and cupped his hands. .

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