Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

338. Quantum Weapons, Mobilize The Masses! (Please Subscribe!)

338 quantum weapon

"Tell me about this place, is it the place where you build quantum weapons?"

"If yes, nod, if no, shake your head."

"If you don't tell me or dare to lie to me, I will kill you here.

The two soldiers also widened their eyes, when did Ying Changsheng arrive here, why didn't he know?

But they have also fallen into the hands of Ying Changsheng.

That must be to obey Ying Changsheng's orders, and it must be to save his own life.

They also said to Ying Changsheng: "What do you want to know now, then we will talk about it."

But Ying Changsheng is also very sad, hasn't he already said it?

Ying Changsheng was also very angry that the two people in front of him pretended to be stupid in front of him.

He pointed at the two of them and cursed at them.

He also said to the two of them: "I asked you earlier whether this is the production base of quantum weapons. 30"

The two people in front of them also nodded, they did not dare to deceive Ying Changsheng.

They were really afraid that Ying Changsheng would kill the two of them here.

But Ying Changsheng also found out that these two people actually acquiesced, and he also laughed out loud.

After knocking a person out here, he changed into his clothes and said to Wen Tianbing next to him.

"Take me to the base of the quantum laboratory."

"I want to see what it is like, if you dare to say no, you will die here today.

This soldier is also a covetous person who fears death.

He led Ying Changsheng out of here.

But when Ying Changsheng left, he also tied up the soldier who was knocked out by him here.

But he strangled him with a little force.

After doing all this, Ying Changsheng followed the person in front of him and left here.

The two of them went all the way and came to a very secret passage.

Ying Changsheng also marked this road.

If he can be rescued in the future, he will definitely lead the rescuer.

Came here to destroy this place.

Didn't he come here today to destroy this place?

The current soldier is also leading. After Ying Changsheng entered here, he also entered the password.

Ying Changsheng also saw this place, it turned out to be extremely beautiful and beautiful, and there are many talents.

All of them are studying the prince's weapons here.

Ying Changsheng also widened his eyes, which is much more exciting than Daqin's research on quantum weapons.

He also became a little serious.

He also vowed that if he returned to Daqin, he would definitely study the prince's weapons carefully.

But the soldier also looked at Ying Changsheng and said to her, "I have already brought you here."

"Can you let me go?"

Ying Changsheng also smiled naively, beheading him here.

Why should Ying Changsheng let go of a person who is hostile to him? These people are really naive.

After Ying Changsheng finished all this, he left here quickly.

Came to the restaurant.

However, the two soldiers found out that Ying Changsheng hadn't come down for a long time, and they felt that it was not reliable.

Could Ying Changsheng have escaped from here?

These two people also grabbed the waiter and questioned him.

The waiter also found out that these two people were actually soldiers, so he also told the truth.

It also opened the door of Ying Changsheng's room.

However, the oncoming person turned out to be Ying Changsheng snoring here, drowsy.

They also widened their eyes, how could Ying Changsheng do such a rebellious thing?

It made them worry in vain.

These two people also sighed heavily, as long as Ying Changsheng didn't run away.

Then they won't take any kind of responsibility.

The two of them also woke up Ying Changsheng, and said to him: "Didn't you come here to drink?"

"How did you fall asleep?"

Ying Changsheng smiled awkwardly, and he also said something ambiguous. 360

He said that he fell asleep without knowing why, maybe because he was too tired from work recently.

These people also snorted coldly, no matter how tired Ying Changsheng can be, they are the most tired.

He had to stare at those soldiers day and night, and let Ying Changsheng stare at them.

More importantly, they will accompany Ying Changsheng when he goes out.

They also couldn't understand why Liu Bang wanted to win such an honor as longevity.

But at this time, Yang Jian also came urgently, and Liu Bang also said to him, "What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't Ying Changsheng be our prisoner? Why did you let him come near the city?"

"Now you must give me an explanation."

"Or our cooperation will be cancelled."

If Ying Changsheng finds the thing we built, wouldn't we be able to eat and walk around?

Haven't you thought about it yourself?

After saying these words, he also looked at Liu Bang in front of him. .

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