Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

350. Weigh It, Let's Encircle And Suppress! (Please Subscribe!)

350 weigh it

"What kind of identity is Ying Changsheng, and what kind of identity are you two?"

Don't you think about it yourself?

After he finished speaking, he also waved his hand, wanting to capture these soldiers and the generals of the Guards Army here.

But this general is not a good talker.

He looked at his soldiers and said, "Resist as much as you can."

"We can delay for a while, and there for a while."

"I believe that with your strength, it should be possible to delay until tomorrow."

The soldiers also nodded to the general of this heaven-defying army.

It is true that these hundreds of thousands of soldiers want to encircle and suppress them.

In terms of their current strength, they are not afraid.

This is also an oversight of Liu Bang, not to mention they still have Meng Tian.

If there is no accident, the two soldiers should also be on the way to find Meng Tian.

As long as they found Meng Tian, ​​wouldn't everything come to light.

But the two soldiers now came to Meng Tian in a hurry.

In 830, Meng Tian and those soldiers had been hiding nearby, and after they found these two soldiers.

They also widened their eyes.

If there is no accident, the task of rescuing Ying Changsheng also needs to be placed on Meng Tian.

The current Meng Tian also waved his hands at the two soldiers and said loudly: "You two are soldiers of the Heaven Defying Army?"

After these two people heard Meng Tian's voice, they were also incomparably shocked.

They did indeed have some things to say to Meng Tian.

They hurriedly came in front of Meng Tian.

Now they also bowed deeply to Meng Tian and said: "We have news to tell you."

Of course Meng Tian knew about it, the arrival of these two people in such a mobilizing way must have news.

He also pricked up his ears, and said to the two soldiers: "Then you guys talk about it.

"Should we go rescue Ying Changsheng first, or does the Defying Army have already dealt with Liu Bang?"

But just when he said these words, these people also let out a long sigh.

If they solve Liu Bang.

That would not let the two of them come in front of Meng Tian at all.

They also told Meng Tian the whole story of everything, and it was also a way to wait for Meng Tian.

See how to rescue Ying Changsheng.

But now Meng Tian has also widened his glasses, and they are also a little at a loss now.

These people also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The soldiers in Meng Tian's hands also knew about this.

They said decisively to Meng Tian, ​​"Do you have any idea in your mind now?"

"Just tell us straight up."

"If not, then should we rescue Ying Changsheng, or the general of the Defying Army?"

"You must also give us an accurate message."

Meng Tian also thought about it for a while, and then said to the two soldiers.

"Now how long do you think the general of the Heaven-defying army can resist?"

"If they can resist for a moment (daag) for a moment, then we will go to rescue Ying Changsheng."

"But if they can't resist, then we can only rescue these people from the Defying Army."

After all, we can discuss Ying Changsheng after autumn.

But we must not lose these soldiers.

The two soldiers of the Guards Army also widened their eyes.

Meng Tian was so careful that he couldn't think of such a big picture.

This is something they never expected.

But the most important thing now is to rescue Ying Changsheng.

Regardless of whether the Guards Army can hold on, they must rescue Ying Changsheng.

With Ying Changsheng, there are countless armies against the sky.

If he hadn't won Changsheng, even if this Heaven-defying army was still here, it would definitely be impossible to fight against Liu Bang.

And Yang Jian's.

The two soldiers also told Meng Tian all of these causal cycles.

Meng Tian also snorted coldly, it seems that now they can only go to rescue Ying Changsheng.

He also said to the two soldiers: "Since both of you have such confidence in your heart."

"If you dare to say that you will be able to hold on, then let's go to rescue Changsheng."

"Now I don't have much to say, everything follows in my footsteps.

"I've already looked at all the problems here."

"That's the soldiers, and they all went to attack the Guards Army."

Now we can directly break the city gate and enter the city.

I guess Ying Changsheng and the soldiers in his hands must be in an extremely hidden place.

If there is no accident, it is either in prison or in military service.

These words also made these soldiers under him feel as if they were enlightened.

They were still struggling with where to go to find Ying Changsheng.

But after the general finished speaking, they also put all such thoughts behind them. .

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