Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

366、It's So Embarrassing To Be Alone! (Please Subscribe!)

366 Alone

After Ying Changsheng finished speaking, he was alone, and he came to the Thirty-Three Science Fiction Heavenly Court.

Discovered places he hadn't seen before.

Maybe there are small flaws, but it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Ying Changsheng also smiled naively, but he also went straight to the top of the thirty-third heaven.

I also discovered that there are many things that have not changed since ancient times.

There are also some gold and silver jewelry, the most important thing is that it is also very hidden here.

What Ying Changsheng saw was a magnificent palace.

This may be their Daqin's last resort.

But after reading Ying Changsheng now, he also discovered the passage of time.

He also quickly came to these workers, and found that the workers had already arranged the entire banquet hall.

Ying Changsheng was also extremely shocked, shouldn't all these jobs belong to him?

Why let these workers do it?

Ying Changsheng also felt a little throbbing in his heart, and he said: "Everyone, if there is such a thing in the future.

"You don't have to do it yourself, you are heroes now."

"How can I let you people do it?"

But these workers are rough and rough, and they don't know how to speak bright words.

They also said after bowing their hands to Ying Changsheng in front of them.

"Your great kindness and virtue, we will always remember it in our hearts."

"If you don't say something now, we will always respect you for the rest."

"Now let's make a long story short, just sit here and wait for the food to arrive.

Ying Changsheng didn't shy away from it at all.

After all, these people are also brought out by themselves, they let themselves sit there and do it themselves.

Ying Changsheng had nothing to be ashamed of. After sitting down, he also had a chat with these workers.

It is here to wait for the arrival of those meals.

However, the soldiers who cook also prepared the food extremely quickly.

They also stood up abruptly, looked at Meng Tian and said: "General, we have already served these meals."

"It's all settled.

"If you have nothing else to do on your side, then help us get these meals.

"Give it all to their hands, and we soldiers won't eat it."

But Meng Tian didn't understand why these soldiers didn't eat the garden?

Could it be that he was ashamed of these soldiers?

Or is it that there is a slight problem with these soldiers.

He is also somewhat unbelievable.

He said to these soldiers: "Everyone, you made these meals, so why don't you eat them?"

"Can you give me a reason?"

But right after Meng Tian finished speaking, Ying Changsheng was also extremely urging.

They also sent some people to come here.

But those soldiers also looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are also doubting and struggling.

They don't want to eat because they don't know how to deal with Ying Changsheng.

But Meng Tian pointed at their noses and cursed at them.

He also said: "Everyone, you feel sorry for Ying Changsheng, but now the facts are in front of you."

"Why do you bother so much?"

"Things are already like this, then we will let the dust settle, now you go to eat quickly.


"I will also serve these meals. The banquet is about to begin, so please don't embarrass Ying Changsheng.

These soldiers looked at Meng Tian's diligence and diligence, and they couldn't live up to Meng Tian's painstaking efforts.

They also nodded to Meng Tian and said: "You have already said that."

"Then we have no choice but to agree to you."

"You don't have to worry about anything else."

"We will definitely take care of this matter for you very safely, so we will go to this banquet as usual."

However, we must also serve these meals after all of them are served.


After finishing speaking, they also came to the banquet with these dishes.

After carrying them all together, they found a free seat, and these people also sat down.

Even when Meng Tian came to Ying Changsheng's side, he also quietly talked to Ying Changsheng.

Ying Changsheng sighed incomparably after hearing this.

But he didn't push too much.

It is also straightforward, sitting here and holding the wine glass in his hand.

Looking at these workers, looking at these soldiers, he said: "Everyone, I don't want to respect these workers first for this glass of wine."

"I want to pay tribute to the soldiers first."

"After all, if it weren't for these soldiers to make such a sumptuous banquet and meals for us.

"Then our banquet will not start at all."

"All workers, join me, raise the wine glasses in your hands, and salute the soldiers in front of you."

After finishing speaking, Ying Changsheng did the same, and drank the wine in his hand in one gulp.

But these soldiers also widened their eyes.

What kind of capital do they have to be able to obtain such an honor?

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