Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

371、It's So Sweet And Hearty! (Please Subscribe!)

371 It's So Hard

With painstaking efforts, he brought them all to Ying Changsheng.

Ying Changsheng also stood above the city and said to them.

"Everyone, all the workers who have gone out from your family should come back now."

"If there is no accident, they also carry a lot of money."

"His Majesty Yingzheng also knows that the three thousand triple sci-fi heavenly court has been completed.

"Then he also issued an edict today, let me issue it to you?"

But these people also widened their eyes, what the hell is it.

Still need to win Changsheng, so mobilize the people to promulgate the imperial edict?

They also stared their eyes wide, and pricked up their ears, waiting for the edict to come.

Ying Changsheng said decisively: "Now His Majesty has also considered the situation of people's livelihood."

"He asked me to come here to tell everyone."

"We will exempt the various counties and counties of Daqin from taxes for three years, so that the common people can live well."

"It won't let you enter the dire situation. Don't you want such a thing to happen?"

Now why are you not in a trance, why are you not jumping for joy?

After saying these words, Ying Changsheng also looked at the people in front of him.

The common people were a little unrealistic before. After all, no one would believe such a thing.

Now they are also earnest, and they said to Ying Changsheng: "Is what you are saying now true?"

"We couldn't believe it at all."

"If it's true, then you can also tell us."

"But if it's not true, then you don't have to harass us here.

We also know what is right and what is wrong.

But now Ying Changsheng also coughed twice, he didn't expect these people to be so worried about the evil law.

After he also sighed heavily, he said to these people.

"Everyone, are you still questioning me?"

"Now that I have come here, you just put your hearts in your stomachs.

"I won't embarrass you."

"Now that the Yingzheng has been promulgated, then Yingzheng will definitely not regret it."

Shouldn't you thank the current Majesty?

But these people also laughed.

They were also cheering, thanking Wen Yingzheng here.

However, in his situation, Ying Zheng has such a heart that he can be grateful to himself.

But what he admired more was Ying Changsheng.

If they didn't win Changsheng's three-inch tongue, how could these people be grateful to themselves.

What did you do today?

He might be given the reputation of being a tyrant through the ages, which is not what Ying Zheng wants to see.

It wasn't what Ying Changsheng wanted to see either.

However, the people nowadays are straightforward, and they said to Ying Changsheng, "Do you have time now?"

"We also want to ask to see a person, and that is His Majesty Yingzheng."

"We want to thank him in person."

"If there is no tax exemption for these three years, then our life will be in dire straits."

We may live precarious lives.

These ideas of Yingzheng now do coincide with ours.

How about you recommending us to Yingzheng? We thank you in person.

But Ying Changsheng also shook his head, why didn't Ying Zheng appear here?


That must be because he didn't want to show off in front of these people, and he didn't want them to appreciate him.

Ying Changsheng told Ying Zheng everything he wanted.

These people looked at each other one by one, staring with big eyes here.

It turned out that Ying Zheng had already arranged everything for them.

Now they also bowed deeply to Ying Changsheng and said: "Since His Majesty doesn't want to see us.

"Then we won't force anything anymore, we will leave here one after another now."


"If Ying Zheng wants to meet us someday, then you must lead him to meet us.

"We must kowtow to Ying Zheng twice to thank His Majesty today."

But after finishing these words, Ying Changsheng also shook his head.

Unexpectedly, these people were really willing to pay so much for Ying Zheng.

He said in an official tone: "Everyone, I will definitely bring your words to you.

"You don't need to urge me any more."

After finishing these words, he also bowed his hands to these people, and promulgated this imperial edict in Xianyang City.

The people in other cities also got such news.

This also all depends on a means of the Guards Army.

Without them, it would be quite difficult to promulgate such an edict.

Now after all this has been settled.

Ying Changsheng also patted his chest very heartily.

He always felt that he had solved an extremely important matter.

Now he was finally able to go back to meet Ying Zheng and let him show off how extraordinary he is. .

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