Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

397 , Weigh In Mind, Worry About Food And Bread! (Please Subscribe!)

397 Weighing in Heart

"If you don't go, what means do we have to fight him?"

"You can weigh it in your heart, too."

Only then did Ying Changsheng slap his forehead suddenly, and it turned out that what the two generals said had such a meaning.

He wanted to communicate with Yang Jian himself, so he also laughed out loud.

If he had said that earlier, he would have gone there in person.

Is there still a need for Meng Tian and the generals of the Guards Army to mobilize the army like this?

Ying Changsheng also directly came to the side of the two of them.

He also patted the shoulders of the "653" and said: "Don't you just want me to go?"

"What's so difficult about it?"

"But why are you so ambiguous and turning a corner to say these words to me?"

"If you say it directly, I will definitely agree."

The two generals also looked at each other in dismay.

It's not like they didn't say what Keying Changsheng did.

Ying Changsheng rejected them, which also made them very helpless.

If it wasn't for what happened today, why would they ask Ying Changsheng around the corner?

Now the two of them also said to Ying Changsheng: "Since we have finished communicating."

"Then shouldn't you also inform the people outside of this news?"

"The two of us will also follow behind you. You will not be affected in the slightest."

But at such an opportunity, Ying Changsheng also nodded.

Since these two people have already said it, then Ying Changsheng will definitely do it.

This can be regarded as the sacrifice he made for Daqin and Yingzheng.

He quickly led these two people to the front of those common people.

However, after the common people found out that the three people had arrived, they all looked at Ying Changsheng one after another.

After all, Ying Changsheng was the leader of these two generals.

Here too, only Ying Changsheng has the capital to say something earth-shattering.

They were also waiting for Ying Changsheng's order, and they also pricked up their ears.

But now Ying Changsheng is also speaking with sincerity, speaking to them.

"Everyone, I also know what you are thinking and struggling with right now."

"Then let me make a long story short with you, now I want to meet Yang Jian in person.

"I also want to have a conversation with him."

I also want to see what kind of ability he has to threaten your wives and children.

Don't worry, as long as I show up, he will definitely give me face.

You will definitely not kill those relatives in your family.

These people are also skeptical.

But once that happens, Ying Changsheng will fall into dire straits.

It's not that they don't believe in Ying Changsheng, they just don't want Ying Changsheng to take such a big risk.

They also said to Ying Changsheng one after another: "Didn't you think of other ways?"

"What you said today really shocked us."

"The most important thing, though, is that you don't take such risks."

But Ying Changsheng shook his head, for these common people, he was also heartbroken and would do anything he could.

He quickly came to the front of these common people, and also gave some explanations, and even had some exchanges.

But these people are quite speechless... 0

At this time, Meng Tian and the generals of the Guards Army also tried to persuade these common people.

The people finally knew that the two generals would also follow Ying Changsheng.

Then they can put their hearts in their stomachs.

They said after cupping their hands at Ying Changsheng and the two generals in front of them.

"If that's the case, let's first express our deep gratitude here, what the three of you have done for us people."

"We will definitely remember the great kindness of the three today in our hearts.

But Ying Changsheng fought back, he didn't need any gratitude from these soldiers at all.

She has become a figure on Daqin's side, and he must make these common people live comfortably.

Ying Changsheng also told these people about Ying Zheng and the idea in his heart.

The people also bowed deeply to Ying Changsheng and said, "Since you have already said so."

"Then we will lead you to meet Yang Jian."

"I believe he will be very shocked when he sees you there."

Right after these words were finished, their group was also the general leading Ying Changsheng Meng Tian and the Heaven-defying army.

Leaving here quickly is also very exciting.

But Ying Changsheng is not afraid at all.

But now Yang Jian also felt that things were a little tricky.

Why have I not seen those people for a long time, and where did these people go.

He is also very confused.

I wouldn't go to look for Ying Changsheng.

But this is just Yang Jian's own doubts, which cannot be counted. .

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