Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

400. Rescue Yang Jian, Extenuating Circumstances! (Please Subscribe!)

400 Rescue Yang Jian

Liu Bang didn't hesitate at all, so he said to the soldier in front of him.

"Didn't I ask you to go rescue Yang Jian?"

"But why did you come back to me? You couldn't be a deserter, did you?"

The soldier's eyes widened.

If he said it in a big way, he was indeed a deserter, but in a small way, he just wanted to tell Liu Bang the news.

Without the slightest hesitation, he knelt down in front of Liu Bang and said after kowtowing twice.

"You can't wrong me like this, now I really ran back."

"But I also have something extremely important to tell you, this matter is related to Ying Changsheng, and it is even more related to you.

Liu Bang is also a little confused now, what is the matter is still related to himself.

He also widened his eyes, and hoped that the soldier in front of him could speak out.

He was also unabashed, and said to the soldier: "Now tell me about it.

"What happened, and why did you escape back?"

"If you have no reason, then don't blame me for imposing military laws on you. 687"

The soldier widened his eyes.

But now that he has come to Liu Bang's side, he will definitely be heartbroken for Liu Zhengyin.

After he also stood up, he bowed his hands to Liu Bang and said, "You really don't know something."

"Now Ying Changsheng already knows some news about us."

"He sent soldiers to design and capture us all there,

"I also took the risk of death to return to your side. What I thought in my heart was to tell you such news."

Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't come back here.

Liu Bang also widened his eyes. He never expected that things would be so difficult.

How did Ying Changsheng get the news that these soldiers had entered the city?

They were a little confused, he also said to the soldiers in front of him.

"Today, you will tell me all the things and arrangements after you entered the city, and tell me everything.

"I also want to see whether there are traitors in our army or your negligence."

"It's better to win Changsheng to see the future."

This soldier is also quite helpless, but Liu Bang has already asked, so he must know everything and say everything.

He then told Liu Bang in front of him everything that happened to him in Xianyang City.

Liu Bang finally knew why.

What these soldiers should never have done is to provoke those common people like Yang Jian.

Doesn't this allow those common people to directly expose all their whereabouts?

He also let out a long sigh, quite speechless.

But now everything has happened, even if he is speechless, he can't punish this soldier.

Who told the soldiers to bring back such information.

He also waved his hand and said to the tenth company in front of him: "You should leave here now.

"I have to think about it here."

"If I want to understand, I will definitely go to you."

"But if I think about it, then I also want to talk to the ministers in the court."

(dafd) The soldiers also understood that Liu Bang in front of him had issued an order to expel the guests.

The situation at Ying Changsheng's side is also very urgent news, and it will definitely take a while to discuss.

He didn't bother the person in front of him either, so he cupped his hands and quickly left here.

He is now thinking of following Liu Bang and leaving here to attack and win longevity.

But what happened now was beyond his expectations, and he had nothing to do.

Liu Bang was also very angry, so he quickly found all the ministers.

After coughing a few times, he said to the people in front of him: "Everyone, I have found you here now.

"Do you also know what I am looking for you to do?"

But these ministers also looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't know anything.

They also pricked up their ears, hoping that Liu Bang could tell them the truth.

Now Liu Bang is also very helpless.

But this information was just learned by him, and it is understandable that these people in the court did not know it.

Liu Bang faced them and said sonorously: "Everyone, those soldiers we sent out just now.

"All of them have been captured by Ying Changsheng."

"Only the soldiers ran back and reported the news to us, so what should we do?"

"I also hope that you can think about it. I must make Ying Changsheng pay the due price."

Yang Jian must also be rescued.

But after these words were finished, the ministers in front of them also widened their eyes.

They never thought that things would be so difficult.

They are also very shocked now, very suspicious.

They looked at Liu Bang in front of them one after another, and said to him: "Is there anything you want to do now?"

"With the remaining soldiers in our hands, if we fight against Ying Changsheng, some of them will definitely not be able to stand on the stage."

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