Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

403. Laugh Out Loud, Confident In My Heart! (Please Subscribe!)

403 lol

But these talents also burst out laughing, they came here just for this matter.

But now Liu Bang is also a little confused.

What do these people mean? He also hoped that these talents in front of him would tell him something.

He was categorical, and said to these people: "Everyone, what is the matter with you, please tell me quickly."

"It also gives me confidence."

After these talents looked at each other in blank dismay, they also nodded and said.

"You may not know quantum weapons, we have already developed them."

"As long as you wave your hand, we can lead quantum weapons to attack and win longevity."

But just after these words were finished, Liu Bang also suddenly came in front of these people.

He also widened his eyes and said, "Is it true?"

These people nodded, how dare they deceive Liu Bang? 30

After Liu Bang saw it, he also laughed, and patted these people on the shoulder and said.

"Everyone, quickly take me to have a look."

"I also want to check how powerful quantum weapons are."

After finishing speaking, the attendants next to me were all very shocked, wasn't the previous one extremely angry?

Why is he so happy after the research of quantum weapons is completed?

He also shook his head, putting all these thoughts behind him.

Liu Bang didn't hesitate at all, so he followed the talents in front of him to the place where they were researching quantum weapons.

I also saw this quantum weapon, which has been placed here.

But the most important thing is that the current quantum weapon is absolutely huge.

Whether he wants to use this thing to attack Ying Changsheng is also entangled by Liu Bang.

He also looked at these talents and said, "How many quantum weapons can I launch?"

"I want to know too."

But these talents now also raised a finger of their own.

Only one quantum weapon can be used, and it can only be used once.

If they want to use it more, they still can't research it with their current methods.

After Liu Bang saw it, he was also very speechless, how could this fight against Ying Changsheng?

However, these talents also categorically said to Liu Bang in front of them: "Don't underestimate this quantum weapon."

"Just this one can blow up half of Daqin's territory."

"You should be able to understand now how powerful this thing is, right?"

"As long as you have him, you can fight against Ying Changsheng."

Now we don't have to worry too much.

After they finished speaking, they also left here silently.

But at this time, Liu Bang was also very happy. He was going to use these soldiers under him to attack again to win Changsheng.

But Ying Changsheng is also studying the laser cannon.

After Ying Changsheng came to the Thirty-Three Science Fiction Heavenly Court, he also saw those talents.

He is working hard on the laser cannon here, and he doesn't feel like it.

I have been staying very leisurely by my side, but these talents are working so hard here.

Ying Changsheng also waved his hand and said: "Everyone, what do you want to eat now? Drink?"

"I will definitely reward you."

"Now that you are developing laser cannons for Daqin, then I will definitely let you eat and drink well.

But these talents now are quite speechless.

After they sighed heavily, they said to Ying Changsheng in front of them: "You may not know something."

"Now we don't want anything, we don't want to eat anything."

"We have encountered the biggest problem, can you help us?"

Ying Changsheng also widened his eyes, what kind of problem is it?

Can let these people in front of you tell yourself so motivatingly.

He also quickly came to these people, and said after looking at them.

"Everyone, haven't you already researched the laser cannon, the last node 030?"

"What's wrong with you, please tell me."

These talents also told Ying Changsheng about the problems.

Ying Changsheng also knew that the current laser cannon can't gather energy, which is the biggest thing.

If it can't condense energy, why is the laser cannon called a laser cannon?

Ying Changsheng was also very shocked, but he was helpless.

After all, these talents are all beside him, so he dare not take the initiative to study them.

He also waved his hand at these talents and said: "Everyone, if you have nothing to do.

"Then you can also leave my side, and now I also want to study it by myself."

"See if you can research and understand."

"Isn't this laser cannon indestructible?"

These people nodded, even if they left here, they were also resting.

After all, they finally had time to sneak in from their busy schedules, so of course they should have a good rest.

Ying Changsheng is doing research here. .

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