Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

414、Don't Take Too Long, The Smoke Will Disappear! (Please Subscribe!)

414 not too long

Liu Bang also snorted coldly, but Ying Changsheng needs time, so he will give Ying Changsheng time.

He also wanted to see what Ying Changsheng could do.

He nodded and said to Ying Changsheng: "Then you should discuss it quickly, but it shouldn't take too long."

Now only Ying Changsheng knows what he is doing.

He was waiting for Ying Zheng to help him act in this play.

But why didn't Yingzheng's soldiers arrive here now?

Now Ying Changsheng is also very puzzled.

But Ying Zheng had already come to these confidantes under him, and said to him.

"Now are you going to tell Ying Changsheng that the laser cannon has been successfully developed, or should I go in person?"

"I'd like to hear your thoughts, too."

Just after these words were spoken, the eyes of these people in front of them also widened.

They also don't know what to do.

They were in a daze, even looking at Ying Zheng in front of them, they also spoke to him.

"Don't you think it's best for you to go and inform Ying Changsheng yourself?"

"You know the character of Ying Changsheng, and now he wants you to help him act.

"Then you go by yourself, which is the greatest face for Ying Changsheng, and let Liu Bang know the importance of this matter."

"If we go, won't it make Liu Bang doubt whether the laser cannon has been successfully researched?"

Ying Zheng in front of him also slapped himself on the forehead suddenly.

Why didn't he think of such a situation?

Now, after a silly smile, he looked at his confidants and waved his hands and said, "If that's the case. C."

"Then you guys, get out of here quickly."

"I also want to go and tell Ying Changsheng personally."

"I believe that Ying Changsheng will also be very happy."

After finishing speaking, Ying Zheng also left here without stopping.

But the confidantes in front of him were not at ease. They also wanted to follow Ying Zheng, so they said to him.

"Will you let us go with you?"

"Let us also see what kind of performance Liu Bang will have.

Ying Zheng nodded when he heard it, and led these people to the city.

He also saw Meng Tian in front of him, and patted Meng Tian on the shoulder.

But Meng Tian widened his eyes, why did Ying Zheng come to him suddenly?

It stands to reason that this is somewhat unusual.

After all, there is no need for Ying Zheng to come down in person for the two armies to fight.

He also said to Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, why did you come here in person? What happened?"

"Can you tell me something?"

After these words were finished, Meng Tian also waited for the garden administrator's reply.

It's just that His Majesty Daqin waved his hand, looked at Meng Tian in front of him and said, "You will know later.

"This is a play between me and Ying Changsheng, you must not do anything."

"Otherwise, the schemes of the two of us will disappear."

Meng Tian also nodded when he heard it. He didn't expect Ying Changsheng to use tricks to get Ying Zheng to come here to help him.

Now Yingzheng is also in front of Liu Bang and Yingqiu students.

He also talked loudly and said to Ying Changsheng: "Do you have anything to do now?"

"I want you to say something extremely important."

Ying Changsheng also turned his head to look at Ying Zheng, he didn't expect that it was Ying Zheng who came here in person.

This really gave him enough face.

It's not easy for Ying Changsheng to refute His Majesty's face, so he cupped his hands and said to Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, you have come to the place where the two armies are fighting, do you have anything to tell me?"

You can say it directly. "

"I believe that these people present can also listen."

After these words were finished, he also played tricks on Ying Zheng.

Now Liu Bang is a little confused, what does this mean?

What code words are Ying Changsheng and Ying Zheng talking about?

He didn't understand something, so he looked at Ying Changsheng and said, "Is this the discussion you're talking about?"

"What are you discussing here? Why did Ying Zheng come here?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will use my quantum weapon to directly blow up Ying Zheng to death here?"

Ying Changsheng is also quite afraid.

He was hypocritical, and said to Liu Bang in front of (Qian Dede): "I am also very scared.

"But why Ying Zheng came here, I don't know, maybe he has some news to tell me.

"Can you let me inquire?"

Liu Bang was a little confused. He felt that he had fallen into the trap of Ying Changsheng bit by bit.

He came here to attack Ying Changsheng and rescue Yang Jian and the soldiers.

Why listen to Changsheng?

He also snorted coldly, then looked at Ying Changsheng and said, "What kind of thing are you, why should I listen to you?"

"Now quickly release Yang Jian to me."

But Ying Changsheng shook his head, he must let Ying Zheng speak out. .

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