Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

422、How To Support, Who Wins And Who Loses! (Please Subscribe!)

422 how to support

"Now think about it quickly, do we want to support Ying Changsheng?"

"If you support it, how can you support it?"

After finishing speaking, he also left here silently.

Li Er also knew that he must leave a hidden space for these people to let them think on their own.

If I were here, these people would definitely not understand.

Ministers are also very helpless.

Unexpectedly, after Li Er finished talking to them, he left here directly.

They also gathered together and explored.

But Ying Changsheng still had a series of "May 40" battles with Liu Bang, and I don't know who will win or lose.

The ministers in these courts also became entangled.

But the person next to him also said: "Have you ever thought about one thing?"

"Now if we help Ying Changsheng, what will Ying Changsheng give us?"

"What can we gain from Ying Changsheng?"

"Aren't these all things we should consider?"

If we don't plan anything, why should we help Ying Changsheng reach a cooperation with him?

I remember that Li Er was looking for Ying Changsheng before, and was humiliated by him.

Then we are cooperating with him now, wouldn't it be hot face but cold ass.

But some of the other ministers agreed with this statement, and some refused.

After all, Ying Changsheng's strength also lies here, whether they want to get close to Ying Changsheng's thigh or not still has to be considered.

At this time, one of the ministers also said: "If you think so.

"It is indeed possible not to help Ying Changsheng."

"But if you think about it again, what if we helped Ying Changsheng."

"Ying Changsheng also thanked us for some things, so wouldn't we fly on the branches and become phoenixes?"

Now all of this is something you need to think about.

But these people in front of them are also very anxious.

What kind of solution they can come up with, they themselves don't know.

Li Er couldn't wait too.

Ying Changsheng is still waiting for him to go to support.

If he continues to grind like this, won't Ying Changsheng be beheaded or captured by Liu Bang.

He couldn't wait any longer, so he looked at the people in front of him and said to them.

"Everyone, now I will tell you a long story short, what kind of decision did you make?"

"Just tell me straight up."

"I can't wait too much."

"We must also have a way to deal with this matter, otherwise how should we explain it to Ying Changsheng?"

These people are also quite speechless.

Just now Li Er also said, give them a certain amount of time for them to discuss.

But now they asked in such a hurry, after they sighed heavily.

Facing Li Er in front of him, he said, "If you say so."

"Then we can only tell you what we are struggling with."

"If you can figure it out, then you can go there in person, but if you can't figure it out, then you can't blame us."

After these words were finished, the people in front of them also looked at Li Er, waiting for Li Er's order.

Li Er didn't hesitate at all, so he said firmly to them: "Then you guys, tell me.

"What do you guys think? It also gives me some confidence."

After he finished speaking, he also pricked up his ears, waiting for the ministers in front of him to communicate... 0

These people now coughed twice and said, "You have to think about it."

"Are we going to put a hot face on Win Changsheng's cold ass?"

"Besides, what will we get after helping Win Changsheng? Will we be injured?"

Why should we help if what we get is not proportional to what we give?

Li Er also laughed out loud, because of this matter, these people have been entangled for such a long time.

He is also quite speechless.

Even if the pay is not proportional to the return, so what?

As long as they get close to Ying Changsheng's thigh, wouldn't they be able to sing along without worrying about food and clothing?

He also looked at these ministers and said: "Everyone, you can't put your eyes on such a narrow view.

"What will we get if we help Ying Changsheng? Haven't you thought about it?"

"Whether pay is directly proportional to return, this is something that can only be obtained in the future."

If we want to see it now, 4.2 is definitely not directly proportional.

Everyone, you can also think about it carefully.

However, these ministers were also very surprised. It seemed that Li Er had made up his mind now that he must have money to help Ying Changsheng.

Then what are they still struggling with Li Er?

Just follow what Li Er thought in his heart, just go ahead and carry it out.

After shaking their heads helplessly, these people said to Li Er: "Since you have made a decision."

"Then why are you asking us?"

"Shouldn't it be enough to find Ying Changsheng directly?"

"We will definitely follow by your side."

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