Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

444、Waving My Hand, It's Hard To Tell! (Please Subscribe!)

444 waved

After finishing these words, he also waved his hand at Meng Tian.

Meng Tian in front of him left Ying Changsheng's bedroom without the slightest hesitation.

He knew that what Ying Changsheng suspected was probably true.

But he still needs to find some evidence to prove that Yang Jian really took the blueprint away.

He also quickly arrived in front of the soldiers guarding the thirty-three sci-fi heaven.

He also gathered all these soldiers together and closed the door.

When these soldiers saw Meng Tian's arrival, they were also very surprised.

Why did Meng Tian come here and find them?

Logically speaking, without Ying Changsheng's instructions, they could either be puzzled by Meng Tian or not listen to Meng Tian.

After all, they are guarding the Thirty-Three Sci-fi Heavenly Court, so they can ignore Meng Tian at all.

But now Meng Tian also saw it, and they were a little bit aggrieved.

Meng Tian was also very angry, so he said to these people: "You don't have to look at me with such eyes."

"I also know what you are thinking."

"Don't you just think that I have no right to accuse you?"

"But what I want to tell you now is that I have the token to win longevity in my hand.

So do you think I can come here and ask?

After finishing speaking, Meng Tian took out the token of winning longevity again.

But after these people saw the token, they also bowed deeply to Meng Tian.

There has always been a custom in Daqin, that is, seeing the token is like seeing the person.

They said to Meng Tian: "Tell us, what's the matter with sending Ying Changsheng to you.

The current Meng Tian is also making a long story short, asking these people.

He also wanted to see if anyone followed Yang Jian into the thirty-three sci-fi heavens, or someone let Yang Jian enter without permission.

After these people heard it, their glasses widened.

They don't dare to do this at all. Once someone dares to do such a thing, won't they be ridiculed to death?

After they shook their heads, they said to Meng Tian, ​​"No one among us should have done this."

"Aren't you a little too worried?"

"Besides, even if Yang Jian enters the thirty-three sci-fi heavens, so what? Did he take anything?"

But just after these people finished speaking, Meng Tian discovered that there was an abnormality in a soldier.

He didn't even dare to look directly at himself here.

Logically speaking, if this soldier hadn't done anything wrong, he wouldn't have done this at all.

This also made Meng Tian more determined, what he thought in his heart.

He also looked at everyone, and brought them all out.

He would ask every time he brought someone out.

But when he saw the guilty soldier at the end, he patted the soldier on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

"You are the last one, I also want to ask Rixia personally."

After the soldier heard it, the soles of his feet seemed to be filled with lead pendants, and he couldn't walk.

The soldiers in front of them also found something abnormal, they felt Meng Tian.

It may be that the soldier's problem was discovered early.

But in order to take into account the face of this soldier, he checked all the soldiers.

They also admired Meng Tian and Ying Changsheng quite a lot.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, the soldier came outside with heavy steps.

Just after he arrived here, he knelt down facing Meng Tian.

Meng Tian finally believed it, this soldier must have helped Yang Jian, but why did he help?

He also said to the soldier: "々`Now can you tell me.

"Why did you help Yang Jian to enter the three thousand triple sci-fi heaven?"

"Don't you know why Yang Jian came here?"

But this soldier also has an unspeakable secret.

If it weren't for his wife, children, and children, they would all be in Yang Jian's hands.

How could he put Yang Jian here?

He also forcefully told Meng Tian his difficulties.

But now Meng Tian also snorted coldly, he felt that this soldier had no brains.

He also pointed to the soldier's nose and abused him.

But the soldier couldn't understand why Meng Tian was a little bit disappointed when he scolded him.

He also said to Meng Tian: "Did I do something wrong?" (Good Nuo's)

"For the sake of these people in my family, I put Yang Jian into the 22nd layer of sci-fi heaven."

"But I didn't tell the structure of Thirty-Three Science Fiction Heavenly Court, let alone where Ying Zheng is.

"Where are those energy cannons, I just brought him here, nothing else.

But now Meng Tian also let out a long sigh, it seems that this soldier still didn't think about the origin of the whole thing.

He also said to the soldier: "Then I won't have any trouble with you now."

"I just want to ask you, the leader has always been captured by us in prison."

"When did he catch him, where are the wives and children in your family?".

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