Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

453、It's Agreed, It's A Fate! (Please Subscribe!)

453 agreed

"I have indeed agreed, the 10,000-meter city wall can indeed be built."

"However, after the construction, or in the middle of the construction, if Liu Bang gets the news and launches an attack on us."

"What should we do? I also hope that you can consider this matter."

Don't let our soldiers be exhausted and unable to resist Liu Bang and the others.

That's pretty tricky.

But Ying Changsheng laughed out loud when he heard it.

He already had a way to deal with this matter.

After Ying Changsheng waved his hand, he said to Meng Tian: "You don't have to worry about this matter.

"Some things just happen naturally."

"Once we get to that point, I'm sure things will work out and you don't have to worry about that.

"Let's go to those soldiers now."

I also have something to say to those soldiers in person.

But just after these words were finished, Meng Tian also let out a long sigh.

Ying Changsheng has said it all, so he can't disobey Ying Changsheng.

After he also nodded to Ying Changsheng, he led Ying Changsheng to his subordinates.

That is, in front of those Mengjia troops.

But in addition to the Meng family army, there are other soldiers here.

Ying Changsheng saw Meng's army and the rest of the soldiers, and he waved his hand and said to them.

"Everyone, now I will tell you a long story short."

"Can you go with me and do something shocking?"

But these soldiers also stared at their own glasses, what kind of thing is it?

How could Ying Changsheng be able to call them here?

They are also very puzzled.

But logically speaking, if Ying Changsheng came forward, it must be something very important.

They also looked at Ying Changsheng, hoping that Ying Changsheng could talk to them.

They turned to Ying Changsheng and said earnestly: "What exactly do you want to say, don't keep it to yourself."

After Ying Changsheng heard it, he also burst out laughing.

He also showed a very serious look, looking at Meng Tian as if he was showing off his might with Meng Tian.

But now Meng Tian suddenly patted himself on the forehead.

He thought of the Meng family army under him, and only listened to what he and Ying Zheng said.

Now that Ying Changsheng has arrived here, they still ignore Ying Changsheng.

The current Meng Tian also coughed twice, looked at the soldiers under him, and said to them earnestly.

"Everyone, I will also tell you a long story short."

"Now I have some things here, and I want to explain to you."

"But I will let Ying Changsheng tell you, you just follow Ying Changsheng's instructions."

The Meng family army heard that their leader, Meng Tian, ​​had already pushed the matter to Ying Changsheng.

They also nodded, watching Ying Changsheng waiting for his order.

Ying Changsheng was also quite speechless, he didn't expect that these Meng family troops would not take refuge.

Don't believe in yourself, but believe in Meng Tian.

After shaking his head, he said to the soldiers: "Everyone, Meng Tian and I also went to Ying Zheng."

"One thing was discussed, and that is to build a 10,000-meter city wall."

"I also know that you must be wondering what the 10,000-meter city wall is like."

"Why did we build them."

After these words were finished, these people also nodded.

It is true that they never knew what the 10,000-meter city wall was.

When Ying Changsheng asked them to oversee the construction of the Thirty-Three Sci-Fi Heavenly Court.

They also know what the thirty-three layers of sci-fi heaven are, but what is this 10,000-meter city wall now?

Does it really mean literally, a city wall over 10,000 meters?

They also looked at Ying Changsheng one after another, and said to him: "What do you mean by what you are talking about now.

"Can you explain to us?"

But after these words were finished, Ying Changsheng looked at them and shook his head.

Unexpectedly, these people could not understand their own intentions.

He also said to these people earnestly and earnestly: "Everyone, the literal meaning is 757.

"Don't you understand the ten-thousand-meter city wall?"

"If you ask why this city wall was built, I can explain it to you."

The soldiers looked at Meng Tian one after another, and they felt that Ying Changsheng was a bit ungrateful.

The most important thing is that Ying Changsheng is still playing tricks on them now, which makes them unacceptable.

After these people looked at Meng Tian, ​​they also hoped that Meng Tian would speak out.

But Meng Tian would not do such thankless things, he coughed lightly, and said to these soldiers.

"Everyone, you have also seen that Ying Changsheng is here.

"Then I will hand over all matters to Ying Changsheng."

"You can just follow Ying Changsheng's orders, his orders are my orders, and also Ying Zheng's orders.

"It is the order of all the people of our Great Qin."

After these words were finished, these soldiers also widened their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Meng Tian was able to bring this matter to such a high level. .

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