Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

507. Help Everyone, Just In Case! (Please Subscribe!)

507 help everyone

After Ying Changsheng heard about it, he also came to Ying Zheng's side, reaching out for the blueprint of his own nuclear weapons.

Ying Zheng in front of him also slapped himself on the forehead suddenly.

How could he forget such an important matter? He brought Ying Changsheng here.

He also hastily took out the nuclear weapon production map in his hand, and handed it to the talents in front of him.

He also watched Ying Changsheng waiting for his order.

Ying Changsheng said sonorously, "Everyone, take a good look too."

"What is the blueprint in your hand for? Let me know after you have read it." 803"

"If I can help you at that time, I will definitely help."

After these words were finished, Ying Zheng in front of him also came to the side one after another.

These researchers also looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are also exploring the blueprints they just got here.

After looking at it for a long time, they also widened their eyes. Was this blueprint really researched by Ying Changsheng?

It can be said to be shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

The most important thing is that this blueprint also contains many things, including how to make nuclear weapons.

They also knelt down to Ying Zheng in front of them and said, "This is your blueprint.

"Could it really come from the hands of Ying Changsheng?"

"Once this is the case, then our Daqin Feihuang Tengda is just around the corner."

After he finished speaking, he also looked at Ying Zheng in front of him, and hoped that he could tell himself the truth.

Ying Zheng also nodded to these researchers.

He is now also promoting Ying Changsheng, and he had an idea to let Ying Changsheng inherit his position.

Now it is also tempered to win longevity.

He also patted Ying Changsheng on the shoulder, implying that he would let Ying Changsheng deal with it by himself.

The current Ying Changsheng is also swaggering. He came in front of these researchers and said to them.

"Everyone, I have given you the opportunity now, and you have seen it."

"The blueprint of nuclear weapons is here. Would you like to follow me to build nuclear weapons?"

"If you think about it, then you just nod, and I will lead you away."

But if you don't want to, then you just shake your head, and you will still follow Ying Zheng.

This is your own inner decision.

Ying Changsheng waited for these people to communicate with him after he finished his high-sounding words.

Waiting for their orders.

But these researchers in front of them also need to discuss.

They had surrendered to Ying Zheng before, and if they changed their minds to Ying Changsheng, this really made them feel overwhelmed.

At this time, Ying Zheng also discovered the problem, and he also asked Ying Changsheng.

But Ying Changsheng also told Ying Zheng what he should say and what he should not say.

It also embarrassed Ying Zheng very much.

Now Ying Zheng also waved his hand, and was about to leave here, but was stopped by Ying Changsheng.

Ying Changsheng said loudly: "After watching the scenes here, you can leave. y

Ying Zheng shook his head when he heard it, he didn't expect Ying Changsheng to be able to control himself in such a situation.

He still smiled naively at Ying Changsheng.

The scientific researchers in front of them were also chattering.

A scientific researcher said to the other people in front of him: "We must also follow Ying Changsheng."

"After all, Ying Changsheng is now the celebrity beside Ying Zheng... 0

"Your Majesty's ability to hand us over to Ying Changsheng proves how much he attaches importance to Ying Changsheng."

"Everyone, don't you even see this problem?"

But how can other scientific researchers not see it? They have long been battle-tested people.

They can be said to be human beings.

They will do what Ying Changsheng says, and what Ying Zheng tells them to do, they will do for Ying Zheng.

They also suddenly slapped themselves on the forehead now.

Now that you have figured it out, why are you so submissive?

These people now came to Ying Changsheng and Ying Zheng one after another.

After arching his hands to the two of them, he said: "Your Majesty, don't blame us for being sorry for you.

"The research object this time is nuclear weapons."

"We have never successfully studied nuclear weapons in our lives, and this time we also want to follow Ying Changsheng to study it.

"I hope you can forgive us."

But when Ying Zheng in front of him heard it, he also laughed out loud.

He kept these scientific researchers by his side because he wanted to hand over these people to 3.3 Ying Changsheng for emergencies.

Now that these researchers have made a decision, he has fulfilled his wish.

After he patted Ying Changsheng on the shoulder, he also left here.

Now Ying Changsheng waved to them after seeing the researchers in front of him.

He also said to them: "Everyone, the place we are studying is definitely not here.

"As you all know, I have another scientific research base nearby."

"There are also many other talents there. Are you willing to follow us where we are going?"

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