Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

509. All The Staff Are Ready, There Is Nothing We Can Do! (Please Subscribe!)

509 people ready

After they quickly stood together.

Ying Changsheng also said firmly to them: "Everyone, the current staff is also full."

"Then you should study nuclear weapons here."

"I hope you can research nuclear weapons as quickly as possible."

I have placed the drawings in front of you, and you should also know how to do it.

After speaking, Ying Changsheng was also preparing to leave here.

But now these talents also looked at each other one after another, they saw the blueprint of nuclear weapons.

They saw the problem from page one, and they can't fix it now.

They hope that Ying Changsheng can help them.

He also said to Ying Changsheng: "You have also seen these things on the first page now, what should we do?"

Ying Changsheng didn't want to care about these people.

He has already told all the problems to those researchers.

Let them——answer for Ying Changsheng.

Ying Changsheng also patted these people on the shoulder.

They also nodded to Ying Changsheng and said: "You can leave with confidence.

"We will certainly not disappoint your painstaking efforts."

After they finished speaking, they also waved at Ying Changsheng.

Ying Changsheng also left here.

The talents in front of them also looked at each other one after another.

They also picked up the nuclear weapon production map in their hands and began to study it here.

Ying Changsheng also gave them a thumbs up after seeing them delving into it.

However, among these talents, there are also Liu Bang's traitors, which Liu Bang specially arranged here.

The traitor found out that Ying Changsheng actually possessed the blueprint of nuclear weapons, and he also wanted to tell Liu Bang about it.

After all, this matter is extremely important.

If Liu Bang didn't know, it would have a certain impact on Liu Bang's follow-up plan.

He was thinking about when he would be able to leave here.

But now other talents are also studying here one after another.

In order not to show a deliberate side, he followed these talents to come here.

However, this traitor also found an opportunity, and he left the scientific research base in a hurry.

The current traitor also used the flying pigeon to send a letter to ask where Liu Bang was.

He wanted to meet Liu Bang face to face.

He knew that there were several secret passages here, and he arranged them from them.

He can leave here secretly without being discovered by anyone.

However, after Liu Bang also received the letter from Fei Ge, he also took a look at the information.

Then he wrote down his position again, tied the letter to the pigeon's leg, and threw it into the sky.

The soldier beside Liu Bang was also in a daze.

What the hell is Liu Bang doing, and what's going on? What does the pigeon mean?

He also hoped that Liu Bang could explain to him.

But Liu Bang said to him: "You are here to keep watch now."

"If there is no accident, in a few hours, there will be a person coming here.

"You also entertain him well and bring him to me."

After finishing speaking, he swaggered and left here.

The talent at Ying Changsheng's side also took it into their own hands after seeing the letter from Feige.

He also discovered that Liu Bang actually asked himself to meet outside the city, and he was extremely terrified.

In order to avoid Ying Changsheng's pursuit, Liu Bang jumped outside the city.

He also gave Liu Bang a thumbs up, showing great admiration.

He also quickly passed his own secret road, and he also came outside the city to find Liu Bang.

After he came to this place, he also found that there was only one small hut here.

He also swaggered to the front of the hut, but he saw a soldier appearing here.

He also said to the soldier: "々`I have something important to meet with Liu Bang now, please take me in quickly.

After the soldier heard the traitor flaunting his might, he also took a deep breath.

Who made this traitor useful to Liu Bang?

He still has clues to win Changsheng, so he can't vent his complaints even if he has complaints.

After he also sighed heavily, he led the person in front of him into the room.

He also saw Liu Bang in front of him.

The traitor also knelt down to Liu Bang and said: "(Winning the king) I also came before you.

"Now I have something extremely important, and I want to tell you personally, can you let this soldier go?"

Liu Bang waved to the soldiers.

The soldier also widened his eyes, what does this have to do with him?

He also looked angrily, and the traitor who just came here was also extremely angry.

If it weren't for this traitor, he would be a celebrity beside Liu Bang.

Now that the traitor appeared, he had no choice but to leave here.

Liu Bang also said sonorously to the traitor: "Then you tell me.

"What happened and what did you find out here."

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