Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

520、Can Help, Laugh Out Loud! (Please Subscribe!)

520 can help

Today he called these people to come, just hoping that these people can give himself an explanation.

Now he also hopes that Meng Tian can help himself.

If nothing else, Liu Bang would hang around these people.

He also waved his hand, and Meng Tian hurriedly looked at Ying Changsheng, showing an extremely tragic appearance.

He also said to him, "What are your orders?"

Ying Changsheng said in a low voice: "You find a way to let these researchers investigate themselves.

"The person we are looking for is here, that is, Liu Bang, and there is such a traitor."

After finishing speaking, he also patted Meng Tian on the shoulder.

After Meng Tian cupped his hands to Ying Changsheng, he also stood up.

He said to these researchers with a solemn face: "Everyone, you can also investigate by yourself now.

"Recall for yourself, who did this thing, and who made these tricks.

The researchers in front of them also looked at each other one after another.

The only thing they can think about is that they don't know anyone here at 840.

They also looked at each other one after another.

But they found out that there was a strange face next to him, who was also mixed in here.

They never knew each other, and this person was Liu Bang.

The traitor spoke loudly to the researchers beside him and said, "Everyone, don't you know him?"

"He was very close to me before."

At this time, some other scientific researchers also snorted coldly after looking at the traitor.

They also understood what the purpose of Ying Changsheng's banquet was.

That is to let the two people in front of them show their feet, and they will definitely help Ying Changsheng.

They also said firmly to these two people: "Then when did you two enter this place?"

"Who introduced you? What about the scientific research you participated in?"

These two people were also speechless, they just sneaked in, and this traitor also sneaked in for a long time.

The previous relationship chain on Ying Changsheng's side was very complicated, and Ying Changsheng was not allowed to grasp the handle.

After Liu Bang arrived, Ying Changsheng searched extensively.

Now these scientific researchers also said to Ying Changsheng one after another: "We just did a survey by ourselves."

"We didn't even know these two people when we found out."

"You can also take a look at these two people, did you ask them to come in by name?"

"If it wasn't for you, would it be Ying Zheng?"

Ying Changsheng also showed a playful look, and he waved his hand to ask Meng Tian to go and have a look.

After Meng Tian walked here swaggeringly, he also patted the traitor on the shoulder and whispered to him.

I also know about you sneaking out of the city to meet Liu Bang.

Do you think your secret path is that cautious?

Don't so many of us see it? Do you think we're fools or are we stupid?

After finishing speaking, he also walked up to Liu Bang again and said to him.

"Your generation of kings came here to compliment Ying Changsheng?"

He also laughed out loud.

These two people were also (daeg) extremely shocked, and their complexions were also pale.

Now Liu Bang looked at himself and abused the traitor beside him.

This traitor dared to expose his tracks, and let himself be detected by Ying Changsheng.

Meng Tian also came to Ying Changsheng's side, and said to him: "You guessed right, Liu Bang is next to you."

"Next to him is his traitor, who is also hidden among our scientific researchers."

"Now you can also think carefully about how to deal with the two of them."

After Ying Changsheng stood up leisurely, he showed a playful look.

He also took out the Shangfang sword that Yingzheng gave him. This sword can be used to kill the faint king and the rebellious minister.

If Liu Bang was beheaded with this upper sword, wouldn't that be a good story?

Ying Changsheng said to Liu Bang: "I didn't expect you to be spotted by me, did you?"

Liu Bang also lowered his head. What shocked him the most was where did Ying Changsheng get the news about him.

Where did he get his trace from?

He also stood up from the side of these scientific researchers, took out the wine glass of Ying Changsheng, and drank it down.

Bumping his courage, he said to Ying Changsheng: "I am curious to ask you."

"Where did you find out about my trail? Since when did you suspect me?"

Ying Changsheng laughed out loud.

Things have already been put before Liu Bang, so what's the point of Liu Bang asking about this?

After Ying Changsheng walked to his side, he also said to Liu Bang in a gloomy manner.

"Didn't you realize that one of my soldiers went to the scientific research base?"

"He found your research map depicting nuclear weapons there, so he told me the news."

Liu Bang also lowered his noble head.

Ying Changsheng looked at him with his vigorous eyes and snorted coldly.

Liu Bang is called digging a hole for himself. .

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