Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

526. After Researching, Let's Leave! (Please Subscribe!)

526 research out

Ying Changsheng said to Ying Zheng, "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

"I want to see what Yang Jian will do after researching the nuclear weapons."

"What will happen again?"

"Liu Bang has already been captured by us, we don't need to take Yang Jian in our hearts."

Ying Zheng also laughed out loud, he had exactly the same thoughts as Ying Changsheng.

It seems that Ying Changsheng is really a roundworm in his stomach.

He gave Ying Changsheng a thumbs up and said, "I don't have anything to do here."

"You also have to promise me that nuclear weapons will be researched within a few days, but you can't research them~ a year or two?"

I can't wait for you here so long-time.

Ying Changsheng shook his head, he can guarantee that within three days, he will be able to research the nuclear weapon.

He also stretched out his three fingers.

Ying Zheng nodded when he saw it and said, "Three days as you said yourself."

"I will go to see the results in three days."

He waved his hand and Ying Changsheng also left here.

Meng Tian and the generals of the Nitian army also followed Ying Changsheng one after another.

After they came to the outside of the palace, the two men also spoke forcefully to Ying Changsheng.

"Why did you talk to Ying Zheng for three days? Are you a little arrogant?"

Ying Changsheng showed a playful look, if he was not sure, how could he agree to Ying Zheng?

He patted the shoulders of the two men and said: "Both of you, don't worry about what I do, I won't let you down."

"It won't disappoint Yingzheng, these are also what those researchers told me.

"If they dare to deceive me, they will bear all the blame."

These two people slapped themselves on the forehead suddenly, it turned out that Ying Changsheng had already thought about the whole story.

It seemed that the two of them were worrying in vain.

They also smiled at Ying Changsheng foolishly, and left here.

Those scientific researchers, after successfully researching nuclear weapons, also cheered.

They want to find Ying Changsheng and tell Ying Changsheng such good news.

After their four to five experiments, it can also be concluded that the nuclear weapons have been successful.

These people also sent a researcher who was very familiar with Ying Changsheng and said to him.

"You tell Ying Changsheng the news now.

"Let's say that we have successfully researched nuclear weapons and let him come to us quickly.

"We also want to share the good news with him this time."

After the scientific researchers nodded, they swaggered away and went to look for Ying Changsheng.

He came to Ying Changsheng's mansion, but did not see Ying Changsheng.

He also went to the vicinity of the palace, but he heard that Ying Changsheng had just left here.

This researcher is also quite confused.

When he was looking around, he saw Ying Changsheng in front of him.

He also quickly ran to Ying Changsheng's side, and said to him: "I want to tell you some good news. y

"You will be very happy when you hear it."

Ying Changsheng discovered that the researchers were talking to him here.

He also quietly said to the researcher: "What do you know and what happened? Tell me."

The researchers said to Ying Changsheng forcefully, "We have successfully researched nuclear weapons.

0 for flowers... 0

"Would you like to follow us to take a look? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I went to your home and the palace but didn't find you, I didn't expect to meet you here.

Ying Changsheng also laughed out loud.

He had just returned here from Ying Zheng's side, but after hearing such good news.

He was also extremely happy, and he said to the researcher, "Then go."

After finishing speaking, Ying Changsheng also quickly left here and came to the scientific research base.


He found that all the scientific researchers were here waiting for his arrival, and he snorted coldly.

He said decisively: "Everyone, have you successfully researched it?"

"Let me see."

These people also put nuclear weapons beside Ying Changsheng one after another, saying: "This is a nuclear missile.

Ying Changsheng gave a thumbs up.

Never expected that in three days, the nuclear weapon body could be researched.

It is still a very powerful nuclear missile in nuclear weapons.

He said to these people: "Everyone, you are so lucky to rest here, I will also give you three days off.

"You can do whatever you want."

"You can also lead the wives, children, and children in your family to leave Xianyang City and wander around in other places."

These people also bowed deeply to Ying Changsheng.

If they hadn't won Changsheng, they definitely wouldn't have such honor, nor would they have such strength.

Will not do such a thing.

Ying Changsheng is like their bole.

They said to Ying Changsheng: "Then we will leave here, and you don't have to be too happy."

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