Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

541. Come To Support, Boundless! (Please Subscribe!)

541 come to support

Once I didn't come to support him, or made him angry.

Or if something happened to him here, Liu Bang had to peel his skin?

Yang Jian felt it before that Liu Bang is a person who can do whatever it takes to benefit.

He also said to Liu Bang earnestly: "You don't have to force so much now-."

"Since I came here, it must be to help-you."

"Now tell me how you want me to do it."

Liu Bang waited for this to be the arrival of Yang Jian, and he was also leading Yang Jian, as well as the soldiers under him.

I met these villagers in the western mountain village.

He also said to these villagers, everyone, you have also seen that the people behind are my soldiers.

Yang Jian in front of me is the king who follows me.

He was also struggling with how to rescue me before, but he didn't expect that I had already escaped and ascended to heaven.

This time he also led these soldiers to meet me here.

You can wait here with peace of mind, as long as Ying Changsheng dares to come here.

Then he will directly die here.

The villagers in these mountain villages also nodded, but Yang Jian in front of him was also surprised.

Why did Liu Bang communicate so well with these people in Daqin?

Are these people the people of Daqin? Or the people of Liu Bang? He is also in a trance.

Doesn't Ying Changsheng know about this? Or is it that Ying Changsheng is also secretly paying attention to this matter?

He also said to Liu Bang in front of him: "You see how things should go. I also want to hear your opinion."

After Liu Bang looked up at the sky, he said to Yang Jian in front of him: "Come with me.

He patted Yang Jian on the shoulder.

After Yang Jian waved his hand, he also led these soldiers to the vicinity of Liu Bang.

I also saw that this place turned out to be a vast and endless plain.

They were also very confused, but Liu Bang said sonorously here: "Everyone, have you looked at this great plain?"

"We're going to set up an ambush here."

"If there is no accident, Ying Changsheng will enter our territory from here."

"Once we set up an ambush here, we can prevent Ying Changsheng and other people from coming.

You guys can also think about it.

Ying Changsheng was in prison, and he did such unspeakable things to me.

Today, I definitely want to let these people all die in my hands, otherwise, it would be hard to thank my heart for hatred.

Everyone, do you want to follow me or not?

If you nod your head, then I will lead you. If you shake your head, I will stop talking.

These people also looked at Yang Jian one after another. After all, they were soldiers brought out by Yang Jian.

If Yang Jian didn't take any attitude, they wouldn't follow Liu Bang to fight against Ying Changsheng.

Besides, they don't know where Ying Changsheng has reached now.

If you go to ambush Ying Changsheng with such a posture, whether you can succeed is still to be considered.

Liu Bang in front of him also discovered that all these soldiers followed Yang Jian.

He also patted himself on the forehead suddenly, it seemed that he was not in his territory.

It also gave Yang Jian a three-point strength.

If he goes back in the future, he must rectify the power in his hands and let them know who is the prince.

But at the moment he couldn't do that.

These people in front of them are also extremely powerful.

…0 for flowers………

He also quietly looked at the soldiers in front of him, and said to Yang Jian, "Don't you want to help me?"

Yang Jian shook his head when he heard such a big hat on his head.

If he doesn't want to help Liu Bang, let other people in the court know.

Then Yang Jian will be in danger here in the future.

After he patted Liu Bang on the shoulder, he laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm the best at fighting against Ying Changsheng.

"Just put your heart in your stomach."

However, Yang Jian in front of him feels that it is not good to ambush Ying Changsheng in the vast flat land here.

He also looked at Liu Bang quietly, and he also wanted to dissuade Liu Bang.

After he coughed twice, he quietly led Liu Bang to the side.

These soldiers also looked at each other one after another.

What kind of medicine did Liu Bang and Yang Jian sell in the gourd? Why didn't they tell them the plan.

And don't let them carry it out, what is the purpose of this?

The soldiers couldn't figure it out, and shook their heads, neither struggling nor thinking.

They only know that they can follow two people, both Liu Bang and Yang Jian are their leaders.

But Yang Jian said to Liu Bang very solemnly: "You don't know something."

"I feel that there will be problems in ambushing in this vast and endless plain.

"Why don't we ambush in the mountain village in the west?"

Ying Changsheng and Ying Zheng must be aware of the problems in this mountain village, why don't we follow the plan?

Liu Bang on the side also widened his eyes.

Why didn't he think about these things? Why did he need Yang Jian to guide him?

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