Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

543、It's Definitely Not, I Am Willing! (Please Subscribe!)

543 absolutely not

If Ying Changsheng knew what Ying Zheng was thinking, he would never have come here.

He would insult Ying Zheng, and he would also ask Ying Zheng why he did this.

Once a country has two systems, it will have a great impact.

Could it be that Ying Zheng couldn't even understand this kind of thing?

Do you still need him to clarify here?

Ying Changsheng's side is also straightforward, and he brought the general of the Guards Army here.

He doesn't believe in evil today, he wants to see where this general will go.

He also quickly said to the general: "Since you have come under my command.

"Then you should do what you should do for me."

"You are so entangled at this moment, how can it look like your demeanor?"

"You are the general of the Defying Army."

The general also slapped himself on the forehead suddenly, and he also learned from Ying Zheng.

Once it enters this village, it will have an impact.

But since Ying Changsheng has already sent the spies in, he should just wait here.

He also came to Ying Changsheng's side very piously, and said to him: "You can't blame me either.

"I know what this village has, and I know what this village represents."

"I don't want to provoke anyone in this village."

If I had known this was the case, I would have let Meng Tian come here to follow you.

Ying Changsheng never expected that the general of the Defying Army could say such brazen words.

He also pointed at the nose of the General of the Guards Army, wanting to abuse him.

But abruptly swallowed the slow words into his stomach.

He also took a few deep breaths and patted his chest.

Those spies also quietly entered the western mountain village to inquire about all this.

These spies had just entered the western mountain village.

They also discovered that there are many people working hard in this mountain village.

They think that this mountain village has nothing to do with other mountain villages in their Great Qin Empire.

He also quietly looked at these people in front of him, and they didn't understand very much.

Why did Ying Changsheng send them here to investigate.

But if Ying Changsheng asked them to come, there must be the intention of Ying Changsheng, and they can't disobey Ying Changsheng.

Who made Ying Changsheng their leader?

Besides, the generals of the Guards Army have already obeyed Ying Changsheng's orders.

They must also focus on winning longevity.

Ying Changsheng also waved his hand after watching the spies enter.

He said to all the soldiers, as well as the general of the Guards Army: "Everyone, let's wait here."

These people also nodded, and Ying Changsheng was waiting silently here.

After these few spies entered here, they also discovered that these common people lived in a very simple way.

Their local customs are unflattering.

The most important thing is that when these spies are hungry, they want to go to other people's homes to ask for stuttering.

These people didn't give it at all, as if they were afraid that they would find some kind of secret.

This also made the spies hesitate a little.

The spy quietly came to the side, he also wanted to see what happened.

But at this moment, he also saw a little girl running up to him delicately.

The spy also picked up the little girl and said to him, "What's wrong with you? Where's your family?"

The little girl looked blank, he had no family here at all, let alone other things.

He also quietly looked at the person in front of him, and found that he was a little confused.

He said to the spy in front of him, "Brother, who are you? I was kidnapped and sold into this mountain village.

"Can you save me?"

The spy also widened his eyes, it seems that this mountain village is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Even being able to abduct and sell children.

He is also quite angry. Today he also wants to rectify this atmosphere. 793

But he must also inform Ying Changsheng of this matter.

Otherwise, it will have a great impact on their follow-up plans.

He also stared blankly at the little girl in front of him, and said to him, "How about I take you out of here?"

This little girl is also very surprised, can she really leave here?

No matter where he is asked to go, he is willing to go.

As long as he didn't stay in this mountain village, he also nodded to the spy in front of him.

However, the little girl's family has already come here, found the little girl, and also found this strange man.

He also said to this man: "You came to us, we should come here to congratulate you. 27

"But my child is also lost."

"I just found out, can you hand over the child you are holding to us?"

The spy also stared blankly at the simple villager in front of him, and he also looked puzzled.

Is this villager really as simple as he saw?

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