Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

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"There's nothing I can do about it, do you think I'm trying to ship the tracking out?"

"I can make this missile myself, so why would I ship it?"

"Everyone, can't you stand in my position and look at this matter?"

Liu Bang in front of him also shook his head, not that he couldn't treat it with Ying Changsheng.

It was because Ying Changsheng didn't give him a chance at all.

He also looked at Ying Changsheng with a playful face, and said to him quietly.

"If you hand over the tracking missile to me now, I can still believe what you just said."

"If you don't give it to me, then what you say is just for yourself, how can I believe it?"

Ying Changsheng suddenly patted himself on the forehead.

He wanted to hand over the tracking missile to Liu Bang, and then he could develop a more powerful weapon than the tracking missile.

But the tracking missile was brought back by Meng Tian, ​​and it was also under the order of Ying Zheng.

If Ying Zheng didn't come forward, he would be ashamed to disobey Ying Zheng.

Ying Changsheng also quietly looked at Liu Bang in front of him, took a deep breath, and said to Liu Bang.

"Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"You also know that I did not issue this order, so I am not qualified to revoke this order.

"Unless you can let Ying Zheng come to see you."

Liu Bang was also aggrieved, since Ying Changsheng had already said this, let's start the attack.

He didn't believe that Ying Zheng wouldn't come out when Ying Changsheng's soldiers were on the verge of extinction.

After all, Ying Zheng is the king of the Great Qin Empire.

He also believed that Ying Zheng would definitely appear here.

He also said to Ying Changsheng: "Stop talking so much, let me see"||. "

"Can these weapons of yours, and the things you made, be able to withstand my quantum rocket launcher?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Bang also took out the quantum rocket launcher.

It directly bombarded the city wall of Ying Changsheng, and Ying Changsheng forgot to open the 10,000-meter city wall at this time.

His city wall was also blasted with a huge hole.

The walls seemed to be in danger.

Ying Changsheng couldn't bear it anymore, Ying Changsheng wanted to leave here and go outside to fight Liu Bang to the death.

But was blocked here by Meng Tian.

Meng Tian said to Ying Changsheng: "You can't go out."

Once you go out, what should we do if you are captured by Liu Bang and the others?"

"Shall we rescue you or not?"

Ying Changsheng shook his head, he felt that Meng Tian was thinking too much.

He has an aircraft carrier on land behind him, and he didn't go alone to argue with Liu Bang or fight with Liu Bang.

He is going to use the aircraft carrier on land.

He also patted Meng Tian on the shoulder and said: "Just put your heart in your stomach."

"You don't trust me, don't you trust my land aircraft carrier?"

Only then did Meng Tian suddenly realize that Ying Changsheng wanted to use land aircraft carriers.

He also nodded slightly to Ying Changsheng.

The soldiers on the side also saw this scene, they also wanted to follow Ying Changsheng, but Ying Changsheng stopped here.

Ying Changsheng said to them: "Everyone, if you follow me, who will guard the city?"

These people were also speechless, and they also opened the city gate.

Ying Changsheng entered the inside of the land aircraft carrier, and came to the operating room.

Manipulating the aircraft carrier on land is also slowly driving here.

Ying Changsheng also placed the land aircraft carrier in front of his city.

It can be said that this colossal monster completely blocked the range of the quantum rocket launcher.

It is simply impossible for the quantum rocket launcher to exert its due strength, let alone its due ability.

Ying Changsheng didn't hesitate at all, he also came down.

He also said to Liu Bang in front of him: "々`Let me see your strength, I have already placed the land aircraft carrier here."

"Can you destroy an aircraft carrier?"

"If you can't break it, then you won't be able to enter our city, and you might die here too.

Liu Bang and Yang Jian gritted their teeth. They still don't believe in this evil today.

They also picked up the quantum rocket launcher in their hands.

He also said to the soldiers under his command: "Everyone, things have come to this point.

"Then can everyone follow us to attack (Li Qian's)?"

"The strength of one of us is very small, but the history of thousands of us."

"Isn't it still possible to solve Ying Changsheng's land aircraft carrier?"

These soldiers didn't know where Liu Bang's courage came from.

However, Liu Bang has already put the matter on the table, so they will also pay certain means for Liu Bang.

They also looked at Liu Bang in front of them, and smiled at him foolishly.

They were also very fast, taking the prince rockets in front of them into their hands.

They all aimed at Ying Changsheng's land aircraft carrier.

This also shocked Meng Tian on the city wall, he wanted Ying Zheng to come here. .

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