Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

624、You Can't Bear It, You Don't Command Your Soldier With Compassion! (Please Subscribe!)

624 I Can't Bear It

Now. If Zhao Gao wants to be bestowed to death by himself.

He was still a little unbearable.

Ying Changsheng was here and said to Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, if you can't make a decision, then leave it to me.

I believe you also know how Zhao Gao should be punished for the crimes he committed now.

It is not an exaggeration for me to punish his nine clans.

But he no longer has the Nine Clans, so let him die by himself.

Anyway, he has no offspring. "

After saying this, Ying Zheng in front of him also waved his hand.

Since it was Zhao Gao who did it.

Then he will also have to pay a certain amount of responsibility for his own guilt.

But at this moment, Zhao Gao was also begging Ying Zheng.

He has hard work without credit.

He also hoped that Ying Zheng would forgive himself based on his past kindness.

Ying Zheng also thought about it for a long time.

He also waved at Ying Changsheng.

He still doesn't want the current Ying Changsheng to kill Zhao Gao.

He has something to say and wants to communicate with Zhao Gao in person.

He also hopes that Ying Changsheng can give himself such time.

Ying Changsheng was originally there to help His Majesty the Emperor.

What the emperor said now made him feel very alienated.

He also left quietly here.

But this emperor is Ying Zheng, and he also said to Zhao Gao.

"Now can you tell me, why did you steal the jade seal?

I believe you can also see that I don't want to kill you at all.

But the incident of Yuxi's loss was also widely spread, and everyone knew about it.

In my palace, there are traitors and spies, how can you embarrass me" "."

Zhao Gao also kept his mouth shut.

He doesn't know and he doesn't want to know.

He thought he had done nothing wrong.

He was here, and after shaking his head, he also said to Ying Zheng.

"Do you think you're doing the right thing?

If you do everything right.

Then why are there still so many people in Daqin who want to oppose you?

Moreover, why didn't those outsiders work so hard to attack Daqin?

Do they want to show their strength.

You know best in your heart. "

Ying Zheng also felt this, and there was nothing to coax.

He waved his hand here too.

He really will not kill Zhao Gao now.

After all, Zhao Gao still had a certain influence on Ying Zheng.

The current Ying Zheng also said to Ying Changsheng.

"I'm sure you've seen it too, Zhao Gao, I don't want him to be executed.

Put him directly in the prison.

Let him spend the rest of his life in prison.

This can be regarded as a glimmer of life for him.

It can be regarded as some compensation for him.

He should also be able to understand my painstaking efforts. "

After these words came out, Ying Changsheng was also very surprised.

He has heard a saying, that is, kindness does not control soldiers.

Now that Ying Zheng in front of him has become the king.

He must destroy the flowers with his hands, and get rid of Zhao Gaowei.

If even Zhao Gao can't solve it.

What kind of things will happen in the future that Ying Zheng in front of him can solve?

But Ying Zheng also waved his hand.

He has already made this kind of decision, then he will never go back on his word.

After all, a man is a big man, and it is hard to chase after a word.

Not to mention, he is the king of Great Qin.

He also waved.

Meng Tian and the generals of the Nitian army also quietly escorted Zhao Gao in front of them here.

Zhao Gaogao was also put in prison.

After they have done this series of things,

Also quietly looking at Ying Changsheng.

But at this moment, Ying Changsheng also wanted to question Zhao Gao.

He thought Ying Zheng shouldn't stop him.

After all, he must find out the main messenger behind the scenes.

Otherwise, he would not feel at ease staying in Daqin.

I believe that Ying Zheng also has the same idea.

It's just that he didn't say it.

Now Ying Changsheng also took advantage of this opportunity to tell Ying Zheng these words.

Also awaiting his approval.

On Ying Zheng's side, he actually wanted to interrogate Zhao Gao himself.

Since Ying Changsheng wanted to do it for him, why wouldn't he do it?

For Ying Changsheng, he still recognized him very much.

Moreover, Ying Changsheng's work never made him sad.

It didn't even bother him.

Now he also asked Ying Changsheng to interrogate Zhao Gao.

Also lead (Nuo Hao Zhao) these two generals.

He was afraid that Zhao Gao would play tricks in prison.

After all, Zhao Gao's previous rights were also very high.

And be able to buy those people in the prison.

The current Ying Changsheng also entered here at the fastest speed.

Also looking at Zhao Gao in front of him silently, he also said to him.

"々`It's been a long time, I didn't expect me to come here again.

Zhao Gao snorted coldly here.

What a long time no see, just ten minutes.

Right now, he doesn't want to see Zhao Gao's face at all.

He felt like throwing up when he saw this face, and he was also very uncomfortable.

After all, men are not like men, and women are not like women. .

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