Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

641、Think About It, The Time Has Come! (Please Subscribe!)

641 think about it

Why did Ying Changsheng not believe him?

Ying Zheng was also a little angry.

But Ying Changsheng also continued to talk to Ying Zheng.

"If you want me to attack Yang Jian and Liu Bang, that's fine.

But now you have to think carefully.

If those researchers really died here, then...

How should you face the family members of those researchers.

Their families are all in our Daqin. "

Ying Zheng also patted himself on the forehead.

This is indeed a hot potato.

No wonder Ying Changsheng didn't want to go there in person.

He is also very solemn now, watching Ying Changsheng here.

He also wanted to ask Ying Changsheng if there was any other way.

Is it the only way?

If this is true, they have to keep letting Yang Jian do whatever he wants with them?

On Ying Changsheng's side, he actually had a unique opinion.

He just needs to wait for another letter from the researchers again.

He will attack himself.

Just as long as the news comes.

In fact, Ying Changsheng still had a different idea in letting them go to Liu Bang.

That is to see if they can destroy their scientific research weapons.

Ying Zheng also finally knew the views and ideas of Ying Changsheng.

However, he also asked Ying Changsheng to train the soldiers as quickly as possible.

Waiting for the time to come.

Ying Changsheng calculated with his fingers, and also felt the next letter from Feige.

It should also come to him soon.

Today, he also needs to lead Meng Tian and the general of the Heaven Defying Army to leave.

He hoped that Ying Zheng in front of him would give him such a chance.

Since he wanted himself to attack Yang Jian and Liu Bang personally.

Then you must hand over all the elite soldiers under your command to yourself.

Ying Changsheng is also here to force Ying Zheng, and he also said to him.

"What do you think now? These two generals must follow me.

This is also temporary.

After I conquer Yang Jian and Liu Bang.

The two generals will still return to you. "

Yingzheng has now been ruled by the world, and some old eyes are blinded by it.

He also nodded.

These two generals are willing to go with Ying Changsheng, so let's go.

If he is unwilling to follow, he has other generals who can be called by Ying Changsheng.

But these two men wanted to protect the camp.

Why did Ying Zheng want to push them out?

The two generals were also here, and they all looked at Ying Zheng.

But at this time, Ying Zheng said to these two people.

"You two, follow Ying Changsheng into battle.

Don't you want to?"

These two people heard it too, and such a big hat was put on their heads.

The two of them also left here one after another.

How could they not want to?

They are a hundred willing.

After they also snorted coldly, they left here with Ying Changsheng.

They also went to the barracks.

Ying Changsheng is also waiting for the arrival of the next news.

Two generals drill soldiers.

Ying Changsheng was waiting for news.

This is definitely the safest.

Ying Changsheng didn't know why, the two generals didn't like him very much.

He is also here silently, speaking to the two generals.

"Both, since you have already told Ying Zheng about my affairs.

Then you must obey Ying Zheng's orders.

…0 for flowers…………

When I said before that I didn't want to enter the palace.

Aren't you also so reluctant?"

The two generals always felt that Ying Changsheng was cheating them.

But they couldn't find any evidence.

They also left here one after another.

It is also here that all the soldiers are found.

Time to train.

Since Ying Changsheng asked them to train, they were training.

However, at this time, the scientific researchers also took advantage of the lunch break to send a letter to Ying Changsheng again.

That is to ask, when Ying Changsheng will attack.


After Ying Changsheng read this letter.

It also felt like the time had come.

If you don't attack at this time, it will chill everyone's heart.

The current Ying Changsheng also came in front of the two generals.

He also waved his hand at the two of them and said.

"Both of you should follow me now.

We are going to attack Liu Bang's side.

Now everything has come to an end.

And in our hands, we also have a map of their military deployment.

After finishing speaking, Ying Changsheng also took out the blueprint in his hand.

The general of the Guards Army and Meng Tian finally found out.

Why did Ying Changsheng not attack for a long time.

It turned out that it was here waiting for the deployment map of troops.

It was also the first time for these two people, and they admired Ying Changsheng from the bottom of their hearts.

They thought that Ying Changsheng was a very useless person.

There is no means at all.

But today, they also felt the strength of Ying Changsheng.

They also said to Ying Changsheng.

"Before, we also apologize for your disrespect.

Ying Changsheng shook his head here. .

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