Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

648、Explain, Everyone Is Happy! (Please Subscribe!)

648 Explain

Why do you want me to take these people? Let Ying Changsheng's scientific research personnel explain it to Liu Bang himself.

They also said to Liu Bang.

"You don't know, the production blueprint you gave us now.

Also missing the last page.

And this last page is still the most important page.

You also have to find, or in other words, research it yourself.

Otherwise, we will definitely not be able to help you and complete the research on the tracking missile. "

Liu Bang didn't believe it at first.

He felt that these people were deceiving him.

But these people also took out these things in their hands.

It was also handed over to Liu Bang.

Also let him see for himself whether it is true or not.

They don't need to use this kind of thing to deceive.

Now Liu Bang is also looking behind the drawing.

It was found that something on the last page was indeed missing.

That's 30 assembly of everything.

Also how to get the tracking system to track.

But haven't the researchers at Ying Changsheng studied it?

He was also questioning these people.

But these scientific researchers have already thought of countermeasures.

That is on their side, they have indeed studied, but the problems they know after research have already been placed here.

That's when they studied it before, it was an improvement using this tracking missile.

They didn't make use of the improved drawings at all.

Everything is readily available, and they don't have to study it.

When telling these words to Liu Bang.

He also patted himself on the forehead suddenly.

He also quickly said to these people.

"Everyone, I also want to find Yang Jian about this matter.

After all, he brought this blueprint. "

After finishing speaking, these people also waited here with peace of mind.

Since Yang Jian can solve it, it is of course the best.

But if Yang Jian can't solve it.

Then it is impossible for them to continue to operate and research.

So speaking of everything, we still need to see what Yang Jian said and what he thought.

Yang Jian also sneezed a few times.

He didn't know who was muttering about himself.

But he discovered that Liu Bang had returned.

He asked Liu Bang what happened.

At this time, Liu Bang also told him.

There is something missing here.

Moreover, the last page of the production drawing of the tracking missile is still missing.

Yang Jian couldn't believe it, he took it from Ying Changsheng with his life, why is it missing?

He also shook his head, feeling that Liu Bang was deceiving himself.

But according to his understanding of Liu Bang, Liu Bang would never deceive others.

Therefore, the current problem must be the most tricky.

Yang Jian also gave thousands of exhortations and instructions.

Make sure it's really missing.

But Liu Bang nodded here, it must be really missing.

Is it a fake lack?

If Yang Jian can't solve this matter.

Then they will be tied up here.

And Ying Changsheng is near them.

If you really found them, the new city where they are now.

Are they about to cry?

So everything needs to be handled by Yang Jian.

Yang Jian also knew that such a big problem was all on his own body.

He is also thinking here.

He is going to lead these researchers by himself to study all the problems thoroughly.

After he told Liu Bang these words.

He also silently asked Liu Bang a few words.

Let him watch everything here with peace of mind.

During this period of time, I should not be able to take care of this side.

He must finish researching the tracking missile.

After Yang Jian said this, he also waved to Liu Bang.

He also walked vigorously and came to the front of the scientific research personnel.

After these researchers saw Yang Jian, they saw their backbone.

They knew that since Yang Jian had come here.

That must be to help them, to complete the research of the tracking missile.

However, some scientific researchers on Ying Changsheng's side were somewhat reluctant.

After all, Yang Jian is here, so the research on this tracking missile will definitely be completed, and it will be completed.

But once the research is successful, won't it have a huge impact on Ying Changsheng?

When the time comes, a series of problems arise.

It will also make everyone feel overwhelmed.

It's not that the researchers don't believe in Ying Changsheng.

After all, the anti-missile system that Ying Changsheng mentioned before is still under study.

It may not be possible to research it.

But Yang Jian has already come, and they can only help Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was also asking these people what went wrong.

And where is the problem.

Is it the first contact? Or the final integration.

The scientific researchers also said all the problems.

He also told Yang Jian all these questions.

If he can handle it, all the best.

If he can't handle it, then he will consider whether to terminate such an action.

Yang Jian also discovered the problem here. .

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