Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

692 , No Dispatch, Attack! (Please Subscribe!)

692 not dispatched

They also widened their eyes.

Since they didn't send anyone, where did this person come from?

Could it be that Ying Changsheng entered?

Logically speaking, they have also been screened.

Those who entered here from Ying Changsheng should be able to find them.

But why can't I find anything now?

And this soldier really mixed in.

Now Yang Jian and Liu Bang let all the soldiers wait here with peace of mind.

Think about it yourself too.

The soldiers also let out a long sigh.

They can still imagine what happened in "May 77" recently.

Perhaps they have exposed the specific place where the king lives.

But after being exposed, what should they do?

That can only be considered by Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

Now these two people also want to find the king in person.

But the king also found out that a soldier appeared in front of him.

He doesn't even know what this soldier is doing now.

Whether it is Liu Bang's men.

He also said to the soldier silently.

"Who are you?

Why did you come to me inexplicably.

Say what you have to say today. "

The soldier was also looking forward to it.

He didn't know what to say.

He also looked around in all directions.

He must now make sure that no one is eavesdropping here.

As long as someone is eavesdropping here.

He will kill this person.

But he did find that there was no one in the king's room.

Only myself and the king.

The soldier also whispered to the king.

"You don't know, I am a soldier under Ying Changsheng.

I am looking for you now, and I have an extremely important matter.

Do you have time now to let me explain to you?"

The king is also full of question marks.

Logically speaking, their two armies are now at war.

Before, Ying Changsheng wanted to see him, but he didn't.

Why did Ying Changsheng travel thousands of miles to send soldiers here?

He was also a little confused.

If the soldier doesn't explain clearly.

He will definitely hand over this soldier to Liu Bang for disposal.

He also said these words.

Also let this soldier weigh it in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, the soldier also said to the king in front of him.

"We're here to give you news.

That is, all the soldiers under your command have surrendered to Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

You should weigh it carefully in your heart.

How did this matter work out for you?"

After saying this, he silently cupped his hands here and prepared to leave.

But the king will never let people go.

This person just delivered such important news to him.

He must have checked it out.

Why on earth do soldiers dare to be so sure?

He also stopped the soldiers here.

He also asked forcefully.

The soldier also explained to the king.

They just finished fighting Yang Jian and Liu Bang.

Although Liu Bang has the help of a college ice machine.

They did not attack the city.

But they discovered that those soldiers had basically obeyed Liu Bang's orders.

Even if they didn't obey, they already trusted Liu Bang... 0

After finishing speaking, he also patted the king on the shoulder, let him ask for his own blessing.

If he figured it out, he could also pass the letter to Ying Changsheng via Feige.

Ying Changsheng can also follow him to carry out internal and external cooperation.

He also said the most important thing about himself before the king.

If the king hasn't figured it out yet.

Why did the soldiers under Ying Changsheng come here.

Then the king no longer needs to be the king.

After all, this position will be pushed by Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

After the soldiers finished speaking, they also left quietly.

Anyway, if the king believes it, he believes it.

If you don't believe it, then don't believe it.

They have also explained the matter.

Then there is no need for further communication.

The soldiers under Ying Changsheng also left quietly.

The king tossed and turned, too.

What the soldier said in his ear also made him unable to calm down for a long time.

He has always believed in Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

But what he said just now made him nervous again.

He has to go and see for himself whether 1.0 is real.

If it is true, he must reach a cooperation with Ying Changsheng.

If it wasn't true, he would also tell Yang Jian and Liu Bang.

There is no other way to win Changsheng.

Let them attack quickly.

After he thought of this, he quietly left here and came to the King of the Barracks.

Now he can know whether the soldiers still recognize him as the king.

You can only go to the barracks to have a look.

Whether he can still command.

But he just walked out of his bedroom.

But he found out that he had left the palace. .

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