Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

694、Being Able To See Through, Do Your Best! (Please Subscribe!)

694 can see through

Are these people still my subordinates?

Since he is his subordinate, he is also his soldier?

Then why the heroes Liu Bang and Yang Jian?

He was also scratching his head here, full of question marks.

He also hopes that someone can see through his stubbornness.

But another soldier on the side also stood up.

He felt that all the soldiers now had a little malice towards the king in front of him.

Here too he asked the king if he wanted to attack.

Once he attacks, he may become the king's elite soldiers.

The king also shook his head.

It is useless for only one person to follow his own words.

He also snorted coldly here.

The other soldiers also discovered that what they just said was indeed a bit abrupt.

After all, they still belong to the king now.

In case the king gets angry and kills them all.

Don't they want to cry without tears?

They are also very surprised and confused here.

The current king also knows that these people are willing to surrender to Yang Jian.

Then in the eyes of these people, I have no place to stand.

He also silently spoke to these soldiers.

"You guys, are you ready?

Liu Bang and Yang Jian, do you have to surrender?"

After saying this, these soldiers were also at a loss.

If they nod, it's their fault.

If they shake their heads, it's not what they think.

So all these problems do not end here.

Now these soldiers also pretended to communicate with the king.

They think that they only need to pretend to submit to the king first.

Then the rest will be solved.

They also said a few high-sounding words to the king.

The king also snorted when he heard it.

He doesn't trust these people at all now.

He also let out a long sigh.

He knew that no matter how he tried to persuade him today.

These people will no longer follow me.

He should think about whether he wants to go to find Ying Changsheng.

He is also using his majesty.

After giving these soldiers a few words, they left quietly.

When the soldiers saw the king's departure, they also communicated with each other one after another.

They are saying it now.

"Everyone, I believe you have also seen it.

The king's idle gaze just now.

I also saw his very sad look.

Are we being a little harsh on the king?"

But there are still some soldiers who want to follow Liu Bang and Yang Jian.

They think that since the king does not have such strength.

They should go to follow Liu Bang.

So, this is a problem of a person's cognition.

The king is also preparing to find his confidant.

See if your confidants can help you.

Ying Changsheng did send soldiers over there.

And that soldier is still from the Meng family army.

Since this is the case, does it prove that Ying Changsheng wants him to surrender?

If this is the case, will he be able to find Ying Changsheng?

Let Ying Changsheng enter here.

When the time comes, will he be able to solve this matter?

The current Ying Changsheng is actually in his own territory.

He has been unable to invade Chechi country for a long time.

This is what confused him the most.

He actually has mixed feelings now.

But at this time, Ying Changsheng also saw Meng Tian and the general of the Heaven-defying army.

He also asked these two people,

Unexpectedly, these two people also said to Ying Changsheng.

"々`You put your heart in your stomach.

Some things, we can still deal with them together.

After these words were finished, the people in front of them also expressed their respect to Ying Changsheng one after another.

Now Ying Changsheng also smiled slightly.

But at this moment, the king also found a confidant of his own.

This is a prime minister in his country.

He also let the prime minister walk to his own bedroom.

And avoid all eyeliner.

Now on Liu Bang's side, there will definitely be some spies or eyeliners near him.

Those who want to observe their every move.

In case things on my side are exposed.

Wouldn't he be working as a minion for the tiger?

Did he also let his own life fall into a precarious (Qian Li's) situation?

He also said to the prime minister.

"You should have seen it.

I'm so anxious to let you come loose in front of me.

There must be an extremely important communication. "

After saying this, the prime minister in front of him was also full of question marks.

He knew that there must be something to say.

But what is the specific matter, he is also a little at a loss now.

Here he also quietly pricked up his ears.

Today only the king needs to speak out.

Regardless of whether it was because of Ying Changsheng or Liu Bang, he would do his best.

After all, the two armies are now at war.

On the side of the king of Chechi Kingdom, he also quietly looked at the other side. .

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