Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

719 , Pointing Fingers, Looking Forward To It! (Please Subscribe!)

719 Pointing fingers

Ying Changsheng shook his head here, he is not such a person at all.

He didn't have such an idea either.

Ying Changsheng also spoke out the most true thoughts in his heart.

He just wanted the king in front of him to hand over all the troops to the generals of the Heaven-defying army to control, that's all.

If the king can agree, win Changsheng's request.

I will never point fingers here in the future.

Ying Changsheng said these words.

He also wanted to see how the king would make a decision.

If the king is really willing to do this and is willing to help himself.

On his own side, he must be able to guarantee the king's authority in this country.

But if the king can't promise himself now, he can't guarantee it.

Ying Changsheng's side can't guarantee anything done by the king's side.

So, this is also a causal loop relationship.

The current king also thought about it.

He remembered that he was on his side before, why was he robbed of the throne?

If there is no accident, it should be on my side, and there is no corresponding means.

And let these people under him secretly tell Liu Bang and Yang Jian truthfully about these thoughts of their own.

And the generals under him are not that powerful.

Now Win Changsheng is here, if he is willing to take over.

Can I also use Ying Changsheng to rectify some internal affairs in my army?

After thinking about it, he was also ready to applaud.

He also said to Ying Changsheng in front of him.

"Actually, I can hand over everything in the general to your general.

But the soldiers on my side, can you approve it?

That's out of my reach.

If you can get your generals to be recognized.

Then I have nothing to say.

If it is not recognized, you also know it.

Even if I agree with your general, it may not be able to occupy a place.

This is something everyone knows."

The general of the Guards Army patted his chest here now.

He hoped that Ying Changsheng would trust him.

He also hopes that Ying Changsheng will give him a chance to try it himself.

Ying Changsheng also clenched his teeth.

He is also the general who faces the army against the sky.

Why didn't Meng Tian go.

That's because Meng Tian doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

As long as Meng Tian manages well, the Meng family army under him will be fine.

After all, there are millions of Mengjia troops.

It is not that simple or easy to manage a Mengjia army well.

Now Ying Changsheng is also looking at Meng Tian with tactful eyes.

He believed that Meng Tian should be able to understand his own thoughts.

Montaigne also nodded at Ying Changsheng.

Whatever Ying Changsheng said, he would do what Ying Changsheng ordered.

Ying Changsheng let him take charge, and they take charge.

If Ying Changsheng refuses to give in, he will not force it.

That's who he is anyway.

He is also here now, silently speaking to Ying Changsheng.

"You don't have to worry so much about me.

There are some things that you should and can see very clearly. "

After saying this, Ying Changsheng also nodded here.

The current Ying Changsheng is also waiting for the statement from the General of the Guards Army.

On the king's side, he also handed over his military power.

He also handed over the token to the general of the Guards Army.

Will this general be able to command the three tails in the end?

That depends on the general himself.

The current general also quietly left here.

Also came to the barracks.

He also let many soldiers see the token in his hand.

He also said to these soldiers now.

"々`Everyone, now the king has made you submit to me.

I will also be your new general.

I don't know if you will agree.

I don't know either. What are you thinking in your heart?

Anyway, the current matter is also placed here.

Everyone, make your own decisions. "

After finishing speaking, the general of the Guards Army also took out the weapon in his hand and stood here directly.

Released the battle-tested murderous aura on his body.

The people in front of them were also trembling their legs.

They didn't know whether they should obey the king's orders.

But they also want to know about the general of the Heaven-defying army. What kind of things have you done?

(Li Lihao) If he hadn't done anything.

Why do I believe it myself?

The current general of the Guards Army also explained the large and small battles he has experienced.

After he finished these battles truthfully.

I am also looking forward to here, staring at these people.

Also said again.

"Everyone, I also know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction in your heart.

But this is not what you are here to fight against me. "

After finishing speaking, these soldiers are also generals who are willing to submit to the army against the sky.

Because from the battles this general participated in, they could tell that this general was a battle-tested general.

And also quite capable. .

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