Chapter 165 The first emperor of “Keng Son”

Songhai City.

“Husband, the imperial court’s preparation of subsidies for pregnant women and newborns has caused a sensation throughout Daqin and the surrounding area!”

“Many prestigious doctors have been inspired by their husbands to actively participate in the training of medical students and free consultations for pregnant women.”

Lu Fei blinked cutely and said: “But this also ushered in a new problem, that is, the number of applicants for joining Daqin’s native place has skyrocketed. Follow up.”

Win Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Daqin, who was originally strong, has already become a true leader and group under its own efforts. It is outstanding in military, political and cultural aspects, and its influence within tens of thousands of miles is increasing day by day.

Many nobles in the surrounding countries are proud of being able to live in Daqin. According to the statistics of the Internal History House, the Guanzhong area alone has gathered more than 100,000 foreigners.

The number of foreign countries in Daqin has exceeded 500,000, and it is leaping towards one million or even more at an extremely fast speed.

The main thing is that Daqin is much stronger than other countries, whether it is city construction or supporting education, medical life and other measures.

Outside of the Qin Dynasty, even in countries such as Seleucid and Rome, the city planning is still a mess at the moment. It is fine when it is sunny. Once it encounters rain and snow, cities lacking drainage measures will instantly become stinky drains, even the capitals are not. -exception.

The black death that plagued Europe throughout the Middle Ages and led to a decrease in the population of one third was entirely due to the fact that the sanitary conditions were too bad.

This has not been improved even in Britain in the early stage of the industrial revolution.

In comparison, the Central Plains began to lay special sewers in the city as early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The earliest duty of “Sikong” was “handling water”, that is, flood control and urban construction.

In addition, Daqin’s management of urban garbage is also very strict. The “Law of Qin” has a special stipulation: “Those who discard ashes in Tao will be tortured.”

For the common garbage in Life, each city in Daqin has special disposal points and disposal officials to ensure the city’s sanitary environment and unobstructed drainage.

Such an environment directly shocked the foreigners who came to Daqin into a fairyland. Many foreigners would rather sell their own luxury homes in China, but only wanted to replace them with a small house in Daqin.

For the free teaching owned by the people of Daqin, foreigners are even more envious. Now, coupled with the support for industrial technology, and medical protection for newborns and mothers, the enthusiasm for applying to join Daqin’s native place has skyrocketed, which is not surprising.

In fact, the rapid growth of foreigners in Daqin has long aroused the idea of ​​Neishifu and submitted it to the court.

It’s just that the foreigners who can reach Daqin and stay behind are basically not rich or responsible, and they have legitimate business dealings with Daqin, or they have certain technical expertise, and it is not very appropriate to expel Daqin directly.

Therefore, although the courtiers argued for this issue several times, they still failed to come up with an effective plan.

In accordance with the usual practice of the first emperor, this kind of uncertainty was naturally left to Ying Changfeng, the prince of the country, to deal with it.

In this regard, he was prepared to win Changfeng, and soon he had an idea:

“The reason why Chaotang currently disagrees with the management of foreigners is mainly concentrated in two major aspects: household registration and authority and obligations.”

“In the case of household registration, it is entirely possible to add a temporary residence permit for foreigners with a limited number of years on top of Daqin’s existing household registration.

“All foreigners who arrive in Daqin must hold a temporary residence permit, and specify their nationality, reason for coming to Daqin, and length of stay in Daqin. The allowable time limit for the first application is one to three months, and the longest is not More than a year.”

“Everyone in Daqin must abide by Daqin’s laws and etiquette. If there is any violation, they will be punished directly in accordance with the Qin’s law. After the punishment, they will be expelled from Daqin, and their relatives and their relatives will be permanently suspended from applying for Daqin’s temporary residence permit. ”

“If you stay in Daqin without a residence permit, you will be expelled from Daqin directly and deprived of all your property. If you dare to resist, you will be killed!”

“After the temporary residence permit is over half of the time limit, a second application can be made. The local government will give an assessment based on its performance within the time limit, and report it to the Dian Guest Office for processing to determine whether to allow it to continue to stay and how long it is allowed to stay.”

“For foreign talents with special talents, a merit mechanism can be set up separately. If merit value reaches a certain standard, it can be rewarded for the time of residence in Daqin and corresponding treatment.

Those who have made outstanding contributions can be directly converted into permanent residence qualifications, or even have Daqin household registration!”

“Temporary residence permits require regular reports of the itinerary to the local government. You can go to school in Daqin for medical treatment, etc., but you do not enjoy subsidies, and all expenses must be paid by yourself.”

“Permanent residency qualifications can enjoy part of the court subsidy based on contribution, but the maximum is not more than half of the people of Daqin.”

“After successfully obtaining the Daqin household registration, that is, my Daqin citizens, who enjoy the same rights as other Daqin people.”

“In order to avoid the proliferation of places, all temporary residence qualifications for more than three years must be approved by the county government and the classic guest office before they can be issued.

The permanent residence qualification and the approval of the Daqin household registration application must be printed by the emperor in person before it can take effect. ”

“In this way, there is a clear management system for foreigners in Daqin, which can ensure that they do not cause adverse effects, and can also encourage them to make more contributions to my Daqin, and give them a hope of becoming Daqin people.”

Win Changfeng smiled slightly and said, “Just put it together into a plan and submit it to the emperor’s decree!

Xianyang City, above the Chaotang.

“Changfeng’s plan for foreign officials in Daqin, do you have any opinions?”

After reading the word by word, Yingzheng nudged the reading glasses on his nose and glanced at the courtiers.

“If this policy can be implemented accordingly, not only will the local government have a clear law on the management of foreigners, but the court will also have a clear grasp of the number and behavior of foreigners in Daqin, and can better control it. ”

Feng Quji cupped hands and said: “As far as the minister knows, these foreigners still have some talents. If they can be used by Da Qin sincerely, it is indeed a wonderful thing.

“It is more detailed regulations, such as how to evaluate the contribution of this foreigner, and more consultations should be done, so that the foreigner cannot be cheaper.

Nei Shi Teng said solemnly.

As the governor of the national treasury, Nai Shiteng is most aware of the huge cost of many benevolent politics in the Qin Dynasty. Naturally, he is unwilling to take advantage of foreigners.

…………Please ask for flowers.

“In fact, it is not only the mainland of Daqin, but for the newly incorporated territories, such as the new counties such as Loulan and Partia, for the local population, temporary residence permits can also be implemented first. Only then can it be transferred to Daqin’s household registration.”

Suddenly hesitated for a moment.

“Great Good!”

The Neishi Mansion quickly nodded in agreement. These new counties can have a population of one million people. If the temporary residence permit can be implemented first, a large amount of expenditure can be left directly to the national treasury.

“It’s just that, will the indigenous people who fail the review have objections?”

Feng Quji hesitated.

“It’s better not to accept it. Since you don’t want to be my Daqin, wherever you like to go, don’t stay in Daqin.”

“When you do it the most, let Donghu and Yue people do it, they are very good at it!’

“It just happens to force those people who want to backtest to jump out and clear them all at once, which is much better than leaving hidden dangers.

A sharp expression flashed across Wang Ben’s face.

“That’s right, Da Qin gave them a chance. It is already very kind, and I dare not accept it. Just cut it!”

Generals such as Xin Sheng also echoed.

The Xinna Territory cannot be completely digested, and Daqin will not easily continue to move to the Western Regions. They are the generals in the army, but all of them are eager to see through.

Although the people who can stand in the court are all meritorious, but who is not too much about the rank of military merit?

Not to mention that it is still to fight against foreign races, and the power of opening up the territory is a great honor that will be proud of generations after generations!

“So, the old minister has no other opinions.”

Seeing the appearance of a group of generals, Feng Quji quickly said.

He was only indecisive and indecisive, but he is actually not really going to give a head to the aborigines who have not yet integrated into Daqin.

“The ministers have no objection!”

“But for the specific rules, I have to ask His Royal Highness to continue to improve it!”

“Your Majesty, now that the scientific expedition is near, should it be said that His Royal Highness will recall Xianyang!”

After the other courtiers looked at each other, they did not find any objections. They nodded in agreement and expressed their hope that the prince who won Changfeng’s vacation should be recalled.

Although it often embarrassed various departments when they won Changfeng in the court on weekdays, especially when the progress of the project was delayed, each department could not please, and the officials were also very afraid.

But winning Changfeng really left the court for a period of time, but the courtiers found that many things could not make up their minds at once, and they had to win Changfeng, the real advocate, to make a decision.

“Quick play!”

Emperor Shi nodded with satisfaction.

The attitude of the officials who are afraid and inseparable from winning Changfeng, the prince of the country, is exactly what Yingzheng most hopes to see.

This son, ability, really has no choice.

It’s just laziness, which really made the First Emperor a little bit at many times. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

It’s time to put more burden on this son.

Those who can do more work, this is what the son said.

Thinking of the way Win Changfeng said this to himself, the smile on Emperor Shi’s face suddenly increased. righteous,

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