“Enthronement ceremony, begin!”

The country could not be without a king, led by the left and right ministers Li Si and Feng Qubian, and took the civil and military officials to the outskirts of Xianyang, that is, in the area on the bank of the Weishui River.

Under the improvised high platform, Wang Wei, who was in charge of etiquette, shouted.

“Respectfully request Your Majesty’s Holy Driver!”

As soon as the words fell, Yingche, who was dressed in the noble twelve coats of arms and wore the crown of the twelve heavenly sons on his head, began to walk on the red carpet that was a thousand meters long.

On the left and right sides were white-robed soldiers in white robes and black armor, as well as fully armed Nanyan Forbidden Army, and the weapons were crossed with each other, forming a steel jungle glowing with cold light.

They maintained almost the same movement, and every time the Son of Heaven took a step, he was bound to take his weapon back into place and greet it with the highest courtesy.

“Hundred official courtesy!”

Seeing the Son of Heaven walking through the ceremonial blade of the army, Right Prime Minister Feng Qu took the civil and military officials and collectively bowed deeply again.

Meng Tian, Wang Yi, Wang Su, Wei Yi, Wang Bian, Fusu and other ministers of culture and martial arts, or some members of the royal family.

“The jade seal of the country, supreme, obeying the mandate of heaven, legal and orthodox.”

On the high platform, Li Si carefully held up the jade seal that represented the highest right and had to walk in the form.


After walking the red carpet road of thousands of meters just now, Yingche, who walked to the high platform, solemnly took the jade seal under the witness of hundreds of civil and military officials and the army.

“Inherit the great unification, the legacy of the first emperor, the prosperity of the Great Qin, and win the royal family.”

Immediately afterwards, Li Si picked up the Tai’a sword that witnessed the hegemony of thousands of autumns and also had a symbol of power.

This time, it was no longer handed over, but worn by the way on the waist of the Great Qin Tianzi, representing the allegiance of all civilization and martial arts.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

Zhang Handan, the lieutenant general of the Southern Yan Forbidden Army, and Chen Qingzhi, the commander of the white-robed army, shouted together with 20,000 soldiers.

During this period, he straightened his waist, waved the long weapon in his hand towards the sky, and the deafening sound swept the entire Weishui River.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

Now there is no long live for my emperor, Li Si, Wang Chui, and other civil and military ministers also drank His Majesty, all of them raised their right hands.

At this point, it is announced that the second generation of the Son of Heaven of Daqin, Yingche, has ascended the throne!

“The eldest husband should be like this!”

In the crowd of people, Xiang Yu, who also rushed in, couldn’t forget everything in front of him for the rest of his life.

“Yu’er, don’t talk nonsense.”

For fear of attracting the attention of the rest of the people, Xiang Bo hurriedly covered the young patriarch’s mouth and quickly stopped it.

“We must restore the country, restore the country!”

Witnessing a scene that can be called a visual impact, it shows the momentum of the emperor, and Xiang Liang’s belief is like crazy, constantly chanting the two fonts of Fuguo.

“Everything that belongs to our country is bound to be taken back one by one…”

Almost showing the word honorable perfectly, no matter how Zhang Liang became unfazed, his current emotions still couldn’t help but get excited.

With such a high-level enthronement ceremony, the final ownership of the emperor, Tyranny Qin is really not qualified to own.

“Such a high-standard enthronement ceremony will inevitably be copied after the restoration of the country.”

Today, I finally knew what the emperor was, Tian Heng, the patriarch of the Qi royal clan, and even his breathing was much heavier.


When the voice shouting for His Majesty gradually subsided, Li Si straightened his voice and said loudly.

“Zhang Qing, bring those people here.”

Just when the ministers of Wen Wu thought that the enthronement ceremony was over and they were about to return to Xianyang, Yingche’s voice spread across the Weishui River.

“Which people?”

I heard that whether it is the sophisticated Wang Yi or the thoughtful Feng Quyan, they are basically with the ministers.

“It seems that blood is going to splash on the banks of the Weishui River today, but fortunately a wise decision was made at that time…”

Recalling the words of the Son of Heaven in the Dune Palace, Li Si, who was in the know, looked at the Son of Heaven unconsciously, and the moon became bored.

If you pretend to be stupid and stunned in the Dune Palace, and do not question your fate at all, you will definitely die a tragic death on that day.

“Rebel thief, kneel!”

It was personally escorted by a soldier named Nanya, first the nineteenth prince Hu Hai, and then all the clansmen behind Zhao Gao and Yan Le.

As far as the eye can see, the long line cannot be seen at all, like an army on the march.

“The clansmen of the family where Zhao Gao and Yan Le belong, as well as the nineteenth prince Hu Hai!”

At first, it was not difficult to understand, when he saw Hu Hai’s figure appear, the eyes of the civil and military ministers were stunned.

According to the usual practice, when the royal family or the children of the royal family committed serious mistakes, especially treason, they usually gave poisoned wine in private.

“Your Majesty, including Hu Hai himself, a total of 5,361 people, all escorted to the scene.”

Coming to the Son of Heaven, Zhang Wei arched the standard military salute and prayed.

“Sixth brother, can you let me go this time, I will definitely change my past mistakes, I will definitely do it.”

Perhaps because of the presence of the courtiers, or perhaps because he wanted to seize the last opportunity, Hu Hai did not even dare to walk, and almost moved forward in a crawling manner.

“Nineteenth brother, you said, have you taken back what you said?”

Looking at the figure that was crawling over, Ying Che waved his hand to signal that Zhang Wei did not have to stop it, and asked lightly.

“No, no…”

Under the extreme confusion of thinking, Hu Hai did not realize anything, and stammered to answer.

At this moment, I can’t wait to slap myself, hot-headed promise Zhao Gao, what difference is there compared to looking for death?

“Then, according to the law, what do you have to say to the emperor.”

Listening to the answer without surprise, Yingche’s tone suddenly changed, slowly revealing the final ending.

“No, Sixth Brother, as long as you let me go, the identity of the Nineteenth Prince will no longer be needed, and I will be a common person for eternity.”

Not doubting Sixth Brother’s decision at all, Hu Hai no longer kept it, and kept kowtowing in place, ignoring the soaked dirt below.

“The Son of Heaven actually wanted to kill the Nineteenth Prince on the spot, instead of choosing to solve it privately!”

Listening to the burst of begging for mercy, the expressions of Wen Wu present almost changed, and the degree of killing of the Son of Heaven was much beyond imagination.

Hu Hai was one of the participants in the Dune Revolution, which was enough to be judged a major crime of treason, and the shocking was the practice of direct killing.

“This, you won’t take me together!”

Looking at the pitiful nineteenth brother, Fusu couldn’t help but think of himself, and his body trembled obviously.

“What is Your Majesty’s intention, do you want to warn the ministers of civilization and martial arts, or do you want to start attacking the rest of the princes.”

Looking at the expressionless Son of Heaven nearby, Meng Tian, who couldn’t find any subtle emotions, the more he guessed, the more frightened he felt.

Suddenly, I found one question by one, is the Son of Heaven wise after all, or does he not talk about any feelings?

PS: Second more!!

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