“Poof… Poof… Poof…”

The Xiongnu cavalry crowded at the mouth of the valley road undoubtedly became more nowhere to hide, and bright red blood spilled to the ground, dyeing the dry soil directly red.

Sharp arrows mixed with strong penetrating power nailed many Xiongnu cavalry into hedgehogs alive, and closed eyes seemed to tell silent relief.

“Phew, phew!”

For a while, the original remnants of the Xiongnu cavalry once again drastically reduced and became a cold corpse.

“You gang of fools, fools, deserve to be shot to death by the Qin army!”

The number of elite cavalry decreased again, and Touman had lost his mind and cursed as if he had gone crazy.

However, behind the madness, it is not a sign that he is currently suffering from mental torture and is already afraid!

“Dah… Boom… Dah…”

With the sound of horses’ hooves, the entire ground shook, and the dust swept the Pentagon Bay Plain, as if thousands of troops were coming.

“Qin Jun, Meng Tian, I’m afraid he wants to kill them all!”

Growing up on horseback since childhood, Touman could not hear anywhere, it was the momentum of the group cavalry.

In my heart, I only felt that from beginning to end, it was completely cold to the bottom of the abyss, and despair began to appear on my body.

“Flee, run away!”

A large number of figures loomed ahead, and the Xiongnu cavalry rushed forward like a frightened bird.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in his mind, escape to a safe place.


Under the high speed, I saw a cold light flickering suddenly, and the spear then provoked the body of the Hun cavalry, easily twisted into the flesh and blood.

When the whole person was lifted into the air, the soldiers of the Great Wall Legion pumped down hard.

“Bypass me!”

With his head facing the solid ground, the Hun cavalry was smashed with deep fear before he died, and the screams of pain into the bone marrow were terrifying.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

Without the Xiongnu cavalry that charged and attacked, even the infantry could come to fight one-on-one, not to mention the Daqin cavalry that maintained a high speed to charge.

It is almost no different from harvesting straw, each cold light corresponds to the appearance of a corpse, and there is almost no resistance.

“I, to, to you…”

In the one-sided battlefield, the Hun cavalry could not help but cover their slit throats, struggling to express their desire to surrender.

It’s just that before the words were finished, he had already fallen to the ground in great torture.

“It’s over, my Great Huns’ 50,000 cavalry!”

There was a despair in his pupils, and Touman collapsed directly to the ground, looking like he had lost his soul.

“Come, take the first Xiongnu Shan Yu Touman, prepare to escort back to Xianyang in Guanzhong, and wait for the final whereabouts of His Majesty the Son of Heaven.”

Walking on the road full of corpses, Meng Tian came to Tou Man, and finally caught the old guy Tou Man.

“Annihilating 50,000 cavalry, Violent Qin is indeed Violent Qin, you will not die well!”

As soon as he saw Meng Tian appear in front of him, Tou Man’s hatred reached the extreme, and he cursed loudly.

Before I thought about leveling the Qin village, now the 50,000 cavalry were all buried, and sadness filled my heart.

“I only know that as the first Shan Yu of the Xiongnu, you will definitely die a bad death.”

Remembering what Tou Man had done before, Meng Tian showed a meaningful smile, the Son of Heaven would not be soft.


For some reason, there was an inexplicable chill, and the words that Touman originally wanted to say, only uneasy emotions remained.

“Take it down, soak it in water first…”

The two soldiers of the Great Wall Legion, one left and one right, did not have any strength left, dragged the Xiongnu Shan Yu Touman’s body, and escorted him into a makeshift water prison.

“One of the foreign reinforcements, the Xiongnu cavalry, has been solved, the Yue Clan Eight Nine will choose to retreat, next, it’s up to you…”

Some thoughts flashed in his mind, and Meng Tian looked in the direction of Miko (Early Moon) Xian, all looking at the 100,000-strong army on the main battlefield.

Because, the Son of Heaven once said a word, establish the four counties of Qin there!

“The landing operation is about to begin, are you afraid?”

Wu Chang Cao Shen, who held the position of basic officer, looked at the five soldiers under him and thought of comforting them.

“Commander Wu, I came here to teach the Ji Army a lesson, we are not afraid.”

“That’s right, please rest assured that we will not drop the chain.”

“It’s all two shoulders with a head, what is there to be afraid of, you must kill him without leaving a piece of armor.”

Hearing this, the five soldiers successively assured that they were not afraid.

However, judging from the pair of hands holding the weapon tightly and the tense expression, it is not the same as just said.

“If you say you are not afraid, it must be false, and to be honest, I am also very scared.”

“Who doesn’t have a wife and children at home, right, the common feelings of people, I can understand it.”

Noticing the same tightness, Cao Shen put on a smile, half self-deprecating, half relaxed and said.


Upon hearing Commander Wu also say that he was afraid, and the second sentence that touched them, the hearts and bodies of the five soldiers relaxed a lot.

In this regard, they were also very grateful to the commander, and deliberately used self-deprecation to break the pre-war tension.

“First of all, where is the person, what is the name, what relatives are in the family?”

Seeing that everyone was finally not nervous, Cao Shen did not stop for this and asked further.

“Chief Wu, I am a Suqian person-Yuzi period, there is still an old mother and a sister in the family.”

When introducing himself, Yu Ji’s eldest brother, Yu Zizhi, did not have the nervousness at the beginning, but returned to his previous calmness to answer.

That’s right, it’s a generation of female heroine Yu Ji, the only biological big brother.

“In this way, you are still the only son in the family, in fact, you should not come.”

Hearing that there was an old mother and sister at home, Cao Shen couldn’t help but heck, if possible, he really wanted to persuade Yu Ziji to go back to his hometown.

After all, the battlefield is very cruel, and once you die, the blow to your home is not ordinarily great.

“This is the first time that war has been declared externally, and besides, the other party wants me to pay reparations to the land of Daqin, how can a seven-foot man sit idly by?”

Regarding the old mother and sister, although there was still some hesitation, in the end, Yu Zizhi said the words in his heart.


In particular, the seven-foot man could not sit idly by, which caused Cao Shen and the other four soldiers to resonate and cheer in unison.

It is not only Yuzi’s original intention, but also their common thoughts.

“Boom… Boom… Boom…”

At this moment, there was a sound of war drums from the boat division on the sea, which was a signal to immediately assemble urgently and enter the battle.

“Hurry up, check your equipment first, and prepare for the landing operation.”

Originally wanted to ask the next soldier, Cao Shen quickly got up and said hurriedly.

As soon as the war drums sounded, it represented the beginning of the landing operation!

“Oh, Commander Wu!”

PS: Second more!

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