“Since you have decided to start an uprising in advance and overthrow the entire regime of Tyranny Qin, you must set a time!”

After having a new confidence, Zhou Shi remembered an important question and then said.

“Then it is still up to Mr. Zhang to say, first set a specific time for the uprising, and we should make more preparations in Daze Township.”

Compared to the rest of the people’s impatience, Tian Rong himself will not be much worse, when even said.

When it was learned that Emperor Qin Yingche had a fatal loophole, the so-called taking advantage of your illness and your life was almost the same reason.


Hearing this, the rest of the people looked at Zhang Liang together, obviously agreeing with what the two had just said.

“The transfer of a large number of troops from the front line of the Great Wall shows that the Jizi (Early Moon) fresh battlefield has entered a critical stage.”

“Therefore, it will not be easily transferred back in a short time, just suitable for the development and growth of our rebel army, and the end of August is the most unexpected.”

When he said this, Zhang Liang raised his tone and elaborated one by one.

“The last day of late August is less than three days away, enough for us to set up.”

It had been arranged a lot before, and Xiang Liang thought about it for a while and felt that he could still catch up.

Now is the time difference between the two sides, and they must take advantage of the end of the Miko (Early Moon) Fresh War to spread the Osawa Uprising throughout the country.

At that time, even if Emperor Qin Yingche transferred troops again, they would not be afraid at all.

“Well, each of our six countries will prepare again to welcome the uprising in Daze Township.”

Seeing this, Zhao Xie also nodded and said on behalf of Zhao Guo.

“What kind of idea is in the sub-room, my Han country is the same.”

As for Han Cheng, there is no need to say more, firmly standing on the side of his own people, which can be regarded as representing the country of Han.

“Well, on the last day of the end of August, the six countries invested a total of 35,000 troops, and there were countless military materials of all kinds.”

“In the early stage, led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, a large-scale uprising from the people was set off, and when the time comes, we will hold high the banner of righteousness and sweep the world!”

Seeing that everyone basically had no opinion, Zhang Liang repeated the battle process, and there was no lack of impassioned narration during the period.

“The State of Chu received…”

“Zhao Guo received…”

“Wei Guo received…”

“Yan Guo received…”

“Han Guo received…”

“Qi Guo received…”

As representatives of the nobles of the six countries, everyone reported the national name of the country and began to express their position on the spot.

With Emperor Qin winning the Great Purge of the Black Ice Platform, they really had no other options, and the arrows had to be sent on the string.


Immediately, they prepared to return to their old lands in their respective countries, sat and waited for the success of the uprising in Daze Township, and launched a huge restoration in their hometown.

“I hope that nothing will go wrong in the uprising, the six countries can’t pay that price, I can’t pay any price, it’s too heavy…”

“Emperor Qin winches, after the uprising in Dazexiang, you should also get the punishment you deserve.”

Watching the representatives of several countries gradually leave, Zhang Liang glanced up at the dark sky, praying that everything would go smoothly.

After all, once the uprising of the Six Nations fails, they will lose the largest capital for restoration, and the resistance to overthrowing the tyrannical Qin will increase several times.

“The second brother of the newspaper Xiang, the good brother of the young lord Xiang Zhuang, one of the strategists, Cao Guan, all died like the elite of the Chu family swordsmen…”

As soon as he saw Xiang Liang’s figure appear, Xiang Bo, who was in charge of guarding duties, said in a low voice.

“What do you say, Xiang Zhuang and Cao Yi died at the same time, and none of them came back safely!”

Hearing this, Xiang Liang’s tone was a full few decibels higher than before, showing the sadness and indignation in his heart.

I originally thought that it was the loss of a part of the elite, but I never thought that even Cao Guan, the second strategist, Xiang Zhuang, the leader of the clan, also took it.

“Yes, the news is not wrong, the two of them have indeed died tragically, along with all the members who lurked.”

Even if he didn’t want to say it, Xiang Bo still had a sad look and could only say it with his eyes half-closed.

Xiang Zhuang is a promising son of the younger generation, and Cao Zhuang is the second strategist of Fan Zeng, and the overall loss is too heavy.

“No, to be precise, the collective losses of the six countries are too great, for example, the end of Qi Guotian is relatively miserable.”

Remembering one of the messages he just received, Xiang Bo’s breathing undoubtedly increased a little, and the current black ice platform was too ferocious.

Compared with the Ancestral Dragon period, the Black Ice Platform after Emperor Qin won the reign, some places have become different.

“Wait, what about the bodies, did they find them?”

Suddenly remembering something, Xiang Liang deliberately raised his head a few more points and asked for the first time.

“They, they…”

It should be very difficult to speak, but Xiang Bo was speechless, repeating the two words of them.

“Say what you have, say it!”

Seeing the scene where he wanted to say and stop, Xiang Liang’s heart sank, and his eyes stared at Xiang Bo in front of him.

The status of the two can be described as heavyweight, and the accident is bad enough, and can it be even more unfortunate than the former?

“They, the two of them, like the rest of the countries, directly chopped up and fed the dogs…”

Xiang Bo did not look directly at Xiang Liang’s gaze, and the more he talked about the back, the smaller his voice became.

By the end, it sounded rather vague, but it contained an extremely explosive message.

“Ju, actually chopped up directly to feed the dog!”

Word for word sounded in his ears, as if he had been insulted, Xiang Liang’s resentment had reached an extreme.

The outstanding children of the Tangtang Xiang clan, as well as the great talents who served the Chu Kingdom, died in a way that was more than a nest, it was simply too humiliating.

“Emperor Qin wins Che, my Xiang Liang and you do not share the sky, and they are bound to attack Xianyang in Guanzhong!”

Looking in the direction of Xianyang in Guanzhong, Xiang Liang’s eyes were almost red, full of flames that wanted revenge.

“Calm down, you must first calm down, you must not be impulsive.”

That terrifying look, even Xiang Bo was shocked when he saw it, and quickly persuaded.

“Go, after the success of the uprising in Dazexiang, my Xiang clan will definitely be the first to break through the Hangu Pass!”

It was a person who had experienced strong winds and waves, Xiang Liang Tie had a blue face, and tried to restrain his emotions that were almost fast.

“Okay, break through the Hangu Pass together and capture that Qin Emperor alive.”

Seeing that Xiang Liang finally calmed down initially, Xiang Bo breathed a sigh of relief and said murderously.

Emperor Qin Yingche killed a large number of their elites, even Cao Yi and Xiang Zhuang, how could he be willing if he did not repay this revenge?


Immediately, the silent two disappeared into the night, and this was just a microcosm.

PS: First more!

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