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“Your Majesty, the minister is here!”

Hearing a royal order from the Son of Heaven, Meng Yi directly skipped Wang Yi in front of him, and in the first time, arched his hand towards the Son of Heaven in front.

“A martial artist Meng Yi, he only knows how to fight and kill all day, and this official wants to see what kind of punishment you will receive.”

Seeing this, Wang Wei not only did not realize that something was wrong, but wanted to witness the scene of Meng Yi’s punishment.

Next, if the Son of Heaven wants to unfold the rule of culture, it is indispensable to the cooperation of their civil officials, and where do those martial artists know anything.

“Take off the official hat of Feng Changqing Wang Xuan!”

Without too much nonsense, or listing the other party’s crimes, Yingche picked up the bamboo stick in his hand and threw it on the ground.

“By His Majesty’s imperial order, I took off Wang Jiu’s official hat…”

The official hat was taken off by the founding civil and military force of the Central Committee and one of the Nine Qing. It is necessary to go through the necessary rituals.

Therefore, Meng Yi shouted towards the Northern Forbidden Army soldiers outside the hall.


Immediately, two forbidden soldiers walked into the hall and pressed Wang Xuan’s shoulders on the left and right, making him unable to move at all.


Behind him, there were several soldiers who were also forbidden troops, obviously ready to take Liang Wang Wei away.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what the minister said is true, and there is absolutely no second thought, Your Majesty.”

Hearing that the Son of Heaven was going to take off his official hat, Wang Wei suddenly felt dumbfounded, thinking that it was Meng Yi’s complaint, and quickly cleared it up and said.

Until now, it is still impossible to understand why the Son of Heaven did this, and his own philosophy of governing the country is not wrong.

“Your Majesty, listen to the explanations of the courtiers, listen to the explanations of the ministers.”

Seeing that Meng Yi began to hold up his official hat with both hands, Wang Yi was completely anxious, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Is the concept that has been advocated before really wrong?


However, Meng Yi did not pay attention to the other party’s struggle at all, and suddenly took off the official hat that represented rights.

Silent represents the fate that a founding man is about to face.

“Your Majesty, the official hat is here~.”

Holding the official hat belonging to Feng, Meng Yi presented it to the wooden case, and picked up the bamboo stick that the Son of Heaven threw on the ground.

“Your Majesty is so courageous, one of the Nine Qings, Fengchang, said that if you are removed, you will be removed.”

Witnessing the whole process that happened in the hall, Xiao He intuitively saw the means of the Son of Heaven and felt awe as a bystander.

As the second generation of the Son of Heaven, Wang Wei, who was a heavy minister of Feng Changqing and one of the founding civilizations and martial arts, was removed in one fell swoop, and he could not do it without courage.

“I used to think that His Majesty would hesitate when he reformed the military system, but now it seems that I am undoubtedly too pessimistic.”

There was almost no pause during the period, it was not a style, Chen Ping remembered the previous worry, and suddenly a wave of courtiers was ashamed.

“Your Majesty, please listen to the old minister!”

At this moment, Feng Quan, who hurriedly came, walked into the hall, and when he saw Wang Wei, who had taken off his official hat, his heart sank to the bottom.

And followed by Li Si, as well as Wang Yi and Wei Yi. In sweeping the past, the main ministers of the central court were basically present.

“Sangong Jiuqing, the representative figures of the entire Central Committee, are all here!”

Looking at the scene in front of them, Xiao He and Chen Ping were shocked, and unexpectedly, they also alarmed the rest of the Wen Wu Chongchen.

“Sure enough, Wang Sui’s own death today can be regarded as completely finished.”

Glancing at the official hat in front of the wooden case, there were several forbidden soldiers in the hall, including Zhonglang General Meng Yi who was also present.

Among them, there was also Wang Wei, who was completely immobile, and everyone had the same thoughts.

“The ministers and others have seen Your Majesty…”

Immediately, the people who came naturally did not forget the number of gifts and saw the Tao.

“Excuse yourself and take your seat.”

Wang Xuan’s incident did not bring any impact, Ying Che was still extremely indifferent, and spoke.

“Wait for Your Majesty.”

With different thoughts, everyone finished the number of courtesies and sat down in the prescribed positions one after another.

“Prime Minister Feng, intercede with Your Majesty…”

Seeing that Feng Quqian was like having a savior, Wang Wei did not dare to say it blatantly, but cast a signal for help.

And the rest of the ministers of culture and martial arts, seeing that the Son of Heaven wants to remove himself from his post, will definitely not sit idly by.

“There are more than enough successes and failures, so you don’t know how to be flexible.”

Noticing the eyes cast, Feng Quqian looked at Wang Wei, who had no official hat in front of him, and couldn’t wait to incite the other party to slap him a few times on the spot.

Even if you want to publicize your own ideas and ideas, at the current juncture, you have to restrain yourself.

“Your Majesty, Wang Xuan’s thinking is too rigid, and he blindly follows the previous way, and there is indeed a lot of mistakes.”

“But in the end, Wang Wei is completely out of serving the country, and it will be counterproductive for Daqin to usher in a prosperous era.”

After considering the appropriate words, Feng Qu quickly arched his hand and said in a retreat manner.

“You old fox, it sounds like you are accusing Wang Xuan, but you are actually protecting him.”

Just half heard it, Li Si couldn’t help but secretly scold an old fox in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, looking at the Son of Heaven, the first sentence is attitude, as a courtier, it is really difficult to grab words.


What kind of attitude did the Son of Heaven have, gave Feng Qu a quick face around Wang Yi, or directly removed from the court, Wang Yi, Wei Yi and others could only wait for the next sentence.

“I still can’t see the situation clearly, and all intercession is useless.”

Compared with the people waiting for the Son of Heaven to follow, Ghost Guzi Wang Xuan’s thoughts are much clearer, and he is not optimistic about Feng Quyan’s appearance.

Although the contact with the Son of Heaven has not been long, the style displayed from the past does not mean that it can be saved.

“Prime Minister Feng Cheng, let me ask you, why did Daqin start his family?”

Listening to Feng Quyan’s very high level of intercession, Yingche still did not get angry, but asked lightly.

“Old minister, old minister…”

Just wanted to answer, Feng Quqian suddenly thought of something, and all of a sudden, he couldn’t say anything (Zhao Li Zhao).

Because, when the ancestors of Daqin first established the country, every inch of land in Guanzhong was almost taken back from the hands of barbarians.

“Judging from His Majesty’s words just now, the attitude is already very obvious, what I need to do is to show solidarity and completely squeeze Wang Wei down.”

Hearing this, Li Si, who had been observing the situation in the hall, squinted slightly.

“Feng Quyan, you still accept it when you see good, Wang Wei can’t keep it.”

When it comes to the history of Daqin’s fortune, Wang Chong unconsciously remembered some pictures and thought about it in his mind.

No matter what period it was, when it came to dealing with barbarians, Daqin had never been intimidating, let alone currying favor with the other party.

“The failed diplomatic strategy is compromised, and who can complain about the great Qin national prestige that has been hard to establish?”

For the encounter faced by Wang Yi, Wei Yi was not sympathetic at all, it was clear that the other party came to beg them, and actually thought of taking the initiative to lower his posture.

PS: Third more! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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