Wincher knew Lees wouldn’t be clean, but he didn’t really mind.

Because it is normal for a courtier to do this, if it is too hurried, it is an unsafe move.

This is the politics of the court, where all the forces compete with each other!

Jiangnan is rotten, and Yingche wants to see it in person.

For the country to be rich and strong, it cannot blindly watch the sky and eat. The cultivation and improvement of crops, freight and commerce, these are all top priorities.

But first of all, we must first confirm the stability of Jiangnan!

If we say that this time the large-scale official corruption in Jiangnan is really behind Li Si’s shadow.

I’m afraid that no matter who Yingche sends, he will only return in vain in the end!

Only win through yourself and personally micro-serve private visits.

However, there are still many people in the world who want their lives. They hide in the shadows, lurking like poisonous snakes, and when they get the chance, they sneak out and take a bite.

The trip to the south needs to be carefully considered.

As for the Northern Expedition to Buyeo and Eastern Hu, it is equally important. In addition to looking at their little family background, building roads, mining, shipbuilding, and building weapons everywhere require a large number of slaves. Or it can also be called labor reform.

It is not difficult to win this battle, but the difficulty lies in how to firmly rule on the territory that has been fought.

Yingche’s subordinates are full of talents, but these people do not have the political and economic thinking of later generations. Someone needs to draw a big frame for them.

In this framework, they can play better.

“Come, please Xiao He come to the imperial study. I have important matters to discuss with him. ”

Yingche is writing and drawing in his study.

At this time, Xiao He arrived.

Ying Che put down his pen and stared at Xiao He.

“Xiao Qing, if you want to personally recruit Fuyu, what do you think?”

Xiao He was shocked when he heard this.

“No, Your Majesty! Why take risks? ”

Win Che pulled down his face and slapped the table hard.

Xiao He’s frightened legs softened, and he almost sat on the ground.

Yingche said: “Xu is not a person who has not experienced storms, you just talk about the pros and cons. ”

Xiao He steadied his mind, and then spoke.

“Your Majesty’s personal campaign, Buyeo and Donghu can certainly go down with a bang! Strengthen Qin Shengwei and boost national confidence. But for rich people and rich countries, it doesn’t help much. ”

Win Che nodded.

Xiao He’s overall view has always been very good, and he can always sort out the priorities of things from a high level. In this regard, Lees is inferior to him.

Ying Che asked again: “What if Xu wants to tour the south?” ”

This question made Xiao He’s heart jump for a while. He was a little confused and had a winning mind.

This master is north and south, no one knows what he really thinks in his heart?

Xiao He answered honestly: “Regarding Jiangnan, Chen also heard some rumors. Right now, for my Daqin, appeasing the people is the first priority! If His Majesty must go out on patrol, the minister thinks that the southern tour is better than the northern expedition. ”

Yingche nodded again.

To have this understanding is worthy of the eternal phase!

Only then did Yingche speak and speak his mind.

“I plan to micro-serve the southern tour and secretly check the living conditions of the people in Jiangnan. This time I plan to kill a large number of people! ”

Although Ying Che said flatly, Xiao He heard the anger behind the words.

The killing of a large number of people mentioned in Yingche’s mouth is probably a scene of corpses piling up like mountains and rivers of blood!

Xiao He couldn’t help but shiver. However, I immediately remembered my duty as a minister.

“Your Majesty, if you want to kill someone, it is best to bring a thousand Iron Eagle Swordsmen with you.”

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