“Li Guang, clean up the battlefield.”

It wasn’t until Yingche issued the order that Li Guang recovered from the shock just now.

Pack up a whole bunch of things, most of them useless.

Wooden sticks, wooden spears, just enough to add a handful of firewood to the campfire.

“Li Guang, you come to evaluate the equipment of the Buyeo people.” Ying Che pointed to the pile of things on the ground and tested Li Guang.

Li Guang was a general and himself the commander of the 25th Army. There is, of course, no ambiguity on these issues.

Pick up a piece of leather armor.

“The Buyeo people’s skin armor is just simply processed animal skin. The defense is very average. ”

Dropping his leather armor, he picked up another hunting bow.

“The bows of the Buyeo people are mainly used for hunting, so they are all short hunting bows. The strength and toughness of the bow and arrow are very poor, and the range is at most thirty steps. ”

“Not to mention weapons, iron is completely absent, and there are not many bronze spearheads. Most of them are still completely wooden spears. ”

Li Guang’s remarks almost belittled Buyeo as useless. His face was full of pride.

And that’s exactly what happened. The weapons and equipment of the Daqin army are much better than those of Buyeo.

Yingche picked up a rope with a piece of leather tied in the middle of the rope.

“Do you recognize this thing?”

“This… I don’t recognize it! ”

Li Guang was a little panicked, and the proud look just now all disappeared from his face.

“This thing is called a tracer. Take it and throw stones, you can throw stones far away. Grassland herders often use it to drive cattle and sheep. ”

Ying Che said this and glanced at Li Guang.

Li Guang immediately came to his senses. After all, after being a famous general, click lightly and immediately understand.

The range of the stone trailer is not inferior to that of ordinary hunting bows, as long as larger stones are used, the armor-breaking ability is much stronger than that of ordinary hunting bows.

The most important thing is that this thing only uses stones and does not cost money at all!

“However, the most important thing to make the Buyeo people invincible is this.”

Win Che kicked something under his feet.

Obviously, the shock he brought to Li Guang is not over.

Li Guang looked at the thing under his feet, his eyes a little dull.

“Leather boots?”

The Buyeo people’s leather boots are also simple, just wrapped in soft leather and sewn up with a thin piece of wood.

But it is this thing that allows them to walk like the wind in the mountains and forests.

In the Qin army, only generals had leather boots, and ordinary soldiers wore either cloth shoes or straw shoes. As soon as you enter the mountains and forests, you will suffer a big loss.

Li Guang’s family is wealthy, and although he also wears cloth shoes at home, he has never thought about it in this direction.

Now that I think about it, this is indeed the case.

I can’t help but admire Yingche more and more!

Is the Prince of Destiny such a person? What a thing, you can understand it thoroughly at a glance! You know it without even looking at it!

It’s amazing!

A safe night.

After dawn, Yingche and Li Guang got on the horse. Three hundred miles, running non-stop.

There were also several Buyeo scouts on the way. But with Li Guang’s bow and arrow in hand, no one could get closer than ten paces.

There were also scouts who met Daqin, confirmed each other’s identities, and smiled.

Normal army scouts and reconnaissance are kept within a hundred miles. But Chen Qingzhi scattered the scout three hundred miles away, which showed caution.

The sudden arrival of Yingche surprised Chen Qingzhi and Li Cunxiao. They never imagined that the emperor would go to the dangerous place in person!

But at the same time, Chen Qingzhi’s heart was also very remorseful.

As soon as Yingche approached the Chinese army camp, he immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty.

“The last general is incompetent, facing the Buyeo people, helpless, please pour your majesty!”

“I don’t blame you! In this case, no one can do it well. ”

Yingche didn’t blame him, but Chen Qingzhi was still ashamed in his heart and couldn’t afford to kneel.

Zhao Tuo and Sima Xin also knelt behind Chen Qingzhi, not daring to get up.

But at this time, Zhao Tuo raised his head and said, “Your Majesty, there will be a plan at the end.” ”

“Fire attack?”

Yingche asked lightly.

Zhao Tuo had not yet noticed the unhappiness in Yingche’s tone, but was enthusiastic, and began to talk about his plan with foam in his mouth.

“Your Majesty, the people of Buyeo are nothing more than hiding in the mountains and forests, and our army does not dare to go deep, so they dare to be unscrupulous. The three major corps of our army have a total of 300,000 people. It is enough to delimit the range of three hundred miles and set fire on all sides. Let them go to heaven and enter the earth without a door! ”

Ying Che ignored Zhao Tuo and only said, “Chen Qing, you get up first, and we will discuss the strategy to break the enemy.” ”

Zhao Tuo thought that he wanted to discuss his fire attack strategy, and also got up.

“Your Majesty, as the saying goes, fire and water are merciless. This fire attack is the most sharp and can be called unsolvable! ”

“Zhao Tuo, kneel!” In just a few words, Ying Che was like a heavenly thunder, striking Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo froze in place, not understanding this fire attack scheme, why did he make the emperor so unhappy?

Seeing that he did not kneel, Li Cunxiao went over and kicked Zhao Tuo’s knee. Zhao Tuotong fell to his knees.

“Zhao Tuo, I ask you. Did Chen Qing tell you that the fire attack plan is not feasible? ”


“Then what do you want to do if you don’t obey the general’s order?”

Zhao Tuo was speechless.

What he wanted was nothing more than to show himself in front of the emperor and prove that he was stronger than Chen Qingzhi.

But this cannot be said, and if you say it, you will be guilty of being a masterless!

“Pull out, chop!” Win ordered expressionlessly.

“Huh? Emperor, you can’t kill me!” The last general painstakingly led 200,000 Lingnan soldiers back to Xianyang to obey orders. The end will be faithful! ”

Zhao Tuo was frightened by Yingche’s order and shouted regardless of the image.

“Your Majesty, it is not auspicious to kill the general before the battle, please temporarily note down General Zhao’s crime, and allow him to make meritorious contributions to the crime.”

Chen Qingzhi stood up and interceded for Zhao Tuo.

In Yingche’s heart, he didn’t want to kill Zhao Tuo, he just wanted him to know how powerful he was. But if no one really intercedes, kill and kill.

Generals are rare, but generals who do not obey the main general may kill the entire army.

This kind of sign must be suppressed with an iron fist.

“Zhao Tuo, for Chen Qing’s sake, spare you this time. Next time, it will be done! ”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty! General Xie Chen begged for intercession! ”

Zhao Tuo escaped from death this time, and he was indeed frightened.

“Come and hold a pre-military meeting to discuss a strategy for dealing with the Buyeo people. Chen Qing, you talk about your thoughts first. ”

Yingche did not delay, and directly turned the topic to combat strategy.

Chen Qingzhi has been stuck in this place for so long, and the method is not unthinkable. It’s just that the divine decree told him to stay on and wait for help, and he didn’t dare to fight before the reinforcements came.

“Your Majesty, after this period of reconnaissance, the minister discovered a fatal weakness of the Buyeo people!”

“What weakness?”

“The Buyeo people eat a type of salt, which is scraped from a tree in the north. This kind of tree is only found five hundred miles to the north, and the number is not very large. The minister planned to build an iron wall there and no longer let the Buyeo people take salt. This is one of them. ”

Chen Qingzhi is worthy of being a famous general, and this reconnaissance work has been done meticulously enough.

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