Li Cunxiao’s iron eagle swordsman first entered the mountain to lure the enemy.

Everything in this group of soldiers is so extraordinary. There is already a shadow of special soldiers.

Uniform fish scale armor, uniform leather boots, plus a single crossbow in hand.

These things are enough to make the Buyeo people salivate.

The problem is that the Buyeo people do not have this technology at all, they cannot build it themselves, and they have no money and nowhere to buy it.

Now, these things dangle before their eyes. Moreover, just a small army of a thousand people.

In the mountains, in a huge cave in a hidden valley.

“Chief, just let me take someone and rob them, right? It is enough for me to take only a thousand warriors of our Nima Kushan Division. They Qin people, in the mountains and forests, are not our opponents at all. ”

A rough bald man said respectfully to an old man.

The men here have their heads shaved. The reason is very straightforward, that is, it is not easy to grow lice.

“! You may also underestimate the Qin people. ”

“It’s not that I underestimate them, they’ve been living outside the mountains for ten days. I never dared to go into the mountains. It shows that they are afraid. ”

The old man pondered while brushing his beard.

A young woman wearing two leopard skins next to her also said: “Amma, the Qin people’s battle armor and crossbow are all good things.” Now we have the opportunity to take it and use it, and we will regret it if we don’t take it. ”


These equipment, in the eyes of the Buyeo people, are all treasures.

Bright and dangling in front of you, how can you not dazzle?

The old man thought for a while, but still said, “We must be cautious. Saab, Salin, Hawei, Tugush, you go together and take 10,000 Buyeo warriors. There should be no problem with that. ”

The leopard-skinned girl shook the old man’s arm and began to coquette.

“Amma, people want to go too.”

“You’re not allowed to go! You have promised the Great Khan of Mengtai of Donghu. If there is a mistake, Donghu will also come to Xingbing to ask for guilt. Then we Buyeo, it’s really over! ”

Li Cunxiao entered the mountain forest with a thousand iron eagle swordsmen.

Fifteen people form a small team, each keeping a distance of about two feet from each other.

Each of the Iron Eagle Swordsmen is equipped with a small round shield and a single crossbow, and takes a three-stage shot. This compensates for the slow rate of fire of individual crossbows.

A small square of fifteen people, marching in the mountains and forests, no matter which direction the enemy comes, can immediately form a counterattack on the spot.

The Iron Eagle Swordsman has excellent martial arts and is the most terrifying killer in the mountains and forests.

Li Cunxiao sent fifty scouts to surround the brigade within ten miles of the brigade to monitor possible enemy situations at any time.

A team of 10,000 people from Buyeo was less than twenty miles away from Li Cunxiao at this time.

In this 10,000-person team, the Saab and Salin brothers have the most people, accounting for almost half.

Saab said: “The Qin people have been walking in one direction, crossing mountains and rivers when encountering water. We can ambush the mountain pass in front of us in advance and fight an ambush. ”

None of the others objected.

Only Tugush said worriedly: “The scout I just sent out has not been rewarded for a long time. It is very likely to be captured by the Qin people, and I am afraid that our whereabouts have been exposed. ”

Salin spoke, “Even if the Qin people know that we are coming? We’ve just decided to go to the front ambush, and they won’t know our plans. ”

This is also true.

Tugush thought for a moment and said, “Then go to the ambush.” Anyway, even if the Qin people are guarded, with their thousand people, they are not our opponents. ”

With a wave of Saab’s big hand, the 10,000-strong team adjusted its direction and went to ambush in front of the Qin army’s route.

A valley.

On the route of the advance of the Qin army.

The Saab and Salin brothers were ambushing on the hillsides on both sides with their respective men. Hawei and Tugush were arranged to block the valley entrances at both ends.

“Report leader, the Qin army has arrived outside the valley entrance.” A small soldier in charge of reconnaissance came to report to Saab.

“Well, brothers all wind up the arrows. Wait for me to give the order, and then shoot this gang of Qin dogs together! Saab ordered in a fit of gust.

After a while.

“Report leader, the Qin army stopped outside the valley and no longer advanced.”

“Huh? How to rest at this time? Brothers, don’t mess around, let’s wait patiently for a while! ”

A little more time.

“Report leader, Qin Jun began to cook in pots. It seems to be cooking meat, and it is very fragrant. ”


The Buyeo kingdom lacked bronze and iron tools, and occasionally received a little, which was also used as a weapon. It will definitely not be used as a pot.

The Buyeo people also occasionally stewed meat, but they used clay pots. That thing is too easy to break, and it is inconvenient when moving.

So, most of the time, the Buyeo people eat barbecued food.

Only after living in one place for a long time, will you make some clay pots to change the taste of the diet.

The smell of Qin Jun’s flesh floats into the valley at this time, it is very fatal!

After the Buyeo royal city was breached, everyone in Buyeo was in danger and all hid in the mountains. In the past half a month, barbecue every day, three barbecues a day, people eat very hot.

At this time, I vaguely smelled the aroma of Qin Jun’s boiled meat, and all of them began to stir.

“Chief, shall we kill it? There are only a thousand of them, what are you afraid of them? ”

“Yes, Chief. Now kill out, after the battle, the meat is just cooked, give us a celebration! ”


Seven mouths and eight tongues, making Saab’s noisy dizziness.

But he still wants to wait a little longer, if he is seduced by a few pots of meat, he will lose his demeanor.

“The head of the newspaper, the head of Hawei took his people and killed them!”

“What? This Ha Wei, how can he act without permission? Saab’s angry eyes shone with little stars.

“Brother, since it has already been hit, there is no point in us ambushing again.” Salin suggested from the sidelines.

Saab nodded, and that was right.

“If we don’t kill it quickly, the meat will be robbed by Ha Wei in a while.” Salin continued.


“You’re a foodie too!”

Saab has no way to regenerate gas now, the situation is already like this, he can only move randomly.

“That scout, you go and inform Tugush in the back and let him come quickly. We will kill it now, we can’t let the Qin army run!” ”


The Buyeo people who were all over the mountains screamed, followed the smell of meat, and killed towards the mouth of the valley.

Saab rushed out of the valley and sensed something was wrong.

In the imagination, the one-sided massacre of the Qin army did not happen. Instead, the Buyeo people in front retreated.

“What about the Hawei people?”

“The leader of Hawei was the first to charge, and he was shot dead by the Qin army!”

“Dead?” Saab only felt a mouthful of old blood in his chest, spurting out.

This battle has just begun, and I haven’t even seen the enemy yet. The striker general actually died in such an unknown way!

Sabo fixed his mind and looked at the Qin army in front of him.

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