Yingche smiled slightly and shouted at Li Guang: “Li Guang, bring your bow to this messenger to see.” ”

Zora took the riding bow in her hand and tried it, feeling that it was slightly heavier than the ordinary short bow.

Pull it away hard, and sure enough, the force is much stronger.

“Why is that?” Zora thought for a while, but also forgot the etiquette, and asked Yingche with a side face.

“Be bold! Don’t be rude to His Majesty the Emperor! Li Guangda drank and pulled off the riding bow in Zhuola’s hand. With the other hand, he directly pressed Zora and knelt on the ground.

“That’s it! Li Guang, don’t count with them. ”

Zora also knew that she had made a mistake at this time, blushed, and hurriedly apologized to Yingche.

Wincher didn’t care about these details, picked up a steel bar that hadn’t yet been stuffed into the bow arm, and showed it to Zorra.

“Our bow is stronger because we add this to the bow arm.”

Zora doesn’t recognize it at all, what is this thing?

If you want to say iron, but isn’t iron brittle? There is not such good resilience.

Yingche didn’t explain to Zora either, but said, “I’ll show you something else.” ”

Zora is now completely aroused by curiosity. Involuntarily, he followed Ying Che and went to Sima Xin’s camp.

In Sima Xin’s camp, there was a clanging sound of iron strikes. Steel weapons and armor are being crafted.

Ying Che said to Sima Xin: “To the messenger of Buyeo, show us our steel knife.” ”


Sima Xin called two blacksmiths. One was holding a bronze sword of the Qin Army’s standard, and the other was holding a steel knife.

The two slashed hard, and with a click, the bronze sword was cut off from it.

“Ahhh… This is a divine weapon! Zora exclaimed.

However, when she saw that such divine weapons were piled all over the ground. Opened his mouth in surprise, and could no longer close.

Yingche looked at Zola’s small mouth, and involuntarily produced some beautiful fantasies.

“I can teach you Buyeo people all these techniques. In order to improve the lives of the Buyeo people, what does the noble envoy think? ”

Zora was awakened from her sluggishness.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, if you can teach these techniques to the Buyeo people without reservation. From now on, the Buyeo Kingdom is willing to become a vassal state of Daqin and submit to Daqin forever! ”

Yingche shook his head.

“Not a vassal state, but a county of Daqin!”

“You… His Majesty the Emperor’s request, Buyeo could not agree. What is the difference between this and the death of Buyeo? Zora huffed.

Wincher ignored Zora’s protests.

“What?” ”

Hearing Yingche’s last words, Zorra’s heart jumped.

It can’t be that Qin Huang really fancy himself, right?

But father, he has already promised Meng Tai Khan of Donghu!

The two sides are forces that they can’t afford to provoke, what to do?

At this time, suddenly a scout ran to Yingche and knelt down on one knee.

“Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation!”

This sentence made Zora nervous. Right now, the Daqin army is at war with the Buyeo people, what else can the emergency military situation be?

Supposedly, my father shouldn’t have sent troops at this time? If Buyeo sends troops, Qin people will be angry, and their own fate may be miserable.

Wincher glanced at the uneasy-looking Zora and then turned indifferently to the scout.


The scout received the emperor’s order and told in detail what he had detected.

“Weichen reconnoitred three hundred miles to the west and found a large number of Donghu cavalry, numbering about 100,000. They were approaching this side along the wide Tonk Valley, and the distance was now estimated to be within two hundred miles. ”

As soon as he heard that it was the Donghu cavalry coming, joy appeared on Zora’s face.

When Daqin faced such a direct threat, his own negotiations would undoubtedly go more smoothly.

It’s just that when she peeked at the Great Qin Emperor, she found that the emperor did not show the expression of frustration she imagined.

Instead, a smile on his face.

“Sima Qing, how many sets of armor are there for you to build now?”

“Back to Your Majesty, there are only three sets of complete armor now. It is used for experimental adjustments. There are more than fifty sets of parts to assemble the armor, but it takes a little time to assemble them. ”

That’s actually fast.

Yingche’s original intention was to create a group of heavy cavalry wearing plate armor.

In this age of bronze and pig iron, if you can have a stainless steel plate armor, that is the invincible steel fortress!

It’s just that in a hurry, if you want to achieve mass production, you can only use the simplest assembly method. Thin steel plates are cast and then hammered into each part of the armor. Finally, through bronze rivets, it is put together.

Such plate armor may not protect all parts of the body. But with a small round shield, it was enough to leave most of the cavalry helpless.

Without avoiding Zhuo La beside him in the slightest, Ying Che said to Sima Xin: “Let Li Cunxiao bring the people he picked.” Try on the spot for adjustments. ”


The distance between the Eastern Hu army was only three hundred li when the scouts discovered it. Now that the scout has come back to report the letter, the Donghu people may actually only have more than a hundred miles.

Regardless of the rest factor on the road, it will arrive after about two or three hours.

There is not much time left!

This kind of easy-to-assemble plate armor is a killer tool for the Iron Eagle Army.

They are about to break into the jungle of ten thousand armies and assassinate the marshal of the Eastern Hu army.

Zora looked curious and watched Yingche arrange the task.

There were many things here that she had never seen before. And the way Yingche assigned tasks also made her feel very interesting.

Chen Qingzhi, Li Cunxiao, Li Guang, Sima Xin, and the four generals stood in front of him. Each person will be assigned a specific area of responsibility, and then let them discuss the details of the cooperation with each other.

Seeing that the generals of Daqin had set the battle plan in such detail, and considered all kinds of situations so thoroughly.

Zhuo La knew that they would never be able to win if they helped the Yu people and faced Daqin!

After arranging the combat mission, Yingche took Zora, under the protection of the 500 Iron Eagle Army and the 5,000 Northern Forbidden Army, to climb a mountain to watch the battle.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Qingzhi arranged for more than twenty ordinary soldiers to clean up a flat piece of land. Set up the table and hold up the yellow umbrella cover.

Zhuo La covered her mouth and pointed to Huang Luo’s umbrella cover with a smile and said: “Your Majesty, holding this thing, who would not know that the emperor is here?” After a while, the 100,000 Donghu army will come to you! ”

Ying Che is really impatient, what to explain to this kind of rectal girl?

Without saying a word, he was ready to go over and take a seat.

Suddenly, he found that the soldier who laid out the cushion for him was somewhat familiar. This kind of familiarity is not the feeling of coming out and entering and hitting the face. But he obviously spoke to him, but he couldn’t remember who he was?

“What’s your name?”

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