“Oh my God! Is it worth so much? ”

Zora hadn’t thought about price before.

Think about the past, when Buyeo was a princess, two heads in the family would slaughter a cow and eat it in three days.

That knife is 10,000 dollars! I suddenly felt so luxurious.

Buyeo, Donghu, and Jingqi also traded with the official copper coins of Daqin, because of the small number, the purchasing power there was quite strong. Often buying a cow costs only two or three hundred dollars.

If you compare the two like this, you will feel that Daqin is really stupid and has a lot of money!

The Ashhada shipyard under construction, further north, is a vast and boundless prairie. There are countless cattle and sheep.

Now, in the eyes of Zorla, they have all become walking copper coins.

Zora thought for a moment.

“But the ox walks too slowly, if it comes in a hurry, I am afraid it will take more than half a year to reach Xianyang.”

Win Che laughed.

“You forgot, we have the Ashhada shipyard and are building big ships! Big ships can sail from Ashhada all the way to Loyi. It only takes half a month. ”

“Ah! It turns out that when you opened the shipyard, you were fighting the idea of steppe cattle and sheep? Zora suddenly realized.

Yingche said: “Not only cattle and sheep, but also furs and medicinal herbs. ”

“Yes! We’re going to move everything back from the steppe! Zora clenched her small fists and said viciously.

Meng Yi, who had been listening quietly by the side, couldn’t help but laugh.

This Buyeo Princess, so fast, elbowed towards Daqin!

Ying Che smiled and said, “Yes, move everything back from the grassland!” But you can’t just take it, you must also transport some grain and cloth and exchange them for cattle and horses! ”

A few people continued to turn forward and looked at the inventory of the warehouse.

During the reign of the First Emperor, civil engineering was carried out in a big way.

In addition to the Great Wall, the straights, these peripheral.

There are also two miracle projects under construction near Xianyang at the same time.

One is the largest palace in history, the Afang Palace.

One is the largest mausoleum in history, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

In order to build these two huge projects, countless bricks and tiles were fired.

What is stored here is only the bricks and tiles prepared for the Afang Palace, which occupies four huge warehouses.

The Afang Palace has not yet been built.

After Yingche ascended the throne, in order to alleviate the conscription of the common people, he had already ordered a stop.

It is these four large warehouses that store bricks and tiles, and Yingche is ready to clean them up and build them into the first commercial center of Daqin!

Daqin is not just a mighty Daqin!

Also to be a developed and rich Daqin!

A Daqin with a flourishing culture!

Yingche patted Meng Yi’s shoulder.

“Meng Yi, give you a task.”

“Your Majesty, but by order, Meng Yi will not give up!”

Meng Yi received the task from the emperor for the first time, and his face was full of irrepressible excitement.

“After the autumn harvest, when the farm is not working, a labor market is opened here. Let all officials, build their own houses. They all come here to buy bricks and tiles and hire labor. ”

“This… The specifications of these bricks and tiles are customized by the royal family. If you sell it, it seems to be out of line…”

Meng Yi’s heart has his own principles, and now in the face of the emperor’s golden mouth, he is a little dilemma.

“Then in the name of the Royal Limited Edition Bricks and Tiles, auction! The highest price wins! ”

Wincher didn’t pay much attention to these rules.

These rules did not exist before, but the first emperor set a lot of rules in order to show his differences.

Even the size of the bricks and tiles is specified, what identity and what specifications are used.

If the regulations are too rigid, business cannot be enlivened.

“Whoosh! Minister…… Can I buy it too? Meng Yi asked cautiously.

“Of course you can! The highest price wins, as long as you bid higher than others! ”

Yingche did not intend to open the back door for Meng Yi.



The money has to be given enough!

Zora sneered, “I’ve never seen such a money-greedy emperor as you!” ”

This is also Zora, there is a kind of unearthly heartlessness and no lungs. No one else dares to say this about the emperor, that is the crime of cheating!

Besides, the emperor, there are two in history.

The one who can be compared with Yingche is the first emperor.

Win Che didn’t seem to hear Zola’s words, he was thinking about something big.

If you want to develop business, you must first make some of them rich. These rich people cannot be officials, but only ordinary people.

In this way, when other people see people like themselves making money, they will be red-eyed and will also invest.

Slowly more people are driven, and this business can gradually develop.

The core idea of Oniyako’s vertical and horizontal art is that interests drive people.

In front of the common people, put out visible benefits. The common people will follow the direction guided.

Ying Che couldn’t help but think of Qu Zheng and Tao Tong again, should they also come back?

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong, according to the agreement, went to Buyeo with Xiao He.

This place, with a radius of a thousand miles, only one Buyeo royal city is marked on the map.

I found the Buyeo royal city, but found that it was completely a military fortress.

Sima Xin also left a mining army of 20,000 here, constantly coking and steelmaking. Then it is made into weapons and armor.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong, and even Xiao He saw this kind of workshop for the first time.

The changes in Daqin were too fast, so fast that their thinking couldn’t keep up.

Xiao He found the highest officer in the camp here.

Since Daqin changed the military system, each army commander had 100,000 teams under it, and the military commander of each team was called a general.

Of the 20,000 troops stationed here, there were two major generals. One is the iron general Wu Qi, and the other is the stone charcoal general Li Qi.

The title before the general is subject to change.

If it is a combat army, it is ordered from one to ten. A general is the trump card of the entire corps. Ten generals are the existence at the bottom.

In this way, the order will change at any time, and the generals will be more desperate.

In the army, especially now after professionalization, such a ranking has greatly stimulated the fighting spirit of all soldiers.

Xiao He also had a holy decree in his hands.

The content is to put him in full responsibility for escorting the loot back to Xianyang for registration. The major legions sent men to follow orders and assist in the escort.

“Lord Xiao, our trophies are all some weapons and furs. But all of them were transported to Ashhada by large troops. ”

“What is Ashhada?” Xiao He’s map is not written, he still does not know this new city.

“Lord Hui Xiao, His Majesty personally designated that we want the Thirteenth Legion to lead the Buyeo people to build a city in Ashhada and open a shipyard. He also specially explained that Lord Xiao would transport the loot back to Xianyang by boat from there. ”

Have a ship?

Xiao He was excited.

Not only is the boat ride much faster, but it also saves a lot of effort.

“Lord Xiao, the last general will send someone to escort you to Ashhada.”

“How far is Ashhada? Is it safe on the road? “Xiao He has always been steady, and he must first understand the situation.

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