It is enough to have so many people in the cabinet to worry about.

What Yingche is pondering is how to develop the economy and enhance national strength!

In this matter, he couldn’t even find anyone to share, so he had to work hard alone.

“Pray to Your Majesty, two Chu people, Qu Zheng and Tao Tong, asked for an audience.”

“Here they are! Declare! ”

Hearing that Qu Zheng and Tao Tong had finally come to Xianyang, Yingche was very happy.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong entered Xianyang Palace for the first time, and they were very embarrassed in their hearts.

At the beginning, Qu Zheng’s grandfather, Qu Yuan, outside Wuguan, desperately pulled the king of Chu and prevented him from going to Qin.

But King Chu didn’t listen, and as soon as he entered Xianyang Palace, he never went out again.

Now, Qu Zheng himself has come.

What a trick!

“Chenqu Zheng, Tao Tong, meet Your Majesty.”

“Excuse me. The two Qing families worked all the way. The Imperial Dining Room prepared some wine and dishes, and specially treated the two of them. ”

Ying Che waved his hand, and the lieutenant in front led the way, still going to the “roomless room”.

Lees is still there to recuperate, but can now walk on his own.

Yingche specially called Li Si over to sit together.

The four of them sat around the stone table.

Qu Zheng spoke first.

“Your Majesty, when you see the word “clothesless” at the door, you remember that three hundred years ago, the Qin State also had the grace of saving the country for the Chu State. I am afraid that most of the Chu people have forgotten. ”

Indeed, the song of Wuyi, which has excited Daqin for three hundred years, was captured by the State of Wu in the State of Chu. The State of Qin did it before preparing to send troops.

Win Che laughed.

“Qin has the grace of saving the country for Chu, but he also has the enmity of destroying the country. Those are all things of the past, and how can you distinguish between grievances and grievances. Just talk about business today! ”

Only talking about business?

Li Si was stunned.

He had never heard the emperor say this, and he never knew that Yingche still had the mind to develop business?

Now, with Li Si’s situation, there is no chance for him to speak. You can only prick up your ears and listen quietly.

“Qu Zheng, Tao Tong, how are you making money from cattle sales this time?”

Asked by the emperor, Qu Zheng replied: “Back to Your Majesty, we once inquired in Ashhada that a cow only costs three hundred letters. So back in Chudi, we did not dare to deceive, and only sold five thousand wen at one end. ”

Tao Tong also helped explain next to him: “The main thing is to consider, this business is taken care of by His Majesty.” If it’s just our brother’s business, it’s enough to sell only three thousand texts! ”

Yingche nodded noncommittally.

Suddenly, he asked, “You are all wizards among businessmen, so I would like to ask you a question.” ”

“Your Majesty is wrong! Listen respectfully. ”

Ying Che had a serious look on his face and said slowly: “Ashhada, now a cow sells for three hundred wen. The next time you go, will they still sell three hundred words? Will the price increase because the number of cattle is less? ”

Tao Tong said: “We have considered this problem. Even if it rises to five hundred, this business will not lose money. ”

“Good! Then I will ask you again. How many copper coins can Ashhada exchange for one or two pieces of silver? In my Daqin, how much copper money can I exchange for one or two pieces of silver? ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong really didn’t pay much attention to this problem. Sideways head recalled for a long time.

Qu Zheng said: “In Daqin, one or two pieces of silver can be exchanged for about 2,000 wen. And in Ashhada, it seems that one or two silver can only be exchanged for 1,000 letters. ”

Yingche nodded and said, “So, are you aware of the problem?” ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong faintly felt that such a change seemed to be somewhere wrong. But they couldn’t catch that point.

Tao Tong hesitated to speak: “It seems that if you change it like this, you will make less money.” But how can there be less money? ”

Instead of explaining to them, Wincher continued to inspire them.

“With you and Ashhada, there is constant trade. Will there be more and more copper coins in Ashhada? So, one or two silver, can it still only be exchanged for 1000 letters? ”

Everyone understands the truth that scarce is expensive.

Qu Zheng said: “In the end, it will be the same as Daqin, one or two silver can be exchanged for 2,000 wen.” ”

Yingche said: “At that time, their cattle will only sell for a few hundred letters?” ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong pondered carefully, and Qi Qi broke out in a cold sweat.

This business will continue to do and will always make money, and that will not change.

It’s just that if you keep doing this, the business will eventually die.

The two sides have not circulated before, which is why there is such a big difference. Now once circulation begins, prices will tend to be flat.

Once one day, this difference is small for transportation costs, it is unprofitable.

However, no matter how hard Qu Zheng and Tao Tong thought about it, they couldn’t find a point to break the game.

In this way, trapped in a mental dilemma, powerless struggle.

Li Si listened from beginning to end, and also heard the meaning of winning cher.

After all, he was in Daqin and had been the prime minister for so long. Even if you don’t understand economics, you can figure out something from the macro level.

At this time, he opened his mouth with trepidation.

“Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that he can’t let the Buyeo people sit on so much wealth. Think of a way to change some back. ”

That gets to the point.

Yingche looked at Li Si with some surprise.

“What is Li Qing’s good method?”

“This, the minister does not know about the Buyeo people, and he can’t think of any good way for a while.” Li Si was a little embarrassed. Although I saw some clues, I still couldn’t understand it.

At this time, Qu Zheng suddenly shouted excitedly.

“I figured it out!”

Suddenly, he saw that the person in front of him was the emperor of Daqin, and then he realized that something was wrong.

Give a gift to Win Che.

“Your Majesty, the minister has figured out the key. The circulation of commerce lies in mutual demand. The minister had not considered the needs of the Buyeo people before, which is why it caused that situation. ”

Yingche applauded a few times and said gratifyingly.

“The previous thinking was businessman’s thinking, and it was understandable. If you really have the idea of benefiting the people, then you must have this holistic thinking. Tell us what you think. ”

Qu Zheng seemed to have comprehended something incredible, and the whole person was very excited.

“Your Majesty, the Buyeo people have lived a hard life for generations, so we don’t know what their needs are? So, let’s find a way to create various needs for them. ”

Win Che laughed.

“That’s right, if you can understand this, you can hand over the Ministry of Commerce to you with peace of mind.”

“Ministry of Commerce?”

Qu Zheng had never heard of this name. Not only Qu Zheng, Tao Tong, and even Li Si have never heard of it.

Yingche briefly told them about the responsibilities of the Ministry of Commerce.

“Yes, the Ministry of Commerce is subordinate to the Ministry of Commerce, and the minister is equivalent to the position of the Household Attendant. Develop and revitalize business for me Daqin! ”

The level of Hube Shirou is second only to the six Shangshu!

Qu Zheng really did not expect that he was directly appointed to such a position, which was too surprising and gratifying.

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