The original six docks have been expanded to twenty.

At present, the large ships built are all unified specifications and styles. Therefore, the speed is also fast. In just twelve days, you can turn from a keel into a large ship that can go to sea.

But just now, the military department suddenly sent a document requesting the addition of a warship style. Reduce keel curvature and enhance the ability to withstand impact.

This made Sima Xin a little troubled.

Although after such a change, the speed of shipbuilding is faster.

But the requirements for the keel are also higher, requiring a keel twenty-three feet long! Only two logs can be spliced together!

Near Ashhada, there are plenty of giant trees. Only, it is difficult to carry.

Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Tuo had just returned, and as soon as they saw Sima Xin, they heard him complaining there.

“Buyeo people are too lazy! I know every day to go to the shipyard to work. Send them out to cut down trees, and none of them will go. ”

Zhao Tuo said with a smile: “Cutting down trees is such a hard work, and I can’t earn more money, and I don’t want to go.” ”

Sima Xin spread his hands helplessly and said, “I have already paid extra wages to the logging team that went out, but they still don’t want to go.” If the wages are given too high, I am afraid that other Buyeo people will have an opinion. ”

This is indeed a dilemma.

Zhao Tuo asked puzzled: “What is the military department suddenly asking us to build so many warships?” At present, those water bandits in Daqin don’t seem to be worth such fanfare, right? ”

Sima Xin said thoughtfully, “Could it be that Daqin has encountered a powerful water army that he has never seen before?” The troop headquarters requested that the front of the battleship be equipped with a collision angle and the whole body was wrapped in iron armor. If it weren’t for the fact that he had encountered a strong opponent, it seemed unnecessary, such a big effort! ”

Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Tuo also felt that it should be like this.

Unlike Sima Xin, these two people looked eager to try.

The appearance of strong opponents is a good thing for generals like them! What the generals are most looking forward to is a place to be useful!

Chen Qingzhi said: “When the battleship is built, we can be the first to go out and try the power.” ”

Sima Xin asked suspiciously, “Where to go?” Is there an opponent here? ”

Chen Qingzhi pointed to the north and said, “Su Shen.” Soldiers go straight down the river in boats without physical exertion. Even if it’s winter, you can march in! ”

Sima Xin somewhat understood Chen Qingzhi’s thoughts.

Here in Ashhada, there are a lot of piled up leather goods. Moreover, buying it directly from the Buyeo people will not cost a few bucks at all.

Winter is enough to protect soldiers from the cold.

“However, the problem of shipbuilding has not yet been solved.” Isn’t it a little too much to think about? ”

Chen Qingzhi lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said: “If you let the logging team go upstream to cut down trees, and then throw the main trunk into the Nan River and float down the river.” ”

Chen Qingzhi continued: “We are here in the shipyard, setting up a large net to intercept. Such a workload is much smaller. ”

Cut down trees and throw them directly into the river.

Sima Xin’s eyes lit up.

Having opened a shipyard here for so long, Sima Xin also knew that those trees were particularly heavy when lifted, but when thrown into the river, they could float on the water.

This idea may really work. But there is also a certain difficulty in operation.

Sima Xin said: “It’s just that the river is too deep and wide, and it is a bit unrealistic to intercept them all.” ”

Chen Qingzhi walked to the map, pointed to the west of Ashhada, and said, “Twenty miles downstream, the Nan River suddenly turned north. The giant wood that cannot be intercepted should wash up directly ashore along the river. ”

This is indeed a good idea!

Sima Xin almost jumped up with joy.

No wonder the emperor, so heavy Chen Qingzhi? The brain is indeed good!

Sima Xin went to tell the logging team about the new logging strategy.

When the Buyeo people heard it, they would cut down the tree in the future, and they would not need to carry it, but would only have to throw it in the river. They all came to sign up for the logging team, wanting to grab a spot.

After all, the Buyeo people have always lived in the mountains, and the forest is like home to them. Go to the house to cut down trees, take more wages than the shipyard, fools do not go.

The biggest problem was solved, and Sima Xin was very happy.

Directly expanded the logging team, recruiting 15,000 people in one go.

In this way, three or four thousand logs can be floated down the river to the shipyard every day. Seeing that winter is approaching, you have to stock up on some wood before it snows.

The city of Ashhada because of quarrying charcoal and steelmaking. Everyone knows that charcoal is better and cheaper than charcoal.

Now in the city, large piles of charcoal have been hoarded and prepared for the winter.

On this day, Ashhada suddenly welcomed two groups of unhappy guests.

One group was an emissary sent by King Sushen .

One was a messenger sent by King Wo.

Both groups of people have the same purpose – to buy charcoal.

Stone charcoal is now commonplace, albeit cheap, for Ashhada. However, due to its special use in steelmaking, Sima Xin still had a heart and did not agree for a while.

“Two noble envoys, the charcoal was personally ordered by His Majesty and designated as a strategic material. Ben would not dare to sell it privately. If the envoy had to buy it, he would have been able to arrange a ship to send the two envoys to Xianyang in person to present it to His Majesty. As long as His Majesty nods and agrees, Ashhada has a lot of charcoal, how much do you buy? ”

Strategic goods?

This is indeed a problem.

However, the messengers of Su Shen and Wo’s depression were unwilling to go to Xianyang. In their impression, it was too far away, and it took too long to go back and forth.

Charkin, the messenger of caution, said: “If you want to go to Xianyang, you must order it from the king of my family.” General Sima, can you take us to visit the shipyard and the steelmaking casting workshop first? ”

The Woji messenger also nodded yes.

Sima Xin smiled secretly in his heart and understood their intentions.

The envoys of these two countries came to buy charcoal is fake, and the real purpose is to steal steelmaking and casting!

But that thing has a technical content. How can they learn it by looking at it?

Sima Xin readily agreed.

“Good! Your two envoys, please come with me. ”

The reason why Sima Xin agreed to visit them was mainly to let them, the people who were outsiders, see the lively scene of such a large-scale workshop.

First went to the shipyard.

A row of twenty docks, twenty large ships with a length of nearly twenty zhang, were built at the same time.

Tens of thousands of workers, each divided into labor.

Handling, measuring, nailing, gluing, painting, masts, sails…

Well organized, busy and not chaotic!

This sight shocked the messengers of Su Shen and Wo.

These two kingdoms, called One Country, are, in fact, very loosely organized. Most of the Chinese people still exist in the form of tribes. The so-called king is only a leader of the largest tribe.

I never dared to think that I could directly recruit the countrymen and then do such a big thing.

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