However, it was this short sentence that made Shi Qionghua extremely interested.

If you can harvest two crops of rice a year, do you still need to worry about the life of the Baiyue people? It’s going to get better!

Shi Qionghua bowed down towards Yingche and Yingying.

“I am willing to help the Great Qin Imperial Court and pacify the people of Baiyue. But ask the emperor to treat them equally, and do not hesitate to teach the rice seeds and planting methods of double-cropping rice. ”

Yingche smiled slightly.

There are many words that he has not yet said.

With just one double-cropping rice, Shi Qionghua was satisfied.

But for Yingche, this is just a foundation.

The reason why so much manpower and financial resources have been spent is to pacify Lingnan. For this double season rice, one piece of land top and two pieces for use.

Only the climate of Lingnan makes it possible to grow double-cropping rice.

Not only rice, but also mining and animal husbandry. The entire Lingnan was operated as the base camp of the Southern Crusade Water Army.

Before Shi Qionghua came to Xianyang, he had always heard that the emperor was bloodthirsty and cruel. So I’m actually very worried.

This was originally told to her by Xiang’s uncle and nephew.

Xiang Yu’s original words were: “Don’t think I’m bloodthirsty, the current Qin Emperor is ten times more brutal than me!” ”

Shi Qionghua looked at Xiang Yu at that time, and wondered, what kind of cruelty did the Great Qin Emperor have to become? Can someone as bloodthirsty as Xiang Yu bow down?

But when I saw it now, I didn’t feel that the emperor was cruel.

On the contrary, it feels that he is very holy and benevolent.

Maybe he had really used some brutal methods before, but it might just be an extraordinary method in extraordinary times. At least for now, it seems to be very generous!

Shi Qionghua knew that tonight he would be doomed. So first in my heart, I found a good reason for myself.

“Shi Meiren, come and beat your legs.”

Shi Qionghua used to be a high-ranking saint, how could she have been so ordered?

Only now, suddenly receiving this order, she herself did not feel anything. It seems like just a normal thing.

Kneeling at Yingche’s feet gently, the former saint is now like an emperor’s cat.

The Heavenly Dynasty.

Zhou Bo stood alone in the middle of the hall, talking in front of many civil and military officials.

Han Xin made a decision, destroyed Anyang in one fell swoop, and pacified Lingnan. Actually, there’s a lot of luck in it.

But now, in Zhou Bo’s mouth, it has become that he has a strategy in his chest and has no strategy!

Among them, the opportunity of victory and defeat was always firmly controlled by Han Xin, which made the courtiers marvel.

Han Xin and Zhou Bo are certainly meritorious.

But the biggest credit is that the emperor can recognize people and make good use of people!

In this process, Ren Yao’s death was carried by a sentence. Didn’t stir up a little wave.

“Zhou Bo, Xu plans to let the Lingnan Army form its own water army. What do you think? ”

Zhou Bo had already prepared for this problem.

Last night, he went to the Military Academy to look for Ji Shang and Yu Zizhi, just to inquire about the recent movements of the DPRK.

Yun Shang told him that the emperor had the intention of establishing a water army in Lingnan.

It’s no secret.

It’s just that Lingnan is far away, and most of the ministers of the DPRK and China know the situation in Lingnan ominously.

Whether Lingnan has the conditions to establish a water army has to be said by Zhou Bo himself.

“Back to Your Majesty, south of Panyu, there were Xia and Shang remnants who went into the sea to survive. There are fishermen, and there are boilers. Han Xin once said that he was willing to enter the sea, contact the ancestors of the former dynasty, and return to my Daqin! ”

The courtiers who said these words were secretly admired.

In the past, I only felt that Zhou Bo’s origin was just a small chief.

Even after the battle of Lingnan, he still had some contempt for him in his heart.

But after these words, the courtiers began to re-examine Zhou Bo.

This person is not simple!

Contact the ancestors of the former dynasty?

Return to Daqin!

What a talkative person! This reason is not only sufficient, but also reflects the sense of justice that is taught by heaven!

Yingche also nodded with satisfaction.

“Lingnan Pingding, all thanks to Han Xin and Zhou Bo. Daqin will be rewarded for his meritorious work. Han Xin was specially promoted to commander of the Lingnan Army, with the overall control of the Lingnan Marine and Land Army. Zhou Bo was promoted to the rank of general of the Lingnan Water Army, and prepared for the establishment of the Lingnan Water Army. ”

Lingnan is a large army, 300,000 people. There was no split at the beginning, and it was also to let Ren Yao unify scheduling.

Looking at this situation now, it is only a matter of time before it splits. At that time, Zhou Bo will certainly follow the trend and become the commander of the legion. Han Xin’s position is probably above the commanders of the legions.

The establishment of the water army by the Lingnan Army.

In fact, there is no foundation at all, and now only some broken fishing boats are in hand.

You can’t even build your own boats!

But Yingche still decided to build up the water army as soon as possible.

The main purpose is well known to everyone, but no one dares to say it.

It is to stifle Han Xin.

The place in Lingnan is very special, and there is only one Shaoguan to the Central Plains. As long as Shaoguan was closed, Lingnan would be able to immediately isolate itself from Daqin.

Not to mention, with Han Xin’s ability, and the prestige in the Lingnan Legion. Even if he was loyal, the imperial court could not do without countermeasures.

Build a navy and open a sea route.

In the case of ships completely dependent on external distribution, it can be said that the lifeblood of the Lingnan Army is no longer in its own hands.

Of course, with ships, the most convenient thing is commerce.

Huiji County is Yuken County.

Since Wang Ling was last neglected, he was affirmed by the emperor for this idea. Just go to the fist to build the port.

In the beginning, this location was just chosen from the map.

When Wang Ling came to investigate the field, he found that there was a providence in the underworld.

This place was chosen so right!

Of the neighboring counties, only this is the most suitable.

Lou County to the north, guarding the mouth of the Yangtze River. In fact, the location is better, but because of the silt downstream, it is all shallows, which is not suitable for building a port.

The same is true of Haiyan County to the south.

Only by fist, the depth of the water can allow a fully loaded ship to moor. And there is also a specialty here – sea salt!

The benefits of selling salt are unimaginably huge.

The richest man in the Warring States, Yu Dun, relied on Hedong Chiyan to accumulate wealth and surpass Tao Zhu in one fell swoop and became the richest man in the world.

There is so much money that I am afraid!

In desperation, he dug his own canal and helped the poor everywhere, not to mention a good reputation. The money is still inexhaustible!

Now, once the city is built by the port of the fist. Haiyan will be marketed all over the world!

When the time comes, the wealth will roll in!

Wang Ling himself was not greedy for this salt profit. He is already rich, and too much money is not necessarily a good thing.

But he had an ideal to help the imperial court make money! This will become his political achievement and help him rise to high political positions.

With this temptation, Wang Ling was extremely concerned about the construction of Yuquan Port.

In order to get the support of Yuquan County Order, Wang Ling personally prepared generous gifts and went to the door to lobby.

Ling Wuqing of Yuquan County is said to be a descendant of Wu Zixu.

In the county office, he hosted the royal tomb who came to visit.

Wang Ling’s current identity is the head of the Ministry of Commerce. The position is not high and the power is not heavy, but it is the purpose of building a port.

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