We went into the tent together.

Chen Qingzhi asked Yingteng directly.

“How do you want to put out this fire?” How long will it burn? ”

Yingteng smiled bitterly and said, “I also want to extinguish this fire.” It’s too torturous to burn, it’s better to rush to the front and fight a few battles. You see, you have calmed Fuso. I’m still playing with fire in this damn place. ”

An Jisheng was a little embarrassed. This idea was made by him, but he did not expect that now the army is stuck in an embarrassing situation. It’s safe, but it’s urgent.

Chen Qingzhi did not grind and directly said his thoughts.

“Old Teng, I think you put this fire well! This is a fire of divine punishment, and it is the gods who show their anger to the people! Keep burning, don’t stop. ”

Yingteng was a little surprised to hear Chen Qingzhi’s evaluation.

At the beginning, Chen Qingzhi opposed setting fire to Buyeo, and he also heard about it.

I don’t know what new idea Chen Qingzhi has?

“Qingzhi, I’m a little older than you, and I call you a brother. Do you have any good ideas? Let’s hear it, when is the best time to burn this fire? ”

Chen Qingzhi walked to the map and pointed to the area around Fushi Mountain.

“Burn the fire here. It is said that God will send down the apocalyptic punishment, and only the newly born angels can save the people! ”

Only a newly incarnated angel can save the Yoren!

The idea sounds good.

Out of fear of divine punishment and out of desire to escape from this apocalyptic land, the people will be attached to the new angel Lu Jia.


Chen Qingzhi’s words are not finished.

Yingteng and An Jisheng were shocked for no reason. Faintly felt that what Chen Qingzhi wanted to say next might be a peerless poisonous scheme!

Chen Qingzhi’s gaze was calmly cast into the distance. The hand pointed to the vast sea in the distance outside the tent.

“Shinten, using a large ship that the Wajin has never seen, takes the Wato to escape. Immediately thrown into the deep sea of silence! ”

I couldn’t help but imagine that scene.

Even Yingteng and An Jisheng were a little chilly.

The number of people is huge, whether they are beheaded or buried alive, they must be killed for a long time. It’s easy to panic, which makes it harder and harder to start.

This way, very quiet.

Take the people to the open sea, and kick them all down. It saves time and effort, and it is not easy to be recognized.

The people who remained would only think that they had all gone to the promised land. I will only be very annoyed that I did not catch the ship in front.

Now Yingteng knows, why can Chen Qingzhi be so strong?

Not only because when he was in the Prince’s Mansion, he was from the Dragon Lord. Also because he is indeed a strong-willed, unwise general!

“Okay, just follow Brother Qingzhi’s strategy!”

Winteng stood up and agreed.

“But in this way, the strategy of setting fire needs to change.”

“That’s right.”

Chen Qingzhi pointed to the area north of Fushi Mountain and said, “Let’s first break the whole into pieces and scatter our troops. Along the way, catch more wild horses to domesticate and give the soldiers to ride. Once here, a mountain fire was lit and burned from three directions towards Fukushi Mountain. ”

An Jisheng was not originally a general, but he was a little clever.

This conversation inspired him a lot.

He found that the general’s thinking was purposeful. Either take the momentum, or take profit, or slightly, or slaughter the army!

So what they have to do now is to make up the lie that God is going to destroy the world.

Let the helpless people believe in God even more.

Then, under God’s guidance, it leads to destruction.

Shu County.

Yingche has been in Xianyang Palace for a long time, and he has always wanted to find an opportunity to come out and stroll.

These thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are his, but there is no feeling just drawn on the map. Only by seeing and walking through can you really feel the feeling of “there is no royal land under the whole world”.

Shu Dao!

When Sima Qiao led the army into Shu, he carved out a marching road.

Although it is difficult to walk, the ancestors of the successive generations, with the Shu grain transported out from this road, have gradually become stronger and even unified.

This is also a meritorious road for Daqin.

After entering Shu, the situation began to change from the same.

The climate is warm and pleasant.

In recent years, some people have also begun to refer to Shudi as Tianfu. The name of Tianfu in Guanzhong, there is a faint tendency to be insecure.

Yingche feels that this kind of competition is actually quite good.

If Shudi can completely settle down, it may really be able to grab the title of “Tianfu” in Guanzhong.

The army took only Chengdu all the way.

Chengdu got its name from the former state of Shu. One year to get together, two years to become eup, three years to Chengdu.

It is a metropolis formed by the spontaneous gathering of indigenous people.

After Qin destroyed Shu, only two small cities were built in the south and west to strengthen protection.

Yingche and his party entered Chengdu, but did not reveal their identities.

In the name of this trip to Chengdu, the new county guard came to replace the old county guard.

The old county guarded Zhang Duo, but his political performance was not good, and he was dismissed by a holy decree.

The new county guard, Win Che thought and thought.

Shu County is extraordinary, not only the place is large, but also the Shu people are predominant. The four forces are all ready to move, and it is not easy to govern. It takes a character who is both civil and military to sit down.

But such a person who is both civil and military has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Finally, a person came to mind, Meng Yi.

The Meng family is faithful, and the tutor is good, and each is both civil and martial.

Therefore, the main person who entered Chengdu this time is Meng Yi on the surface.

The old county guard Zhang Duo, after receiving the news, took all the civil and military officials and went out of the city to greet him.

This Zhang Duo is old and heavy, and he is also conscientious in doing things. But it is only suitable for being a Taiping County guard in a peaceful place.

For the Shu people in Shudi, it is a little too indulgent.

The restrictions are not strict, which is why this disaster happened.

“Your Majesty Zhang Duo, greet the new Lord Meng Yi, the new county guard!”

All the officials bowed in unison to Meng Yi.

Although Meng Yi was not very old, the officials of Shudi were still very convinced of him. Just with a golden signboard of the Meng family!

The Meng family, but since the time of King Qin Zhaoxiang, has been ranked first among military attachés.

Meng Yi’s grandfather, Meng Yi, was originally from the Qi country. However, in the Qin state, especially after Bai Qi’s death, he became the pillar of the military generals, and entrusted him with a heavy minister.

In terms of merit alone, there are more cities laid down by Mengqiao than in vain!

Before the First Emperor unified the Six Kingdoms, after killing Lü Buwei, he was once extremely distrustful of foreign officials. There was even an eviction letter to expel all foreign officials.

The fruits are only left, and there are not a few expelled. Wen has Li Si, Wu Shu Mengxiao.

It shows the depth of the First Emperor’s trust in the Meng family!

The Meng family has not lived up to this trust, and its performance has always been on top of expectations.

Meng Yi hurriedly returned the courtesy, and did not ask for it.

However, after finishing the salute, he didn’t say anything and looked at Yingche.

Zhang Duo, the former county guard of Shu County, naturally had seen the emperor.

It’s just that just now, there was only Meng Yi in his eyes, and he didn’t look elsewhere.

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